Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

How do I find the recycle bin on a hard drive i put into a enclosure?

I had an old hard drive from an Emachine that I had put in an enclosure because the rest of the machine was crap. I hadn’t used it for 3 years. I had some files hidden on it and maybe tossed in the recycle bin and I was wondering where to find those files. Not sure where I lost all these things. Don’t remember tossing them but I did hide them and forgot where that was too. Any assistance would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

These may help:

George asks…

What to do when you delete your recycle bin icon?

Ok, so I somehow deleted my Recycle Bin icon on accident. When I delete something, it still asks me “Are you sure you want to send this to the recycle bin?” but I can’t empty the recycle bin so things really aren’t being deleted. I have Windows Vista. I’ve tried searching for a recycle bin program or something in the start menu but can’t find anything. Please help.

The Expert answers:

Right click somewhere on the desktop (blank space, not an icon). Go to Settings. Hit the Desktop Tab, Customize Desktop, Select the Recycle Bin Icon

Ken asks…

How can I set itunes to send whatever I delete to the recycle bin?

Well, whenever I delete a song, it never appears in the recycle bin. All it is doing is removing it from my library. Whenever I delete an app, it will ask me if I want to remove it from my library or send it to the recycle bin.

How can I sent itunes to send my music to the recycle bin whenever I click delete?

The Expert answers:

You have to first have iTunes managing your files as well. This means it will store them all in your My Music folder (under iTunes > iTunes Music). It also means it can delete and rename the files. The Windows version of iTunes doesn’t default to this, as it can confuse multiple media players. If you want to set it up, here’s how:

1. In iTunes, from the “Edit” menu, choose “Preferences”.
2. Click on the “Advanced” tab.
3. Place a check mark in both of these boxes:
a. Keep iTunes Music folder organized.
B. Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library.
4. Click the “OK” button to save your changes.
NOTE: This last step will move all your music files into My Music.
5. From the “Advanced” menu, choose “Consolidate Library”.

Once it finishes, iTunes will be managing the files for your music directly… And whenever you delete you’ll have the “Move this file to the trash” question.

Chris asks…

How does the recycle bin on my computer work?

I mean,when you delete a file,it just goes to the recycle bin.But the thing is that it can be restored at any time.Which means the file is still taking up space in my computer.So does that mean deleting a file is the same as transferring it another folder?

I’m just bored….

The Expert answers:

In every drive on your pc there is a ‘recycle bin’ hidden folder. So once you delete a file on any drive it goes to the respective recycle bin. The recycle bin on your desktop just shows the collection of each drive’s recycle bin content. Once you delete a file the computer just erases the memory address of the file but the file is still there and can be retrived. Even if you empty recycle bin chances are there the file can be still retrived if you have the suitable software.

Nancy asks…

How can I tell the recycle bin in Vista to show me how big it is?

I am used to being able to see how large the recycle bin is in the bottom of the window in Windows XP. The Vista recycle bin does not show the file size of recycled files, and I can’t seem to be able to change this setting. Could someone please help me?

The Expert answers:

Follow the link, it gives you instructions on the recycle bin:)

Mark asks…

How to retrieve the recycle bin on the desktop?

I accidentally deleted the recycle bin icon on my PC desktop. How do I get it back?

The Expert answers:

I have done this before and all I did was look For it in the start menu and drag it back to the desktop. If that doesn’t work, restore your computer to like a day back and that will solve the issue! Good luck!!

Paul asks…

How do I get rid of the recycle bin icon on top of every icon on my desktop?

When I downloaded a program called StypeXP, the recycle bin icon is on top of all my other icons on my desktop. The icons still work fine but it is harder to tell the difference between all of my icons. I have windows vista.

The Expert answers:

Follow the steps which are given below:
1. Click on the Start Menu and go to Run (or just press Win+R, save one second!).

2. Type in regedit and hit Enter.

3. Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace (you can press first letter of branch name for faster navigation)

4. Do you see {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} branch? Create backup at first, right-click NameSpace and select Export.

5. Delete the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} branch or just rename it to OLD-{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} (I think that rename is a good idea – in this case you can easy restore it)

6. Right-click your desktop and select Refresh. There is no the Recycle Bin icon more!:)

William asks…

My recycle bin has been deleted from the desktop .How can i find it ?

I deleted my recycle bin from the desktop .I just deleted a important folder , it says its gone to recycle bin but i cnt find it . Any ideas or help ?

The Expert answers:

Just type recycle bin into the search box, and hopefully it will find it for you, then right click and send back to desktop.

Sandra asks…

Using windows vista I right clicked on my recycle bin and accidently deleted it. How do I get it back?

Also I just deleted a big (7 gig) file, how do I get it off my hard drive? I have been told it doesn’tt really get deleted using just the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

Lol this is an easy one simply go to personalize and at the left click change desktop icons and in the list tick the recycle bin one and click apply and ok its nothing to panik over

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