Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Where can i get free recycling Bins for my school?

I’m in ASB and we’re starting a recycling project for our middle school in Sacramento California. I was wondering if theres a way for us to get free recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

If there is currently a recycling company serving your school or town- ask them if they have any to provide.

If they do not, you will just have to go out and buy them, like any recycling company would have to do on the open market. If you purchase them, you can take the extra measure and have the school logo stenciled on as well.

Nothing in this world is for free. It is just the social engineering that makes everyone assume recycling bins are for free.

Lizzie asks…

How can i get recycling bins for my school?

In my school, we have a club called Key Club. well we help do things for the enviorment and organize activities of that matter. I was asked to research how to get recycling bins for my school. Yes, we can buy them but we are trying to fing a way to get them donated to my school.

please help if you can. where exacly can we go to get this info?

if it helps, look in Miami-Dade wesites, specifically the City of Homestead. thank you soooo much!!!

please help.

The Expert answers:


As some have previously stated, engaging your business community to provide the bins is a nice way for them to give back to the schools.

Additionally, one member also suggested engaging the woodshop to create bins out of old shipping pallets. That’s a great idea…especially if this is a problem for your school to get rid of.

Along those same lines, have an art teach pick this up as an assignment for one or more of their classes. Take the cardboard boxes that your school’s paper comes in and have the class decorate them with materials. You can then put these in each classroom as they get created. You can even expand this to be a project for the club (and other in the school). Again, contacting local businesses for boxes is a way to get enough for the whole school.

The nice part is that when these bins need to be replaced you can put them right into your cardboard recycling container.

Hope this helps.

George asks…

I have mold in my recycling bins. How do I get rid of them?

I sprayed them with Lysol. But it didn’t seem to do anything. I’m wary of touching it. I should probably buy gloves? Anyone have experience with cleaning mold? Should I just get rid of the recycling bins and start anew?
I’ll do that. I’ll just get rid of them. I should have just done that.
I never would have thought of vinegar. I might try that because I don’t want anyone to get sick.

The Expert answers:

Buy a new one…

Chris asks…

I want to bring recycling bins to my high school. How do I do this?

At my high school, people throw plastic bottles in the trash. Every time I see this, I keep thinking of how it could have been recycled. What steps do I need to take to bring recycling bins to my school?

The Expert answers:

If a private school, talk with the principal. A public school, you will probably need to talk with the school board and get permission for your plan, but the school principal should be able to get you started.

Sandra asks…

Where can I order those blue recycling bins in Boston?

I have collected tons of glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic bottles in my basement that need to be recycled. I couldn’t find where to order the recycling bins from the city of boston website.

The Expert answers:

The city of Boston no longer provides the small bins. As of June ’09, they began delivering large wheeled trash-barrel style recycling bins for curbside pickup.:

There are sites you can purchase the bins from, but that will run $25 – $45 apiece.

You can use a standard 32 gallon trash barrel that has an “official” sticker attached. (page 4 of the above PDF)

Good luck and kudos on being “green”.

Linda asks…

Is it illegal to take things out of recycling bins?

The other day, I saw some going through recycling bins out on the curb for pickup, and taking things out of it for deposit. Is this illegal?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is called theft and is punishable by jail and/or a fine.

If you are doing it, please stop. If you are not doing it, please don’t start.

John asks…

How can I get free recycling bins?

Im part of an environmental club at my high school and we are trying to find a way to get free recycling bins for our school. My school is in Illinois

The Expert answers:

Contavt your local recycler and see if they will give you bins. Even if there isn’t one lcal, contact your state or county recycling programs and see if they can help. I bet you can get them for free.

Daniel asks…

Who would I need to write to if I want to see recycling bins around Los Angeles?

For example, which important person like the mayor or someone like that….I need name and Address

In Cal State LA they have recycling bins where you can put paper,cans,glass….I would like some of these bins around town, next to bus stops or some place like that

The Expert answers:

I suggest you contact at least your city council person and the mayor. However, if you have the time and energy you can contact all the council people.

LA City Council contact info:

LA Mayor – Antonio Villaraigosa

Normally elected officials track how much interest the public has in issues before taking action. For the biggest impact, I suggest you encourge like minded friends to also contact elected officials.

Another tactic is to encourage them to add these bins to a limited area and continue to expand that area.

Cal State LA is not the only place in Los Angeles that has such bins. I was down at Venice Beach Sunday night and they have them too.

Mary asks…

Is it illegal to take cans from recycling bins?

I have a local trash collection area near where I live and they buy empty soda cans. On recycling days I go out around the neighborhood and take the cans from peoples recycling bins. I ask them for permission of course but is it still illegal.5

The Expert answers:

Asking permission would keep you safe, legally, if the bins are still on the owner’s property. Once the bins are set out at the curb for collection, they may be considered the property of the municipality or whoever runs the recycling program and you might be considered guilty of petty theft.

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