Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

How do I remove the recycle bin icon from desktop?

I want to remove the icon for the recycle bin from my desktop, so I looked up a few methods online, but because my laptop is given to me by my school, I don’t have the administrative privileges that are needed to perform these. Is there a way to get rid of it, without having the privileges?

The Expert answers:

No But why would you want to remove it.

Joseph asks…

Girls .. if every High School had a recycle bin for ex boy friends, how full would ur schools bin be?

10% ….. 20% …… 30% …… higher maybe?

The Expert answers:

Empty! Totally Empty! You through one in and some *itch comes and grabs him! So many girls so few guys…thats my school

Sharon asks…

Which city official should I contact to request recycling bins in my neighborhood?

I live in Houston (Northside village, 77009). Other surrounding neighborhoods in Houston have curbside recycling, but my neighborhood does not. I have to drive mine to a facility about 5 miles away. Even the schools in my area don’t have bins for paper. Does anyone know who to contact to try to ge this fixed?

The Expert answers:

Jenny asks…

Why did my friend……?

I was with my guy friend and we were in the elevator and we were taking down the giant recycling bins for school and he kissed my hand and he said don’t tell any one what does that mean

The Expert answers:

That means he fancys u and thats his way of expressing him self

John asks…

How to help your environment?

So, for school. the district put up a mandatory ‘contest’
Ironic. I know. and so its how to help your shcool and community by changing or adding something. Do you have any ideas? They’re welcomed!

[The school is giving up to 500 dollars so that this can be carried out, or for use for materials for the idea]

Example: My friend. She surveyed and asked many people if they were more likely to recycle if our school had recylcing bins. [we dont have any] 90% said yes. $15 can buy one recycling bins, and $500 dollars total would mean about 33 bins or so. Thats it.

I need something like this. thanks for your help!

The Expert answers:

Plant lots of trees. Good for the enviroment. Or dont use as much paper, like front and back or something

Mary asks…

Will you help me, help my community?

I am earning my Silver Award in Girl Scouts. For our final project we have to impact the community in a good way, we have to speak and meet with people from our city and plan something. I have no idea what I want to do. At first I thought I would get recycling bins for our schools, but with the school and city budgets I don’t think that will happen. Any new ideas? I live in a small town in California that gets extremely hot in the summer and has very little money to spare. Any ideas would be amazing. Thank you to anyone that has helpful input.
Oops! Um I didn’t mean to put it in this section, but whatever.
I don’t live by a beach, so I can’t do a clean up and another detail; I live in a complete college town. Hope that helps.

The Expert answers:

If it gets hot, could you organize a service that helps elderly and sick people get to “cooling centers,” places with air conditioning where they can stay through the hottest days?

You would basically be coordinating volunteer transportation, with maybe some extra help for the disabled.

Really hot weather can be very dangerous for the elderly and disabled, who frequently cannot afford to pay for air conditioning.

Donna asks…

Ideas on environmental club?

I’m in the environmental club in my high school … I need to bring up some ideas for this club dealing with the environment … an example could be like wearing green during a school day to represent the environment, or having recycling bins around the school. i need some new and creative ideas …

The Expert answers:

Collect trash, talk to other schools about recycling like younger kids(elementary and middle schools), have recycle bins in every classroom and in the lunch room, make go green t-shirts, make signs and postthem around the school with defferent ways to save water and other things that anyone can simply do at home.

Maria asks…

How do I start a recycling program at my high school?

we need to get recycle bins for the lunchroom. we waste so many cans and plastic bottles. how can i get teachers and other students interested?

The Expert answers:

If you’re able to start clubs at your school, start a “Mother Earth” club, that’s what I did. I found a teacher to be our sponsor and then we called around and got the garbage companies to donate some recycling cans. BUT before we got the official cans, there were just regular trashcans (with lids) that had little holes in them so that aluminum cans could go into them…later we learned that plastic could also be combined. But we just put up some posters that reminded people to recycle, and then on the trashcan itself (laminated) we had signs that said, “Only cans + plastic bottles”

PLUS, at our school we have an “environmental science” class, so they were a big help and the students in there got a BUNCH of boxes and so in every classroom there’s a box for plastic/aluminum/glass, and one for paper, and this was before we even got the “official” bins…and I’m pretty sure there was a recycling dumpster. ANYWAYS, the kids in that class would come around once a week and recycle everything in the boxes. So, you don’t need to have anything official, I think as long as you’ve got a recycling dumpster (if not, call school’s garbage company, see if they can donate one or give you one for cheaper) then you’ll be just fine.

I hope this helps!

And trust me, I know how frustrating it is to see just how much waste piles up after lunches, but it’s awesome to see you interested in helping fix the problem. 🙂

Michael asks…


To start this off, I just want to say im not by any means a tree hugger, but we do need to help the environment! OK, I live in a small Texas Town where NOBODY recycles, and I was think, it should be a law that all schools HAVE TO have recycling bins. Just think how much paper and plastic would be recycled if every school in the U.S. recycled, I am in Junior High and I know we get tons of paper-work every day. If all of that paper was recycled we could save BILLIONS of trees, also since plastic doesn’t deteriorate in landfills, it would give us more room for landfills. You may not realize it but we use lots of plastic, for milk, water, ect. Also all the supplies the school get comes in…you guessed it cardboard boxes, if we recycled those it would do wonders for the environment!! What do you think should it be a law for all schools to recycle?
I know that but still it takes what two seconds to sort your stuff

The Expert answers:

First let me say that I think it’s great that you’re thinking of these kinds of issues at your age. Bravo! I think you’re on to something. Washing D.C. (our beloved government) is working on being the first capital in the world to become carbon neutral. I think that all government, state and local governments should recycle. Schools, hospitals, police and fire stations should also be as green as possible. Recycling, the use of the new light bulbs and water conservation should be the law for all public buildings. What’s your next step? Well, I think you should contact your school board, your mayor, state legislature, and all the way to your U.S. Senator and Representatives. DON’T GIVE UP! DON’T GET DISCOURAGED! DON’T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. I’m proud of you and your idea!!! (all this sounds like a great social studies or science project… what do your parents and teacher think?)

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