Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asksā€¦

can you help me with bio, please?

1. this double layered organelle produces ATP from the nutrients it receives. __________

2. it is mainly a large pore filled membrane separating its contents from the cytoplasm __________.

3. before this organelle exports proteins, it modifies them and packs them in structures called vesicles. __________

4. these thin threads of DNA and protein remain in their present form until the cell begins to divide. __________

5. this cellular organelle contains phospholipids, cholesterol, and transport proteins. __________

6. this is the liquid part of the cell. __________

7. this group of flattened sacs detoxifies poisons that may be found in the body. __________

8. this is not a membrane bound organelle. it is very small and is found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. ___________

9. cells can recycle used or damaged organelles using the powerful enzymes in the __________.

10. a small round organelle located near the center of the cell used used in making ribosomes. __________

11. this cellulose reinforced cell part encloses a plant cell but not an animal cell. __________

12. chlorophyll is the main pigment found in the cellular organelle known as the __________.

13. if a cell needs to remove extra water or liquid wastes, the cellular organelle responsible for this removal is the __________.

14. cellular organelles move around the cell through the aid of thin fibers and filaments known collectively as the __________.

please and thank you! even one answer will help šŸ™‚
i googled some of them and none of the answers came up.

The Expert answers:

6. Vacuole i think…
13. Lysomes
11. Cell wall
10. Neucleous

now i know i didn’t spell some things right but you can fix that

Michael asksā€¦

Is there anyone in Pinellas County Florida who knows where I can recycle glass???

This county is the worst for recycling, I have to drive all of my recycling to a recycling center and they of course don’t do glass. I am sure there must be someone near by who does it.
I live in the Seminole area but it is really unincorporated Pinellas.

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure where you are in the county, but they accept glass at the recycling centers in St. Petersburg. Scroll down for the map of locations.


if that is not convenient, you can find your city here:

Sandy asksā€¦

how to make money at 14?

hey im a 14 year old girl and i need some money.i cant babeysit because there are no lil kids near my neiborhood their all teens.and i dont want to shovel snow.i cant do a kissing booth im to ugly for someone to want to kiss those online survey things work.its winter so i cant sell parents wont give me an allowence.i love in bismarck north dakota do we have a recycling center down here someone help me out pllzz.also i have a freind who makes out with guys for money i wouldnt mind doing that but does that sound like a good idea.

The Expert answers:

Robbing a bank is the only way.

Paul asksā€¦

Recycle Center Information Needed!?

Hello, first I want to say thank you for reading this and any help that you can provide would be tremendous.

-I’m thinking of proposing a recycling fundraiser to the local board of education for my local Elementary School or even High School if I can find the following:

-A Recycling Center that offers refunds either by item or by weight that is nearest to NJ. I know that it might necessarily be in NJ, but that’s okay, its for a good cause. Even if its all the way in California, the hefty gas price after a year worth of build up might just be worth it! Of course, the rate which they use and how much.

-Any other information that might help in making this a good proposal to the BOE. I can do the research about saving the planet and living healthier and more responsible lives myself but I’d really need to know about where and rates first.

Thank you to all that can help in this information!

The Expert answers:

Http:// is a helpful website. You can list your location and what you want to recycle, or you can simply contact them (link at the bottom of the website).

Right now the market for recyclables is not very good (a reflection of the current economy). My recycling center has to actually pay our processor about $200 a ton to actually accept our #1 and #2 plastics. Over the last year, many recycling centers have been losing money and many of them are actually closing.

My recycling center does not operate at a profit, but it’s a city-based center run by volunteers, so the taxpayers of my city pay for the benefit of keeping plastic, glass, steel, tin, and aluminum out of the local landfills.

One easy way for schools to recycle is to find a company that will provide an on-site paper recycling bin (here in Oklahoma, we use Abitibi Many companies will provide parking-lot paper bins and actually pay the school per ton for the paper. One problem with this is keeping people from throwing garbage into the paper bins, which ruins the paper. (One of our paper bins was completely burned down last July 4th by people playing with fireworks.)

Good luck with your proposal!

Sandra asksā€¦

Dou you find this traumatic?

October 07, 2009

October 07, 2009
The Trauma of Obama
By Robin of Berkeley
A new, conservative friend cracks up when she hears my phone message. As a therapist, I’m required to state, “If this is a psychiatric emergency, please call 911.”

Roaring with laughter, she says, “Robin, the whole country is having a psychiatric emergency!”

And she’s right, because people running this country are off: off balance, off-world, off-putting, off their meds.

Gallows humor, a knot in your stomach when Obama speaks, poor sleep. Your body is telling you that something is wrong.

Even out here, things are starting to feel spooky. While it’s always weird central in Berkeley, now there’s a malaise in the air.

Yes, there are plenty of people so far into the communist schtick, they would gladly sacrifice their children, their granny, and their life savings for the Left.

But most liberals still want their houses, jobs, Hondas and iPods. When they voted for Obama, they weren’t giving a thumbs up for the country to go the way of ChĆ©.

So there’s a strange, foreboding vibe in these parts; that creepy feeling you get when you know there’s bad news ahead.

Many liberals look dazed and confused because they have no language, no information, no way of understanding what in the world is going on.

Interestingly, there’s this eerie silence about Obama. You don’t hear a peep about him. Or course, liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Sarah Palin, tea baggers, birthers, and all things conservative.

But adulation for Obama: Missing in Action. A telling sign: the life size black and white cardboard doll of Obama in a storefront near my office has been taken down. Where did it go — to the local recycling center with other discarded Obamabilia?

Because I’m a psychotherapist, I’m intrigued by what goes on inside and outside. People not only suffer because of neurotic minds, but because of what people do to us when they abuse their power.

The family dramas, problems at work, or dysfunction in D.C. unnerve us. As Presidential nominee, Michael Dukakis, indelicately put it, “Fish rots from the head down.”

We have people at the highest echelons of our government who may be rotting this nation. They espouse twisted notions of humanity, like de-evolution and forced sterilization. They eat, drink, and sleep revenge.

They are throwing much of this country, at least those of us who are paying attention, into a psychiatric emergency — into trauma.

They dominate. They control. They terrorize.

They are abusers.

Which is no surprise if you understand where Obama comes from. He was not schooled in the Martin Luther King, Jr. tradition of unity and nonviolence, as most naive liberals thought.

Obama was educated in the Malcolm X way, the American political mafiosi: the Weatherman, Black Panthers, Black nationalists.

What were these groups’ lesson plans? “Blue eyed devils,” “Jewish dogs,” “By any means necessary.”

While the media and schools have whitewashed history, these groups were filled to the rafters with gangsters. Today’s young radicals use sociopaths like Huey P. Newton as their role models, not the beneficent King.

So when Sarah Palin’s life is threatened for speaking the truth, this is the work of thugs.

When Michael Savage is banned in Britain for passionately defending our country, this is persecution.

When citizens receive death threats for deigning to ask a question about health care, this is terror.

Some people think that Obama is just a harmless sheep in wolf’s clothing because he doesn’t raise his voice. If his underlings cause mayhem, well, that’s not his fault.

But the best and the brightest of abusers never get their hands dirty.

Their work is done through a look, a blank stare, a grin, a devilish laugh. They can incite trouble without lifting a finger.

So if you feel uncomfortable, and tense, and scared, this is why. This is what abusers do.

They cause terror in us because of something old and something new. The old: memories get triggered of past trauma: our bad tempered parent, or abusive spouse, or bully boss.

The body remembers. Suddenly you are 6 or l3 or 30 again, and you may respond with the same helplessness and anger and panic.

But there’s also new trauma, what’s happening right underneath our noses; the never ending assaults on our freedom.

The daily force feeding of leftist ideology designed to control every aspect of our lives. The health care rationing that threatens our families. The strangling of business through Big Brother intrusions.

Joining with dictators; yawning when Iran and North Korea threaten; abandoning our allies. Indoctrinating our children and trying to turn them into the little Benedict Arnold’s.

The trauma of Obama — it’s all around us, it may be in us if we’re having symptoms of

The Expert answers:

Interesting to hear from a liberal that has been bamboozled.

Charles asksā€¦

where can i find recycle center in India?

hi friends! i m student..from Ladakh.. i have been trevalling in India… i have distrubed of the situation of streets of indian cities and villages..especially Baranas.. i found the streets were filled with plastics waste and garbage of all types of materials.. i m willing to collect these papers and plactic wastes and send to recycle factory.. so that our streets could remail clean and additional to this i think new trees are prevent from cut down new paper…so where can i find recycle factory? it would be nice if the factory is near Varanasi..

The Expert answers:

Have alook in the phone book man maybe see th local council or police place?????

Susan asksā€¦

Where can I find two specific Coca Cola Commercials?

There are two commercials, I believe both of them were winners of a video contest Coca Cola ran. The first has an old woman throwing out some junk, and a bicyclist crashes near it. A film reel gets caught in the spinning spokes, a flashlight shines through the film, and the nostalgic film is played outside the old woman’s window on the side of a van parked there.
The second shows a young man drop off a coke bottle at a recycling center, and redeem his nickel. He does this every day for several months, and eventually leaves a bottle with a note inside for the cute girl working the recycling stand. She meets him at a movie theater, where he pays for the tickets to the movie with the nickels he has saved up.

I’ve searched the web, including youtube, extensively and cannot find either of these. Any advice on where to find them?
I’m not new to the internet. I know how to search. See above, how I originally said “I’ve searched the web, including youtube, extensively.” Extensively meaning that I tried every combination of keywords I can think of on YouTube and Google. I’m not interested in being told “search for them.” Like I said, I have… I’m looking for people who actually have information on where I CAN find them.

The Expert answers:

All i can say is youtube and be specific

Richard asksā€¦

Can anyone prove to me that it is safe to live near EfW Incinerators and/or to eat food produced there?

EfW is Energy from Waste, the modern day equivalent of the incinerators of the past which were scrapped and demolished for good reason, that is that they caused more pollution than they prevented. It is claimed, by the people who make lots of money from running the current incinerators, that these are now safe, clean and environmentally positive – despite the pollution caused by the many lorries travelling many miles to feed the enormous appetite of the machine.
The site of the proposed building is in the middle of the countryside, surrounded by little villages, farms and a forest centre complete with lakes formed from old clay quarries… The access road to the site will divide our village from the lake sharing it’s name and force out the water-sports club due to compulsory purchase. The incinerator is not wanted by the vast majority of the local population or the two councils on whose border the building site is. The local mantra is Reduce Reuse Recycle and this certainly does not appear to fit in with the idea of incineration.
We have many wonderful countryside walks with excellent access to those without cars – you can get a train from the middle of London with just one change – but they appear to prefer to send their rubbish instead šŸ™ We have been advised by an expert in his field that EfW makes little power from the amount of waste burned and that despite improvements to the chimneys we not only have the pollution from the lorries (and congestion on the newly revamped roads) to worry about but also dioxins, especially those which are not measured by air-safety because they are too small – and therefore more easily ingested.. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.
The Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) have sadly ignored the opposition of the locals to this scheme and given it the go ahead, they say they have no evidence of any health risks – yet the paper they base their decision on is full of references to EfW sites in Denmark which was, earlier this year, named as “Cancer Capital of the World”..
All our evidence is therefore against EfW – especially as this process only reduces landfill by 2/3 and the remaining waste to landfill is highly toxic ash… Hopefully many more lorries will appear to take this back to the councils whose rubbish has been processed at high cost rather than forming a toxic mountain in our clean and green valley.
So what I need PLEASE is one of the following:
1) Evidence that there is anything good about Energy from Waste, that the locals will not have a higher risk of cancer and that the food produced in the vicinity would be safe to eat (ie would you be happy to live here or eat locally produced food once the Incinerator is up and running and/or jog around our local lakes and forest from which the building and delivery lorries will be highly visible)..
2) Evidence to send to the IPC to put a stop to the development

I promise to be neutral when it comes to best answer and if I am unable to decide fairly will leave it up to the public vote as to who deserves the 10 points
Hi Paul, thank you very much for your message… I will pass your advice onto my group. Yes, there is an anti-incineration action group as well – UKWIN..
Amazingly we are also getting two large wind turbines, one in the Forest Centre at the side of the lake (probably on the only side of the lake which will not be bordered by roads full of lorries on their way to an from the incinerator) and the second on the site of a closed down landfill site.. We are fortunate in that they will not be near the houses so we will not be able to hear them.
You, in Wales, are fortunate in that Covanta, the company building the incinerator, were also in talks to build in Merthyr Tydfil but when the IPC passed the application in Bedfordshire Covanta pulled out of the Merthyr Tydfil plans.
Thanks again for your advise… I wish you luck with your wind-farm problem.

The Expert answers:

Here in mid-Wales we have the prospect of the beautiful countryside beingwrecked by the madcap proposals for windfarms together with huge pylons and hubs the size of 13 football pitches; all to produce an unreliable trickle of power. Behind the plans are , of course, vast sums of money for those who do not have to live with the consequences of such vandalism.

What the local people have done – and it is this which you may consider doing – is to form a group linked with people who have the necessary professional expertise to advise. This group needs to lobby and not lose impetus. You may also try to join forces with other similar groups so that the powers that be are not simply dealing with a small bunch of people from one village.

We found many similar windfarm protest groups online.

I don’t have the specialist knowledge to give you any of the proof you are looking for one way or the other. But if you get organised with those who do have the knowledge then you just might. But what I think you really want is not proof of safety but to defeat the plans altogether thus removing the threat and consequently the need for any proof at all.

Maria asksā€¦

Can I put wine from a wine kit into beer bottles and cap them for storage?

I drink a good bit of wine. Unfortunately, I recently took many bottles to the recycle center at the wally mart. Last time I went to the recycle center, I asked if they had any wine bottles that they could give me. They told me they weren’t allowed to give them out! I’m not giving them out anymore to wally mart either. If people really cared about the environment they would enourage re-using over recycling. I hate to buy bottles and have them shipped 100 miles from Austin, the nearest brewing supply store when my neighborhood alone probably puts that many in the trash can. I do have a lot of beer bottles. I also have a capper and bottle caps. I’d like to know if bottling wine in beer bottles is advisable, or any other ideas for obtaining cheap or free wine bottles. I have already asked my relatives to save them. I do have plenty of beer bottles. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

It should work.

Store them upright so there is not wine in costant contact with the cap. Wine is a lot more acidic than beer so it is not worth risking having the coating on the cap wear off.

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