Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Recycle metal hangers? Where can I recycle metal hangers in San Diego?

The Expert answers:

Most dry cleaners will take them.

Sharon asks…

how can you start a recycling business?

My partner and I want to start a local recycling business here in San Diego. We need some sort of help in finding the right location.

The Expert answers:

Goodluck with that

Ruth asks…

Where can I recycle cans, plastic, and glass and recieve cash in san diego,ca?

The Expert answers:

Check your phone book yellow pages under recyclers

John asks…

Where can I recycle or donate an old 60 inch television in San Diego/Chula Vista?

We have a large (60 inch) television that just stopped working one day. I really want to donate it (I know no one has use for a broken tv) in hopes that it could be repaired. However, If no one knows of a donation program that will attempt to repair it, can someone recommend a recycle program that will PICK UP the television from our house? (it’s huge,heavy and I have no means to transport it)

The Expert answers:

Goodwill picks up TVs, you can call (619) 420-1522 to schedule a pickup, may take weeks though.

Mary asks…

how much can u get for a recycled water heater in san diego, ca?

The Expert answers:

Can’t speak for San Diego. But in the greater Salt Lake City area we get around $12 out of a 40 gallon and about $15 from a 50. This is down about $5 from the beginning of the year.

Never been to a scrap place that had a minimum weight.

Linda asks…

where do i go and how much can u get for a recycled water heater in san diego, ca?

The Expert answers:

Locate a recycling company an ask them. Go on line or check the yellow pages.

Nancy asks…

once you sell aluminum cans to your local much does the recycle sale the cans for.?

I want to start a recycling bussines.i want to set up a site to buy cans,bottles & plastic.then resale it for recycling. i want to set up shop in san diego,california.

The Expert answers:

For current and historic scrap metal prices go to Scrap Metal Prices and Auctions website

Richard asks…

Can you put plastic bags in the Blue Recycling Bin?

Plastic Bags from grocery, clothing stores, etc., if not, where/how do I recycle them? I live in San Diego, California.

Thank You!

The Expert answers:

Searching a bit I found this link: which is a PDF document of what can and cannot be recycled in the blue bin.
Further in the document it says “Most grocery stores in California have bins for recycling plastic bags, and paper bags can be recycled in your blue bin.”

Hope this helped!

Daniel asks…

Recycling Bottles and Cans for Money?

I know there’s places in San Diego that give you money for cans but where are they? I feel stupid going up to the cashier at Von’s and asking, “Do you take cans for money?”
Do you know about any machines where you can just drop them? I’ve collected a lot of cans
back 2 saystuff, I think you get 5 cents for bottles less than 24 oz and 15 for more.

The Expert answers:

In California and Michigan, they take cans for cash. Hey Man, do me a favor, if you are in need of money, use your pc instead of just answering answers on and go to the Safeway website. Then look up your local store and call them on your cell phone. The service desk will answer and ask the question. I mean, do you think that they will remember you. YOU are doing the right thing for the environment and your self.

If they don’t, Look up recycling center in the yellow pages, and there are facilities that you can take the items into that will pay you per pound but it is really small and hell…. It may be less than the price of gas.

Good Luck

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