Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Maria asks…
Why recycling a cell phone thinks to be good option now a days?
Most of the people now a days refer cell phone recycling,is it good option rather than to sell it.
The Expert answers:
Whether you sell your cell phone or you recycle your cell phone, you should still be keeping your cell phone out of the landfill, garbage stream. Obviously, selling your cell phone has some personal, financial advantages. Weighing the advantages of recycling your cell phone versus selling it depends upon the recycling program you turn your phone into. Many of the recycling programs end up giving or lending the phones they collect to homeless folks, domestic violence victims in hiding or starting a new life, folks who have medical problems and no money, folks in transitional housing, etc… Phones donated to other programs end up being handed out in poor countries to those who need them. Some recycling programs provide phone refurbishing which means that some phones are used as parts phones. And, other recycling programs disassemble the phones for the scrapping out of their components, metals, and other goodies. To make this type of comparative value system decision, you must weigh how much the resale value of your phone is to your finances versus the value you feel your phone will provide after being turned over to the particular recycling program in your area/you select..
Daniel asks…
How can I start recycling in the workplace?
We go through so much waste where I work. We have trash bins full of paper and numerous bottles from the soda machine. I hate watching it all go to the dumpster. I want to recycle, but I have no idea where to start. Where can I find recycling bins? Would the city pick it up? And most importantly, how can I get my mechanic co-workers to help?
The Expert answers:
I’m afraid that in most cases if you want to start recycling, you’ll have to either prove to your employer that it is more financially beneficial to start recycling, or you will just have to take it upon yourself to collect and drop off the waste.
If your employer is willing to work with you on this, some trash companies have bins for recycling that they will come and pick up. It may cost your employer more, though.
Bottom line is, if you want change, you usually have to take things into your own hands. Don’t expect others to help, because if they don’t care about it, they won’t help.
Good luck!
Thomas asks…
How to begin a recycling collection business?
I would like to start a recycling collection business focusing on apartment complexes. I don’t plan to sell the recyclables or store them, just to transport them to recycling drop off centers for a small fee to the tenants. Are there any particular licenses or certificates that are needed for this type of endeavor? I would be using more of a trailer rather than a dump truck so I don’t believe I need a commercial driver’s license. Any assistance, or where to go to find ideas would be appreciated. Michigan laws. And any tips on fees to charge?
The Expert answers:
OH my god! I basically started the same company about 2 years ago and still do it today. I charge $10 for Computers (this includes a thin monitor, keyboard, mice, etc.), $2.50 for laptops (because they hardly take up any space). $10 for TVs, or more depending on the size. You should also look into paint as well, because everyone has some old paint lying around, especially people with homes. I charge $3.50 a gal and $2.00 a quart (these are based off the prices of a local hardware store that takes paint). As for permits or whatever, there isn’t really anything you need. I just created a Inc. Or you can do a LLC (basically just creating a business) This is really all you need. I use a pickup truck btw.
Sandra asks…
How do you start recycling plastic and paper?
My daughter gets a lot of medical supplies and one day I looked in our trashcan and realized that most of what we throw away can be recycled. I was raised on recycling, and now I’d like to carry that tradition over to my own little family. Does it cost money and how do I go about starting this?
The Expert answers:
It really depends on where you live. You can call your town/county to find out more info on how and where to recycle, what it costs, etc.
As far as the process – many cities have curbside recycling, but others you have to haul your own to the facility(s).
Once you’ve got that information –
Then, create spaces where you can keep everything separate. It really makes it easier and cleaner for both you, and the recycling facility to keep it all organized. Trash cans are fine, or if you have a smaller space, try rubermaid type bins. You can even get creative and label them if you want!
Betty asks…
When Recycling Paper, is it necessary to remove the plastic attached to envelopes?
Many of the envelops from junk mail or bills have a plastic piece covering the open slot that shows the recipients address. I always remove these from the envelopes before I put them into paper recycling, is this necessary for me to do?
The Expert answers:
Have been wondering the same question ever since thanks for asking this!
I believe (have never seen by own eyes before) the modern paper recycling plants also have some features for removing ‘contaminants’ of some kinds and to some extent.
I myself do it only sometimes, not always, removing any plastic parts from the paper waste before throwing them into different bins.
I also found these:
Helen asks…
How do I go about recycling or donating a house plant?
I have a house plant that I inherited when I moved in, but was already dying. I am not taking care of it very well and would like to donate or recycle it. Who will accept old plants? How do I go about recycling it?
The Expert answers:
If you don’t want it you can just throw it away. You may see if a neighbor might want to take and bring it back to life. All in all it’s just a plant.
Steven asks…
How can recycling plastic generate a carbon credit? How much is that credit worth?
I have heard about carbon credits but do not know how to measure, produce, verify nor sell them. I have begun recycling several forms of plastic into a ready to use product that I have multiple customers for. I wonder if my process will produce a carbon credit that I could also sell?
The Expert answers:
Sandy asks…
How do I start a Recycling Program locally?
I would like to start a recycling program for just about everything that can be recycled. How does one go about this?
Keep in mind I have no city connections and limited funds for start up.
The Expert answers:
This is a good link;
Laura asks…
Are paper recycling plants and companies dealing with selling and buying of paper the same?
Also,w/o the help of the internet,how can I find out about the recycling plants?
The Expert answers:
Recycling plants take leftover paper and sort it all out. It is then cleaned and bundled. After that, they send it off to a factory so it can be made into a new product. Most paper companies use only fresh material for products.
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