Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

Why does everyone talk about recycling? It just seems like a waste of time to me.?

The Expert answers:

So you won´t waist more time pondering this question, take a ride to the closest dump field and see for yourself what your community is doing to this earth. Consider that all that trash is filtering all the way to the aquifers and that you are drinking that water.

Paul asks…

Would anybody like to help me with my online recycling club?

I’m new to this whole blogging concept, and would like some help with my online recycling tumblr blog!
Here’s the link:
And what do you think of an online recycling club? Waste of time? A great idea?
How can you help?

The Expert answers:

You could have an online competition on how many cans can you collect and report. The one with the most cans collection would be the King Can Collector . Perhaps a prize of some sort or certificate of recognition.

Maria asks…

Why are people wasting their time with this Green foolishness?

It is too late. People are going to dump their trash anyway they want. Recycling is a waste of time. I’m still going to drive my V8 American Corvette, Lincoln Town Car and SUV. We live and we die. Going Green is a waste of time and money.

The Expert answers:

When you stop breathing because there is no Oxygen left, you will reconsider your opinion.

Sandy asks…

Do you think it is a waste of time to recycle? I do.?

The Expert answers:

No, i usually do it when im cleaning my whole house, just to get some chump change and go buy food

Richard asks…

What do you think of recycling schemes?

What do you think of recycling schemes? I have this homework and it says ‘ Only 9% of waste is from households.Most is from industry. So household recycling schemes are a waste of time. Say your opinion.’

what do you think of this? Could I say well I think we should still recycle in households to help organise waste?

The Expert answers:

I feel,sometimes, that I am wasting my time separating my paper+cardboard, tins,bottles etc and general rubbish into separate bins when along comes yet another directive from the council telling us that this should go into that bin and not ib that bin, it seems that they change their minds every few weeks, I fir one am getting fed up with this !

Lizzie asks…

for those of us who recycle- are we wasting our time?

are we just recycling for the hell of it? are all our cans/bottles and newspapers just being thrown out anyway? do we sort and seperate all our recyclables for nothing?

i’ve heard that it costs the sanition companies more $$ to truck
the recylables to the recycling facitilies, so they just pay the landfills to take it like its regular trash.

i hope this is not true.

The Expert answers:

It’s our job to save the world…one aluminum can at a time.

Daniel asks…

What is the point of recycling paper?

recycling paper costs more money than making new paper. it puts more chemicals into the air than makeing new paper. trees are a renewable resource. Recycling paper is a waste of time. I do it because it saves room in my trashcan and it’s free where I live but I wish our taxes did not go towards recycling paper.

The Expert answers:

But not recycling causes cutting of trees.

John asks…

Recycling councils are they conning you?

In Essex I know someone who works at the dump, and says it’s a waste of time you recycling as it all ends up in the same place. Is this true in your part of the UK?
This is proof that it is in some areas:
Why do we bother?

The Expert answers:

We were told years ago that recycling would reduce our council tax. Did that happen? No!!! Recycling in real terms cost 2-3 times as much as buying something new. There is too much manual labour costs to make recycling financially viable. So as markets fluctuate and bottom out for recyclible materials expect your council tax to continue rising. Landfill sites may be a problem, but since we no longer have coal fires to burn things in then our governemnt created a problem that they expect us to pay for and to fund a solution.

David asks…

Why doesn’t the UK government pay us to recycle?

I live in the UK and I am very eco friendly. My family recycle all of our plastic, tins, paper, clothes and don’t get payed for it. Why should we waste time going to a recycling bank and putting away all our stuff when we cant get a reward? Shouldn’t there be something simple like £5 a kilo? I don’t mind going to the recycling bank, it is kinda fun, I just hate people not getting encouraged to recycle when only 17% of the UK’s waste is recycled

The Expert answers:

I agree more people would do it if they were paid for it

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