Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

Why don’t they make garbage bags out of the same material as the compost bags?

In Ontario, Canada here we use the green bins as well as regular trash and recycling bins. What i’m wondering is why don’t they just make the same bags for the garbage cans that the compost one is using? I have had my compost bags decompose under my sink before but, couldn’t they just extend the period of decomposition of the bags +1 month or two? How do you feel about it?

The Expert answers:

I live in BC and I have been wishing the same thing forever…someone will make one that is more durable soon I hope…I would have but…just dont have the resources. Nice to see others with the same thought at least!

David asks…

How does food biodegrade inside of garbage bags?

How does food biodegrade inside of garbage bags? Do garbage bags even biodegrade? Sorry if I sound naive, I was just ignorant to it i guess.

I do recycle.

The Expert answers:

Bacteria! It’s everywhere! OMG! Head for the hills!

Sharon asks…

The people are informed not to use polythene bags. Why nobody has found solution for recycling of such bags.?

The polythene bags are already in use. Instead of advising not to use such bags, the government should try for recycling method. to solve the problem. Nothing should be wasted in this world. Anybody is accepting or rejecting my idea? Even garbage is used for electricity. Then why not polythene bags?

The Expert answers:

Well if u r from india u will amaze india recyle 60 % plastic waste highest recycle rate in world apx
but as u say to do research more in recycling is also good as putting ban on plastic bags doesnt makes it use null and void and even after ban tonnes of bags still used by us so it will be better that articles should be made from recycled plastic and sale on cheap price that appreciate the recycling for ex in india still there is no proper garbage disposal govt need to distribute recylced matter large dustbin one for biodegradable and another for non biodegradable one and dispose them in oraganised manner if we wanna clean our nature than we could make almost 99% plastic waste to be recycled in more efficient waste as its save energy and enevironment both but who
cares – govt itself not not only in developed one but also developing one countries as govt find more suitable to dump it in sea .although due to inflation metal recycling increased .
You will laugh that i send a email to municipal office helpline and suggestion email id this matter and its gona waste we need to throw garbage in open and pollute environment so what we do in this area govt need to do something as we people cant run trucks and recycliing factories .
Now days govt in my city propose 45 rs or 1 doller surcharge in electricity bill to dispose garbage and its just formality

Donald asks…

Do plastic bags get recycled out of the garbage at the waste plant?

The Expert answers:

Not in our city. We are told not to put them in the Recycling. They go in the regular trash and to the dump.

Maria asks…

Garbage bags?

If plastic ShopRite bags are not biodegradeable and you should recycle paper ShopRite bags, how should you throw out you garbage in order to stay environmentally aware?

The Expert answers:

Reduce…Re-use…Re-cycle…you know the routine. I would say re-use the bags for your garbage it is no different then blue bags or regular garbage bags. Your extra ones put in the recyclables and then if possible invest in the reuseable canvas bags that stores are now using. It’s worth the investment. It reduces approx 100 plastic bags per year that would be out in our enviroment and 20 ppl used the canvas bags that’s alot of plastic that won’t be introduced. In order to be enviromentally aware be aware of what you are throwing out…the 3 Rr’s

Ken asks…

Can I place bags of shredded paper in the recycle bin?

Our city just instituted a recycling system for waste pickup. I know they take paper, but I don’t want to just place these documents in the bin. Do they generally accept it if it is shredded and placed in a plastic garbage bag?

The Expert answers:

No, don’t put it in a plastic bag. The whole bag will be thrown in the trash at the reycling plant.

William asks…

If we are supposed to recycle plastic bags, what are we supposed to use to put our garbage in?

The Expert answers:

I’ve been wondering the same thing. I haven’t bought any bags for garbage yet, but I assume that there are some bags out there that will biodegrade when put in a landfill. At least I hope so.

Carol asks…

How successful are you in avoiding plastic bags?

I find it mighty difficult to avoid plastic bags, especially during shopping. I even throw my trash in plastic covers and keep it out for the garbage truck to collect. In my town, there are no recycling bags available. How have you been fighting the plastic menace?

Thanks a lot,

The Expert answers:

Making sure that I have my green shopping bags with me is a constant struggle!

Happy to say that I have improved greatly. I have bags in both cars and probably an extra 10 or so because I still somehow get caught without them and purchase another green bag!

I have finally got onto a great eco friendly company that has great products and i am so happy with them that I now promote them with my information site.

But the great thing is that the laundry products for example are so concentrated that one recyclable plastic bottle contains the same amount of washes that it would take 4-6 bottles of standard supermarket products. So I am wrapped. I had no idea how much plastic that this would save for my own personal use in a year.

My imagination sky rockets each time I introduce another household to the products and consider just how much LESS plastic will be used yearly.

So concentrated products definitely make a great deal of sense, keeping a heap of green shopping bags handy, having a stainless water bottle rather than purchasing a heap of throw away bottles of water when on the run helps too.

Well looking forward to hearing what others are finding successful and thanks for the question.

Mandy asks…

How should I put out my recycling?

I just moved into a new apartment building and outside by the trash they have a huge -throw everything together- recycling bin.

I have such a stupid question though. Should I bag everything up in garbage bags before I toss it in first?

The Expert answers:

Some places do put their recycling in bags, but I think most don’t. Call up the garbage company, or ask other people in the building.

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