Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

Ideas for recycled crafts?

Do you guys have any ideas of crafts to make out of recycled materials?

The Expert answers:

Check out the Reusing, Recycling, Recrafting board at for loads of different ideas:
(…especially the first two)

Laura asks…

does anyone know any good recycled crafts to make?

Looking for thigns to make out of what coudl be concidered recycled materials…..any ideas, links woudl be very helpful


The Expert answers:

There are some crafts here.


Linda asks…

CREATIVE PPL:Recycled Crafts—Urgent Help needed please? :)?

Okay so I have this competition at school and we have to make something out of recycled stuff that is :-
Fabric ; etc.
Could you suggest for a craft, something unique yet easy. Something noone else would even have thought of. All I have for now is a number of photoframes.
Thankyou so much.
ps: if I win the contest, im so sharing the reward with you! (:

The Expert answers:

Okay – Paper
one of the coolest things we ever did was make envelopes out of recycled paper. The kids used old maps, calendars, sheet music, magazine covers, you name it. Look online for something called “Funvelopes” to kinda get the gist. Depending on the picture, you may have to put a small white mailing label where the address goes. You can really mail these.

Newspaper can also be used to make little pots to hold seedlings. When they are ready to plant in the ground, you just plant the whole thing.

I saw a guy on TV who made all his living room furniture out of FedEx boxes. That was cool.

Milk jugs can be made into planters. Plastic bags from stores can be crocheted and made into beach bags. (that one is actually pretty cool, you could google, plastic bag crochet)

This is my favorite!
I make all kinds of recycled things out of fabric. Old jeans make great purses, quilts, totes, wash cloths. Men shirts make great quilts. I cut the designs in a square out of old t-shirts my sons had and iron interfacing on the back and made a quilt. T-shirts can also be made into shopping bags. Cut off the sleeves and cut the neckline a little deeper. Sew the bottom closed and you’ve got a recycled shopping bag to bring to the grocery.
I took the bib off an old pair of my nieces overalls and added fabric to the bottom and now it’s an over-all dress. I took the top part of a pair of her jeans and cut just about the crotch and sewed a bunch of net and now it’s like a tutu, but she wears it to the store with leggings.
Jeans can be made into book covers. Sew one of the pockets to the front and you’ve got a place to put assignments or pens. What if you made a wedding gown or some elaborate dress, completely out of recycled stuff. Did you see the thing on the internet where the girl made her prom dress out of gum wrappers?
Whatever you do, take pictures showing the steps from beginning to end.
Good Luck

Lizzie asks…

Looking for recycled crafts .?

love to make recycled crafts. I make bags, pillows, and blankets out of old Levi. I also make bags and rugs out of plastic grocery bags. I sell these at the local farmers market. Does anyone know of other crafts that use recycled items? Because I’m selling these I need something more then how to make 100 diffrent things out of TP rolls.
Has any one seen any tin can crafts?

The Expert answers:

Check the websiite below

Maria asks…

Recycled crafts ideas?

For class i have to make a recycled item craft. Using tissue boxes toilet paper rolls etc. I thought about making flowers out of an egg carton, but i feel like that its too un – original. Do u have any original ideas that are very interesting but not too complicated ( like involving an oven or fire etc) Thanks For Your Time 🙂

The Expert answers:

Ha, my colleagues call me “junkie” – because I can’t pass any junk sitting at the curve of the street without imagining what I could turn that stuff into…:-) So here are some links which might give you some ideas…

Make scupltures from orange peel – the site is in French, but you do not need to speek French to understand how to do the carving.

Tape sculptures – tutorials

Recycle art with poptabs:

Recycle tin cans:

How to make a poptar:

Crochet with Plarn: – cut up some plastic bags and crochet a tote bag

Make coffee stirrer stars:

Hope this will give you some ideas…:-)

Susan asks…

sewing project ideas? or recycled crafts?

I like sewing and am looking to start making things I can sell in a boutique. I have made some cute drawstring bags and checkbook covers and sleep masks but I need more ideas. Also, I don’t have use of a machine (everything is hand stitched) so they would need to be small things. Anyone?

The Expert answers:

U could make some hair bands and hair tyes. Also yoga pants too. Heres how u make them

Sandra asks…

What are some fun and easy crafts to do with recycled things?

The Expert answers:

Milk Carton Birdhouse
Toothbrush Bracelets
Bottle Cap Locket Milk
Carton Pirate Ship
Craft Trash Matcher List
Cardboard Rain Stick
Oatmeal Soap on a Rope
Bottle Cap Ornament
Cereal Box Puzzle
Egg Carton Tulips
Broken Umbrella Magazine Rack
Cassette Tape Business Card Holder
Egg Carton Heart
Food Fridge Magnets
Egg Carton Wastebasket
Milk Carton Antique Blocks
Vintage Image Bottle Cap Magnets
Magnetic Keyboard Calendar
Computer Keyboard Wallet
Cash Register Receipt Wallet

Cardboard Box Easel
Craft Carry-All
Bird Binoculars
Juice Box Buddies
CD Case Wipeboard
Altered Pop-Tab Can
Crayon Nibbles
Recycled Cowboy Boot Purse
Recycled Devil Horn Headband
Homemade Humingbird Feeder and Food Recipe
Recycled CD Clock
Wraps Book Purse
Paint Chip Garland
Mittens from Shrunken Sweaters
Lost Mitten Puppets

George asks…

Crafts or ideas made from Recycled materials?

i’m looking for a fairly simple or a fairly simple craft of idea for a craft or accessory made from recycled materials. I found this cool braclet made from materials from a old computer. Any help please? This sounds kinda silly but i’m also trying to impressive my senior mentor, because he’s a genius! hah

The Expert answers:

A good recycled craft is knitting and crocheting with plarn. It’s plastic yarn made from the plastic bags you get from the grocery store.

Here’s a bag made of it:

Donna asks…

looking for a store that sells recycled items only for crafts?

anywhere in canada or us with a website.

The Expert answers:

Try any crafts stores!

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