Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What is the color of the recycle bin to recycle paper and aluminium?

For the recycle bins.

The Expert answers:

Do you mean the type for use at home to put out to the curb?

Municipalities differ at times, and the colors where you live may differ from where I live.

In Orlando FL. For example they may be Red for cans, bottles, plastic…and blue for newspaper. In another county that may change to Green and Orange etc., and are available through the agency designed to handle recycling.

At a public recycling facility they may all be green or just large 20 yard dumpsters. In Washington state the glass dump and metals dump were in separate, open top, semi trailers, backed up to platforms at level, and anyone just dumped their waste in.

Lisa asks…

How can I get my apartment community to get a recycle bin?

I am a recycle junkie but I want to make it more accessible to other people in my community. Does anyone know a good way to promote recycle bins in the apartment complex? I understand that it would more than likely come down to the almighty buck. However, we would ( I think be the first community to do so. Please if anyone has any ideas, feel free to email them to me. Thanks Bunches!

The Expert answers:

Could you contact your local town or village (wherever the apartment community is based) to find out how your community to get involved with recycling? Find out all info you can, then present to the property management. If you have your info at the ready instead of asking them to do it (and they see that it can be done for a reasonable price), maybe it will fly.
Good luck! Hope it works.

Daniel asks…

How to view all users recycle bin contents?

Im the computer administrator, but cant work out how to view other users recycle bins? Need to delete items as im having a comp cleanup.


The Expert answers:

Close all programs.

Goto the Start Menu => All Programs => Accessories then double click on “Command Prompt”

In the Command prompt box that comes up type “RD /s C:RECYCLER” and press enter. Then type “RD /s C:RECYCLED” and press enter.

Goto the Start Menu => All Programs => Accessories. Right click on “Command Prompt” and run as Administrator

In the Command prompt box that comes up type “RD /s C:$recycle.bin” and press enter.

If you have partitions other than “C:”, then you will have to do the same on those drives too.

Helen asks…

Why do people who work in offices not have a recycle bin at there workplace.?

I am a cleaner and proud ov it.I just hate having to put all recyclable waste in trash bins with every other garbage.I ask week after week,why donte you have a recycle bin.I go to work with a big bag and i put aluminum cans and newspapers in it to take home.Yea i get free newspapers and a huge pile ov aluminum cans at home.

The Expert answers:

That isn’t a fair question I work for a company that employs over 7000 associates and we have recycling bins. If this is a small company maybe you should try talking to the owner if it is a larger company check with the HR department for the best way to voice your concerns. Being green is good for PR chances are if you approach this positively and professionally you can achieve your goal.

Sandra asks…

Why dont recycle bins not allow pizza boxes ?

The Expert answers:

Most empty pizza boxes also include grease and cheese, both of which are considered contaminants when mixed with recyclable paper.

Maria asks…

shouldnt off licences have recycle bins in yard to encourage recycling of their particular packagings?

if independant stores had recycling bins suitable for their particular product perhaps the government could subsidide the price for recycling and maybe some of the stores council tax that way maybe independant stores could grow rather than deminish

or if we bought for example kelloggs cornflakes perhaps their should be a free post address to send it back to then they could recycle it without needing to supply more recycling centres,

the main trouble we find in our area is recycling plastic

The Expert answers:

Off licences are just a tiny part of the problem.

Supermarkets and all smaller stores, with a little thought could reduce their packaging by a massive margin. Poly trays and cling film, needn’t be used. 3 apples packed in a tray and covered in heat shrunk film could be sold loose, banana’s oranges nuts etc all come in their own packaging, why add to this? Plastic bags need not be given away 5 at a time, the supplement that comes with your Sunday paper need not be put in a plastic bag. Some plastic cartons and bottles could be replaced with card containers. If you walk round the local shop, add up the items which are packed un-necessarily and write to the stores headquarters. A third of what we buy is thrown away before we get to our goodies. Its at the start we need to make the changes, then there wouldn’t be such a furore when dealing with ‘our’ crap. Mick

Joseph asks…

What can I do with burned out fluorescent bulbs? They will not take in the recycle bins.?

The Expert answers:

I have seen bulb recycle bins at Lowes and Home Depot. Also battery bins are at Best Buy and some office supply stores.

Nancy asks…

Why aren’t there recycle bins at Starbucks for paper products like coffee cups and napkins?

Their website says that it is up to the individual starbucks landlords to make decisions on recycling. I live in a community where recycling is abundant so I am shocked that it is not available in any of the shops. When asking the barista she said that the materials they use for coffee cups, sleeves, napkins, etc. are already recycled so they can’t be recycled again. I’ve never heard of this. Is it true you cannot recycle products made from recycled products?

The Expert answers:

Maybe this is only in Starbucks USA. I love Starbucks, and I live in Japan, and they have everything- recycle bins for paper, for plastic, for other nonburnable, trash can for leftovers.
Maybe because in Japan the recycling policy is stronger, Starbucks is also required to follow it.

John asks…

Does throwing regular trash into the recycle bin create jobs?

I think that my continuous use of recycle bins for regular, smelly, disgusting trash is good for the economy, because some government environmentalist trash worker, must then sort through my disgusting trash, to pick out the bottles, cans and other stuff that were also deposited.

Is this a good thing I’m doing in providing jobs and job security to trash sorters?

The Expert answers:

No. This is an example of malinvestment.

Real economic growth is done through production of goods and services. By throwing trash into the recycle bin, you would be effectively destroying wealth because the trash sorter is having to do unnecessary work. It would be better if they could do more productive work.

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