Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Can I get in trouble for putting 3 full garbage bags outside on the day when the recycling day is?

I have 3 full garbage bags on my terrace and they put the big garbage bags outside every Tuesday. Will I get in trouble if I add my 3 there? Is it ok that I have mixed bottles in each of them for eaxample I have some of plastic some of glass and some of aliminum will I get in trouble for mixing them?

The Expert answers:

Not at all! It actually helps!

Chris asks…

Is taking stuff from garbage or recycled bags from a residential apartment building then selling them legal?

I work as a porter for a very big New York City residential bldg and I find a large amount of mainly books that people throw out , about 100 a week which i know i can sell and make nice money from. I was wondering if thats ok. Some are already inside the recycled bags or just laying on the floor in the compactor rooms.

The Expert answers:

Once its in the trash its public domain so you are fine

Mark asks…

Where can i find blue recycling bags?

so i want to start recycling and i bought a trash can for them but i want to buy some blue garbage bags. if anyone knows where i can find them please answer (: and also if you can mention the price that wouls be great (:

The Expert answers:

I’ve been getting them @ the local grocery store. If they’re what I’m thinking of, I believe they are made by GLAD and are usually in the isle with other trash bags.

Steven asks…

Where can I buy recycled garbage bags?

The Expert answers:

You can buy them from

Susan asks…

Can I use garbage bags to make “plarn”?

I want to make a recycled bag using plarn, or yarn made from plastic bags, but we have a cat, and we use them for cleaning the litter box, and therefore my mom isn’t willing to sacrifice a lot of bags. However, we have plenty of 13 gallon garbage bags, which would make a LOT of plarn. What I am wondering is if you can use garbage bags to make plarn, and how well it would work, figuring the difference in thickness and durability between garbage bags and plastic grocery bags. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with garbage bags too. I say say you can. Have you looked at for videos on Plarn” making tips and such?

Betty asks…

Why is my cat addicted to chewing on plastic bags?

My cat is constantly chewing on plastic bags and swallowing small pieces. I can’t imagine the havoc this plays on her digestive system. I have tried to keep all plastic out of her reach but every now and then she gets her paws on one. Strangely she prefers the black garbage bags to blue recycling bags or grocery bags. Anyways, apart from making her stop I was wondering if any one had any insight. Does she need cat grass maybe?
Just as a clarification. This is not a play activity, she is about 13 years old and has alot of play activity. I would believe it was done to sooth teething but her teeth are in fine shape, and her health is good.

The Expert answers:

Who knows why cats do the things they do?

At first i think our cat, Hobbes, was just curious as to what a plastic bag would taste like. We yelled at him and he ran off. Pretty soon it became a game for him. “lessee how long i can chew on a bag before daddy gets pissed off and starts yelling.”

i honestly don’t think he really cares for plastic trash bags that much. If he did, every trash bag in the house would be chewed to smithereens.

As it is, the only time he bothers a trash bag is when i’m in the same room with him. Then he makes a big point of sauntering over to the trash can to start nibbling on the bag. And of course, he always gets a rise out of me. I yell and he runs off. Some fun game, eh?

William asks…

Recycling plastic bags, shrink wrap?

does any one know if shrink wrap, ziplock bags, and garbage bags be recycled? or do bag recycling places at super markets only want grocery bags?

The Expert answers:

Super market bags are made from a combination of LLDPE, LDPE, and HDPE. The same substances that typically go into Shrink Wrap, (primarily LDPE), Ziplock bags, and Garbage Bags (primarily LLDPE).

So you should absolutely recycle them in the same method you recycle grocery bags.

Donald asks…

How many bags of garbage do you throw away in a week?

About 10 (thirteen gallon) bags for our family of three. We do not recycle our garbage. What about you?

The Expert answers:

1 medium sized black bag for our family of three.
We do not recycle unfotunately. Used to do it in the UK but here in saudi!

Sharon asks…

Recycling Bin – Compostable Garbage Bag or No?

Recycling Bin (not compost) – Is it more eco-friendly to use a compostable garbage bag in the bin or is it more eco-friendly to rinse out the bagless bin with a water hose? If you have any data to back up your answer please cite it along with your answer.

The Expert answers:

If your area does not require bags for recycling, then go without them. Rinsing out the bin is simple and clean, it’s more eco-friendly than garbage bags. Even compostable ones need to be produced, shipped, etc.

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