Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

How much money do you get, per pound, for recycling pop cans?? In Indiana? In Michigan?

My soccer team is doing a fundraiser by recylcing cans. I’m just trying to gauge how long it will take to reach out goal, but i don’t know what he payout is for cans in Indiana compared to Michigan. I live close to the border, so I know MI will only accept cans with refund posted on the top.

The Expert answers:

Michigan doesn’t do it per/pound it is per can that is a Michigan can. 10cents per bottle(glass or plastic) or can.

You are comparing apples to oranges between the two states.

Maria asks…

What are some recycling companies found in Michigan?

I am the president of the student council at my school, and i want to get a recycling thing going there so we can help the enviroment, but it is hard to find contact info. for recycling companies, let alone finding recycling companies at all! If someone can please help that would be great! thank you!

The Expert answers:

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has links to companies and groups based on your county. You could also contact them, explain your situation, and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Donna asks…

when you recycle cans in michigan do you get 10 cents and if they are smashed do you still get 10 cent per can?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you get 10 if the can is bought and returned in Michigan. The amount you get back, if any, is noted on each can, glass bottle, or plastic bottle that has a deposit.

If you take them to the store and use the machines, the machines cannot read the barcode if the pop can is too smashed. I just try to straighten out the can. However, I have been to some non-chain grocery stores that take my pop cans and they have not said anything about the couple cans that are smashed in my bag.

Ruth asks…

Can someone who lives out of state redeem bottle deposits in Michigan?

I live in KS and have barrels of pop cans and bottles ready to recycle. Thinking if Michigan really pays 10 cents each, it might be worth a road trip. Can I do this and where would I go for a large quantity redemption? Is it okay that the cans are crushed?

The Expert answers:

Michigan only pays for cans and bottles that are stamped with mi and 10 cents. We have machines also that crush them, and the machines reject the ones that aren’t stamped correctly.

Nancy asks…

Recycling everything in Michigan??

I live in Inkster, Michigan(Wayne County). I would like to try and start recycling or scrapping like everything that I can. I am having trouble finding places on the internet that will help me determine where to go.
My dads scrapping metal right now and theirs alot of bike tires,..
i do not want to just throw them away for the garbage man.
Where do i recycle those rubber tires and other rubber??
Any other websites that will help me out on this recycling thing would be greatly appreciated and more so with information for the area i live in.

xox Brittany xox

The Expert answers:

Most of the trash companies will also do recycling. They give you a seperate bin to put your recyclables in.

Also, Michigan doesn’t “give” you 10 cents for your bottles. They repay you the 10 cents they charged you for the deposit.

Paul asks…

Can you take your cans to a meijer in michigan to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Yes as long as they sell that brand there and it has a deposit on it . Just put them in the machine one at a time as fast as you can .When you finished you get a ticket take it to the cashier and get you money. They use to take non deposit cans from ohio but they got wise . Now the machines will not take them and its a good hefty fine trying to pass them on . We get 10 cents each for them

Steven asks…

michigan aluminum cans?

when you recycle cans in michigan will they accept them crushed or do they only take cans that aren’t crushed?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle cans in any condition; they’re just scrap metal.

However, if you want to redeem them for deposit, they have to be in good enough shape that the bar code can be scanned.  The Tomra machines which take the cans crush them, so crushed cans are not accepted for redemption of the deposit for obvious reasons.

Jenny asks…

do i have to be a michigan resident to recycle aluminum cans in michigan?

The Expert answers:

No you do not, however if your state is listed on the can, you can get a higher return, say 10 cents instead of 5 cents, per can.

There was an interesting news article in California about a guy who went to jail for recycling fraud.
I could not find the exact article, but this one is similar.


Carol asks…

which Kroger’s can i recycle cans at?

I live on the border of Ohio and Michigan. I want to recycle my bag of cans that can be recycled at in Michigan. my roommates have done it before at a Krogers there. which one should i go to?

The Expert answers:

It doesnt have to be a Kroger store, it could be at ANY store that recycles cans, such as Meijer and even some of tha Indian stores even take canz. You get 10 cents a piece for em, and they dont JUST take cans, they also take bottles (glass and plastic)

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