Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

In Australia can we put McDonalds Espresso Pronto cups in the recycling bin?

I have one draining on the wash up rack and it looks to be cardboard. It’s rinsed out well and it would be a shame to put it in the garbage but there’s a garbage bin logo on it but no recycling logo.
Giant, are you like 10? It shows.
Pedro did I ask an American answer? And thanks for encouraging vulgar trolls who are 1. rude and 2. don’t answer.
Why are Americans like that I wonder?

The Expert answers:

G’day Old Starblazers,

Thank you for your question.

I don’t know. I would call the Recycling Hotline on 1300 769 746.


Lizzie asks…

I recycle only to find out I’m not recycling?

A lot of people I know say the same thing, that they recycle but then the regular garbage truck takes the recycling bins and the garbage bins and puts it in the one truck.
What can I do about this?
What is the point of recycling if my stuff doesn’t get recycled!?!?!

I think On thursday I’m going to sit outside and wait for the trash men to come.

The Expert answers:

Why not ask the person in charge of trash and recyclables at your local unit of government. You may be in one of the areas switching over to “single streaming” of trash and recyclable together. Which cuts overhead in half due to no more need for duplication of equipment and people. Municipal recycling by it’s nature is not cost effective due to market conditions.

It may also be too that no one has a cost effective market for the items collected so to save money and fuel costs, government may have decided to keep the social engineering in place until such time as recycling can be a break even venture for the unit of government overseeing the operation.

Richard asks…

If you throw away an old garden hose, do you put it in a recycle bin or regular garbage bin?

my parents wanted to know.

The Expert answers:

Not meaning to be obnoxious, but the better option is to repair it and keep using it, or give it to someone who needs one! I just fixed mine:

Maybe they could put a notice on Craigslist or Freecycle… Or even just put it on the curb with a sign that says “free”. Many people will be happy to take an old leaking garden hose, since they can be used for a whole variety of DIY projects such as making a drip irrigation system.

Yours in Frugal Green-ness,
Rebecca The Greeniac

Charles asks…

Forgot to put out garbage, which is full? I know it is wrong to put it in recycling bin, but it hasmore space?

Is this illegal and/or unethical? Any other ideas? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

In Concord, you can take it to the recycling center on Old Turnpike Rd. For regular garbage, you will not be charged. You can take some other things there also without charge. If you are a Concord resident, go to the Concord city website. If you are in another town, check with your town; you may be able to take your garbage to the town dump without being charged.

Betty asks…

How does recycling work in BC? Vancouver Island specifically.?

I just moved here from Ontario. In Ontario, apartment buildings provide recycling bins and have it taken away. The building I am in apparently does not have any recycling except for a cardboard bin out back.

I say apparently because there is a locked room on each floor that says it is for garbage and recycling but when I asked the landlord he said all garbage and cardboard had to be taken out back.

Is he crazy or what? What is the recycling situation out here?

The Expert answers:

Vancouver Island recycles.

Michael asks…

How can you tell if the stuff you put in the recycling bin is really recycled?

I live in a condominium and we have 3 or 4 different labeled recycling bins. I started to separate my garbage and put them in the respecting bins. my mom thought i was wasting my time because she thinks they just put the recyclable stuff with the trash.
How can you tell whether or not they recycle the recyclables or they just throw it in with the trash?

The Expert answers:

The truth is you can’t. Some recycling operations are a joke. Many times the valuables are taken out and the balance at thrown in the trash. I guess you can know you did your part.

Donald asks…

Shouldn’t fast food joints have recycling bins in the restaurants?

They put recyclable labels on everything, but no one is going to carry there garbage home so they can recycle it.

The Expert answers:

I think you should extend that to EVERY office building in the UK/world.

They are easily the worst out of the lot – all of that paper, plastic cups, hundreds/thousands of workers food packaging which is just binned without a second thought each day…

Think of all the recycling that could be done there – but do any of these business care or do anything? Hell f*cking no!

George asks…

Why did my garbage man dump not take my wine bottles in the recycling bin? (just the cans)?

He took the trash (brown bin) & everything else in the green recycling bin, but not the glass wine bottles? Instead he dumped them in our brown trash bin?
Should I make a complaint?
You mean, when you roll out your recycling/trash bins outside in front of your house- for them to take the next morning….they don’t take glass bottles. I’m not sure that makes sense. They took them before.
I checked…wine bottles are ok. Definitely not meant for the trash bin.

The Expert answers:

Many cities don’t pick-up bottles because they have no recycle places for them. There for it is up to you to find a recyclers. Make it a project to get one started in your town, or make it known to the rest of the folks in your town of the need..

Joseph asks…

when i say recycling and garbage, what comes to mind?

*please read*
Hi! i am making an outfit completely out of garbage and recycled material, but im running out of things to make it with.

Aside from newspaper, food wrappers (chip bags, wrappers on bottles of water, etc), plastic bags, and bottles/scrap paper in a recycling bin. what else comes to mind?
(example- if it were possible, banana peels and brown leaves would instantly remind me of composting, but i cant make a dress out of that.) please keep it related to garbage and recycling, thanks 🙂
when people ask me (btw its a halloween costume but i need a lot of time to work on it) im going to say, i am “something you forgot”. So basically anything people throw away and forget about. 🙂

The Expert answers:

You can do many things with long lengths of colored bubble wrap, old nylons, lawn and leaf bags (Debora Harry of Blondie did a music video with a hefty bag for a dress in about 1979 for example.)

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