Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Does recycling make the garbage 100% go away or reuse or is there still pollution caused?

People buy plastic bottles saying “I’ll just recycle it, and there will be no problem”. Is this true? Give some reasons why recycling isn’t always good.

The Expert answers:

Energy will be used to turn the recycled material into new usable material, so a small amount of pollution will be caused because of this energy. However this will always be less than the impact of throwing it into landfill and making a new one from raw materials; otherwise it wouldnt be done.

I believe there is a certain type of plastic for which the energy/ pollution used to recycle it is more than is saved, so it is not viable and is classified as non-recyclable

Chris asks…

If I leave the recycling bin out with the garbage, will the garbage man pick it up along with the regular tras?

Do they all go in the same truck or do the recycles go in a different pile and the garbage go in another?

The Expert answers:

No, as long as it’s in the proper bin, it will be picked up in a separate truck. Recycling trucks go to the recycling center to get sorted and recycles, and garbage trucks go to the dump to make a big nasty pile!

Steven asks…

Garbage and recycling toronto?

Can anyone find the stats of garbage amounts before costs of bins (and such) went up, and after? For a school project I need to compare the garbage amounts from before and after the garbage, recycling, and green bin costs went up. Does anyone know if the cost increase reduced garbage amounts? Stats would be great =)
Thanks sooo much!

The Expert answers:

I have been using my disignated recycle garbage can, and, I am truly amused by the out come. I fill it faster than than the garbage can. At thee end of the week, I dont even take garbage to the curb, because it is only about a couple, 2, pounds. Not even that. My disignated recycle can gets pretty full, preety fast. The reason ? I seperate everything that goes out the door.
I would say the ratio would be about 95 percent effecient. If that breaks down to a profit, and the cost of a bin, GREAT.

Charles asks…

Poll: Do you sort out your garbage for recycling in your home?

What items do you recycle?

The Expert answers:

Yes, we do… We don’t have garbage pick-up out here in the country, so we sort and recycle !!

– Tin cans are rinsed and crushed and go in their own barrel
– Aluminum cans and foil are crushed and go in their own barrel
– Plastic is sorted and will go in their respective barrels
– Cardboard is folded and will be recycled
– Paper is shredded and used in the wood-stove or composted
– Non-meat kitchen scraps are composted
– Meat scraps are mixed with the dog food

We are left with two small garbage bags of actual GARBAGE to drive to the dump each month… Not bad for a family of 8 !!

Richard asks…

Is Capital waste Boston’s Garbage and Recycling Contractor?

What are DPW Garbage trucks used for?

The Expert answers:

Hmm idk neva been in boston for 2 yrs

Sandy asks…

Where can I find a picture diagram for recycling, compost and garbage?

I used to live in San Francisco and they had awesome charts above each bin that showed you what can go in each one. I want my parents to know the basics but can’t seem to find any charts online. Anyone know of a site where I can print some out?

Living in Southern California….

The Expert answers:

The site below might help

Helen asks…

Recycling and the regular garbage truck?

In certain areas in Chicago there are no blue trash containers but we are told to buy the blue bags and just throw them out in the same containers as the other trash. When the garbage guys come, dont they throw it all in the same truck?? I am confused how things get separated?

The Expert answers:

I read about this blue bag system, and it seems quite flawed. Too many chances for the recyclables to get lost and damaged as they get mixed with the garbage.
The site below may give you a few alternatives to this disastrous blue bag program.
Thanks for raising the question!

Thomas asks…

Who takes out the recycling and garbage in your household?

The Expert answers:

Me. Always me. Only me! Sometimes I think I have to do everything around here. Scoop that cat poop, walk the dog, do the garbage, shovel the walk .. I am in a bad mood now.

Jenny asks…

Is there a position in the Cabinet (Canada) that has anything to do with Garbage and Recycling?

Just wondering.

The Expert answers:

Peter Kent is the Minister of the Environment. While garbage and recycling centers would be mainly a municipal responsibility, at the federal level you would probably see some involvement through grants, loans, studies, and environmental regulations and inspections.

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