Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

How do I get the recycle bin icon back on my desktop?

I meant to delete the items in my recycle bin,but I accidentally deleted the recycle bin icon on my desktop instead. Does anybody know how to get it back? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Heres a good explanation if youre using vista. I hear xp is more convoluted, but it might work the same way:
1) Right click the Vista Desktop
2) Click on Personalize
3) Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4) At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.

Lizzie asks…

What are the ways that we can recycle any kind of products in Alexandria- Egypt?Who do we send them to?

Ok so over here we already know that we should recycle materials and all, but the problem is that not everybody knows how to recycle them. so what are the places here that we can send the materials to that we want to recycle? (in Egypt-Alexandria). Also are there any organisations that accept clothes and school books as a way of charity?

The Expert answers:

The easiest way to recycle is to keep things local — there should be organizations in Alexandria that you can distribute recycled materials.

For clothes and school books, call various international NGOs and UN agencies that might serve the Alexandria area; a search on Google of such orgs, such as Save the Children, Oxfam, UNESCO, etc. Should give you the contact info you need. Also call universities — they might have community outreach programs as well. You can also call schools directly.

In additions to clothes and school books, think about computer materials and other tech tools (like cell phones). All of the above may be able to help you find to donate these products as well. If you can’t find charities that can reuse these items, contact recycling businesses that may recycle tech tools and electronics for-profit (which will keep tech waste out of your landfills).

Richard asks…

What are some ways I can recycle when I live in an apartment building?

I live in an apartment building where there are many apartments and tenants. It is a one bedroom apartment that I have. All of my storage is completely in use ( I have one closet, kitchen cupboards, and space under my sinks, all completely in use). I am not allowed to leave items in the hallway or put stuff outside. So how can I collects items to recycle without it being an eyesore inside my apartment and without attracting bugs? What kind of stuff could I recycle that would be apartment friendly?

The Expert answers:

If you have a computer with a printer, consider keeping your old printouts in the lid of a computer paper box and writing on the other side of the paper before taking them down to a recycling center.

I think your best option is to reduce waste rather than increase recycling. Take a look at what you are throwing out or considering for the recycling bin. For instance, if you are collecting plastic grocery bags to take to recycling, consider buying a “permament” (nylon / cotton) grocery bag online and taking it to the store with you. Use glass glasses instead of paper cups. And so on.

Make a point of locating your closest recycling center and consider making more frequent trips — by bicycle.

Just a few thoughts.

Good luck, and thanks for recycling.

David asks…

How do I recycle my old laptop with important information on my hard drive?

I would like to find a cheap or free way to delete all important information on my hard drive before I recycle it.

The Expert answers:

Simply reformatting won’t be enough: In fact it’s not that hard to recover data from a formatted drive. What you need is something like Eraser; a free program developed under the open-source GNU public licence.

I’ve included 2 links below: One to the home page of Eraser, and the other to a Google listing of similar programs.

Google is your friend.

George asks…

How can I recycle paper to make new paper at home?

I have loads of scrap, extra, and used paper stored in my room and I want to make useable new paper at home to recycle it.

Any instructions/ideas for making this paper?
I mean an easy method that can be done at home without any acids and chemicals and difficult processes like that.

It doesn’t have to turn out like “real” perfect paper, just something simple.

The Expert answers:

If you just want cute paper that you can write and wrap with…. Just put all the same color in a blender and blend it. Add some water of course. After blended dump onto a screen and just flatten it with something heavy. We always made it outside! Use a brick or something. And make sure that there isn’t anything like a table or something under it so the air will get to the back to dry. After it has dried then pull it off! There you go!

Charles asks…

How can I recycle cotton at home other than reducing and reusing?

Other than reducing and reusing, how can I recycle cotton at home? What chemicals should I use? I mean I know I’ve got to make it pulp with a belnder and then what happens next? What chemical should I add or what should I do? PLEASE HELP!

The Expert answers:

Wash it out would be the only way I could think of.

Donald asks…

Where can I recycle and what can be recycled?

I know this sounds like a silly questions because most of the time you put your recycables in a recycle bin and leave it at your curb for the recycle truck. I used to do this. But now I live at an apartment complex that doesnt do recycling. So where can I bring my recycables to be recycled? Is there someplace to drop them off or do I need my complex to do it?

Also what can be recycles besides plastic bottles and glass bottles? If anything else can you recycle it the same way as everything else?

The Expert answers:

What could you recycle aside from Plastic and Glass Bottles?

You can try recycling flat cardboard such as shoebox cardboard and cereal box cardboard, you can also try paper recycling and recycle things like Newspapers.

The first answerer took my idea of were you can recycle, I was also going to suggest a Bottle Bank….

Hmm… can try going to a Recycling Center(If you have one around were you live), or you can just go to any store, there should be at least one recycling bin or recycling can there.

Thomas asks…

What are some things you can recycle in a cafeteria?

My daughter is putting up some posters about recycling in her school cafeteria. She already has a milk carton and a soda can on her poster. What are more things you can recycle in a cafeteria???

The Expert answers:

Really anything plastic like water bottles, cans, any type of plastic bottles I had a science project on this a few weeks ago and this is what I put. Hope this helps!!

Chris asks…

How do I recycle plastic bottles and glass bottles?

My family and I go through about 100 plastic water bottles a month! We also go through maybe 12 glass bottles of root beer a month (does add up) a month.

We do not recycle these, and I want to (better later then never right?) How do I do this? I live in SE Wisconsin if that makes a difference.

The Expert answers:

Not sure what town you live in but try this link:

You just have to find what town you live in, or by, or enter your zip code.

It has all of the recycling centers in Wisconsin, you might even be able to make a little bit of money back turning in all your bottles and glass.

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