Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Please help?

I have tried everything I know of

A recycling center can recycle 1500 pounds of aluminum in one hour. How many hours will it take them to recycle 10 tons of aluminum? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. (Hint: 1 ton = 2000 pounds.)

The Expert answers:

Convert the pounds to tons first

1500 (pounds per hour)/2000 (pounds in a ton) = .75 tons per hour

10 (tons to process) / .75 (tons per hour) = 13.33 hours or 13 hours and 20 minutes. The nearest 10th is 13.3 hours.

We could also convert our 10 tons to pounds and work this way.

10 (tons) * 2000 (pounds in a ton) = 20,000 pounds
20,000 (pounds to process) / 1500 (pounds per hour) = 13.34 hours or 13 hours and 20 minutes.

We can check the work:

13.3 hours of processing .75 tons per hour we’d do 13.3 * .75 which is 9.975 (remember, we rounded so this is 10)

so, your formula is

pounds to process / pounds per hour = hours needed
tons to process / tons per hour = hours needed

we just have to remember to use either pounds or tons but we can’t mix them in the same formula. ?

Mary asks…

Theoretically if you were to go below absolute zero?

Would it be a black hole? Steven hawking says as you approach a Black hole time slows down for you from the perspective of outward observers. They would never see you cross the “event horizon” because you would appear to stop. As you neared the black hole temperature would decrease because molecular movement would be constrained by the slowing of time itself. Or the slowing of molecular movement would cause time to move slower. I have a theory that temperature affects time progression. If the center of a black hole is absolute zero the complete absence of all movement perfect standstill divine order as we know it how would you ever be absorbed by the mass of the black hole itself? Also if you could go below absolute zero not only would no energy be created but energy would be absorbed and in doing so time would not be at a stand still in absolute zero but regressing or going backwards? Time travel? Also I know what your thinking but whatever passes through a blackhole cannot remain in the state it was before it entered everything ex-pulsed is pure energy making it so that the power of the present is recycled into the past to provide the energy potential to power the present.

The Expert answers:

First of all, it is not possible to go below absolute zero, since temperature is defined as a function of motion among atoms, and once that stops there is no lower to go.

Second of all, motion of atoms is not at all related to black holes. Black holes are related to density, not to motion or temperature.

Mandy asks…

Please would you helpme to write an Equation (algebra)?

I do know how to solve this homework, Antonio recycled a total of 527 lb of newspaper. He made 2 trips to the center. If he recycled 133 lb on the first trip, how many pounds did he recycle on the second trip?
Price per Pound (rounded to the nearest cent) $0.12

The Expert answers:

Haha aren’t you supposed to do that yourself on A+ anywhere? Lol!!

Daniel asks…

Do i sound silly here? I just can’t stop the paranoia?

I’m in my 2nd trimester of my first pregnancy and with this whole swine flu thing I am so worried! especially since there’s now a case very near where i live!
Do things like hand sanitizers, taking certain vitamins and avoiding indoor shopping centers help (thought of the shopping center one becuase of the recycled air and all that).

I feel a bit doppy asking this question but I’m really worried now 🙁

Thanks for all good advice 🙂


The Expert answers:

First of all, no, Vitamins will not help you and you need to be very careful what you take during pregnancy. Apart from folic acid, avoid all vitamins, especially vitamin A.

You should take the same preventative measures that you would take when protecting yourself from any other virus. Wash hands frequently and I think it’s reasonable to use hand sanitisers.

The Department of health haven’t issued any communication telling us to change the way we live, so for now carry on as normal (of course avoid travel to Mexico!), try not to worry.

If you have any questions, this is the phone number they have issued in the UK that directly offers advice: 0800 1 513 513

Susan asks…

Recycling Center in Kuala Lumpur?

Preferably near LRT stations, since I don’t have my own transport and travel using them. Got around 21 empty 1.5 mineral bottles right now, it’s a waste to just throw away.

The Expert answers:

Positive anything is better than negative thinking.

Jenny asks…

What do you think about my theory of global warming? I hope that you understood well?

Everybody thinks that the global heating is centered in the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and oceans in recent decades, but how it increases this temperature?
If the heating comes from the outside as they say, that would increase in also the rains proportionally and we had spoken of drought these last years.
Reason why the only logical explanation is that this heat comes from within Earth. If the Earth’s mantle is directly underneath crust, (it’s smaller in the oceanic zones) In the mantle, temperatures range between 500°C-900°C (932°F-1,652°F the zone of contact with the crust. how the heat climbs to the surface, if it finds more “obstacles” in their way less heat will arrive at the surface:
– In the oceanic zones the mantle is smaller and the temperature is smaller and also it crosses cold water levels so when it arrives at level zero its temperature is not sufficient to evaporate the water to form clouds and rain.
– In the terrestrial zones it is where at the end of century XIX the heat has been increased what it has happened in the crust in that time?
En 1859 Edwin Drake perforated the first oil well in Pensilvania.
The storage of Carbon in the fossil deposits (coal, petroleum and natural gas) supposes a reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric levels. If they free the fósil deposits the amount of carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is greater and we added to it that the possibilities of recycled are reduced when diminishing the wooded mass and vegetal.
the warm of the interior trying to arrive at the surface and it finds with the fossil deposits. They retain that heat so that it does not leave to the surface. These fossil deposits do not have oxygen like the carbon dioxide that are used in the extinguishers,and other thermal insulators like plastic, fabric, etc. They are derived from these fossil deposits and in addition to change to these thermal insulators by other elements more conductors of the heat, as in the case of petroleum that they introduce water, the water carrys hotter to the surface. This heat arrives at the atmosphere where they are the Greenhouse effect gases. The atmosphere retains more heat and it still gives back to the Earth more energy causing a imbalance in the radiactive balance. It casuses air masses of different temperatures take place forts rains and wind (hurricanes, etc.), and electric activity
We do not forget the tectonic plates, the increase of heat causes that there is a greater vulcanism and seismicity, and they move with more facility so they are producing more earthquakes, tidal waves (tsunami), volcanic eruptions, etc. They release more heat of interior. the governments are dedicated to prove their armament in the most unstable or fragile zones like France that bombs its atoll where it is the crater of the meteorite.

The Expert answers:

Volcanoes release vast quantities of CO2 and heat and much outgassing of CO2 and methane occurs. There is clearly heat moving from the interior of the earth toward the surface. The problem is that it isn’t that much heat radiated. The soil and rock acts as an insulator and heat consequently doesn’t transfer very fast. You do have some interesting ideas. Those are quicker mechanisms for heat transfer but I don’t think enough.

John asks…

Hi! Can you check this text please? 10 points!!?

I’m italian and this text is my homework..but I think that is not correct for the time of the verbs!
It is this:

The dumps problem is very important here. Until two years ago the situation was very bad, because only a little part of the population did the differentation of the rubbish. All of the garbage went in a dump that was situated near this town. But nowdays this dump is full, so it has to close.
Since than the authorities has tought to take emergency measures, because the rubbish problem is very serious: all of the citizens must do the differentation of the rubbish. In this way the garbage which can be recycling is send in centre of recycling, while the garbage which can’t be dispose is sent in other special centre. Like this the dumps are less full and is a very important advantage for the safeguard of the planet. But obvious, unfortunately, there are people who carry on to not respect the low, and throw away the big old objects in the countryside. So I think that the authorities should solve this important problem with new lowes which fined all the people who are surprised to throw away everythings to pay a very steep fine or to oblige this people to do useful social works, and I think also that they should has to lower the price of the dumps, because this is an other reason who induce the people to abandon the rubbish which pollute the planet.

Thank’s 😀

The Expert answers:

The dumps problem is very prominent here. Until two years ago the situation was very bad, because only a little part of the population did the differentation of the rubbish. All of the garbage went in a dump that was situated near this town. But nowadays this dump is full, so it had to close.
Since then the authorities have had to take emergency measures, because the rubbish problem is very serious: all of the citizens must do the differentation of the rubbish. In this way the garbage which can be recycled is sent to the centre of recycling, while the garbage which can’t be recycled is sent in another special centre. Like this the dumps are less full and this is a very important advantage for the safeguard of the planet. But obviously, unfortunately, there are people who carry on to not respect the law, and throw away the big old objects in the countryside. So I think that the authorities should solve this important problem with new laws which fine all the people who are surprised to throw away everything to pay a very steep fine or to oblige these people to do useful social work, and I think also that they should have to lower the price of the dumps, because this is another reason to induce the people to abandon the rubbish which pollutes the planet.

You were saying low and lowes – i assumed to meant law and laws

Maria asks…

How can I contribute to my neighborhood through community service?

Contributing To Neighborhood Through Community Service Essay.?
The question is:
“How can I contribute to my neighborhood through community service?”

This is what I have already:

I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service by being a role model to the youth. I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service also by creating a “Think Squad.” The Think Squad will be an eco-friendly program in partnership with my community. It will be from 6:00-7:30 PM at the community center. The Think Squad will deliver recycle bins to everyone in the neighborhood for awareness about Global Warming and recycling. I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service by doing community service in my neighborhood in general. I can tutor students, have fundraisers, help out in schools near my neighborhood, volunteer in
churches, volunteer in local homeless shelters, create a donating group to donate books to schools, and school supplies. I can teach students right from wrong, encourage them to do their best and to dream big.

Please help me add stuff, take off stuff.
Help me make it sound very good.
Thank You.

The Expert answers:

Maybe.. You should think about the animal shelters… Help people adopt them… And teach them about what happens if no one adopts them!..
Alot of people want to “CLEAN”… But… It DOESN’T STAY CLEAN… Think about OTHER ways to help out the communities!!

Nancy asks…

Do you think I could get into Stanford University?

I really know want to know what you think of my chances of getting into Stanford and some more things I can do in terms of extracurriculars and such to increase my chances! Thanks (:

-Well, first, I am a junior in the International Baccalaureate program at my school
– Over a 4.00 GPA, weighted. Unweighted it is about a 3.95.
– I am co-president of 2 clubs (one was passed down, another was started by me and my friend)
– I take dance classes 10.5+ hours a week
– Involved in things such as Model UN, NHS, French honor society, NHSHS, and Relay for Life.
– Was a super in the Opera, Rigoletto, dancing. I am on the Student Council Association at my school and some of my art was selected to be presented at a show at a local community center
– During Middle School, I was really involved with an organization that helped the homeless and I furnished an apartment for a family and designed a program to get schoolchildren more involved with the organization.
– Some things I plan on doing in the near future: interning at an environmental organization, hold a spring carnival at my school to raise money for Invisible Children, hold an annual cupcake wars competition, and help with my city’s recycling program.

I’m really passionate about helping the environment and dancing. I’ve also been a vegetarian for 6 years. I will take my SAT in December, hoping to get over a 2100. I’ll keep taking it until I get a score I am satisfied with :P. Also, I have only taken one SAT II so far, it was Chemistry, I only got a 630 though :/ However, I plan on taking Math 2, World History, Biology, and French SATs as well.

Another thing, I wasn’t going to plan on taking the ACT because tests like that stress me out, but do you think I should? Do you think taking both gives me more of a chance if they are both high scores, or do you think one is sufficient?
I don’t really have a lot of awards and I’m not really involved in a lot of organizations, I guess. Anyway, any help would be appreciated! (:
Thanks! (:

The Expert answers:

Wow O_O you will most definitely get in, and possibly even higher! One thing that I read in a forum, however, was that the higher-up colleges would rather accept an average-high student with an outstanding and unique personality/passion than an excelled, above average study zombie. It’s great to do alot of programs, but make sure that you’re doing them because you LOVE them and not because you are doing them to fill in a college application! Personally, i think this looks great, it shows leadership with the NHS and passion with the dancing and language. It also shows a giving nature on account of the volunteer work you’ve done.

I’ve heard that ACTs really help. But that some colleges don’t require it or don’t care. I would just try it out if i were you, but don’t freak out over it. Just take it with some studying and see how you do 🙂

and i know you’re trying to get into stanford, but check out this forum. It’s about harvard, but i think it could apply to any prestigious college/university.

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