Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

When did the waste management came up with the recycling?

i’m doing a project, which i have to describe
when does the “waste” issue have been arise as a problem,
and how people came up with the recycling ideas.
can someone PLEZZZ give me a exactly data about this issue problem

THANK U!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

Years ago. Call BFI in Ca and ask them. Or, do some research on the net.

Mark asks…

WASTE management and RECYCLING: UK residents?

What do you think about the Government charging us money for putting recycable waste in the bin. They want us to recycle more

The Expert answers:

We are about to run out of landfill space. We have to do something. But the problem with fining people is that sometimes other people use your bin!
Plus loads of people are already in debt.

The best solution would be small local incinerators, with carbon fibre filters in the chimneys, that burn flammeable waste down to carbon ash. That can be mixed back with glass to make pumice.
Pumice can be used to make breeze blocks, it can be used to filter water and then incinerated again to make more pumice…
The waste heat could be used to generate electricity, heat double glazed greenhouses to grow salads, and used to clean waste water, and pateurise sewage for farm use.
It would generate jobs, food and clean water from waste.

William asks…

where we learn about recycling of waste ? Is there any institution for exclusively for waste management?

The Expert answers:

Yes. This site provides waste management services to governmental, residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the U.S. And select international markets.

Joseph asks…

when did the waste management came up with the recycling?

i’m doing a project, which i have to describe
when does the “waste” issue have been arise as a problem,
and how people came up with the recycling ideas.
can someone PLEZZZ give me a exactly data about this issue problem

THANK U!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

The EPA really got things started, they have passed many laws to help manage the increasing amount of garbage our nation produces. I’ll put a couple links.

Carol asks…

info about solid waste management like recycling process,techniques,treatments, MOE,restrictions,and testing?

how solid waste management works

The Expert answers:

Not at all well. Waste is poorly managed everywhere on Earth and greenies are not making this problem better by causing trash to be exported. Its a big problem but it can be solved if good engineering was used. This is not being done at this time but it should be.

James asks…

Does the company Waste Management recycle glass bottles in their residential program?

The Expert answers:

“We pioneered residential single-stream recycling, which allows customers to mix recyclable paper, plastic and glass in one bin. Residential single-stream programs have greatly increased the recycling rates, recovering as much as three times the amount of recyclable materials.” From their web site.

We put glass bottles in. They take clear, green, brown glass… They just won’t take BROKEN glass or crystal or window glass.

(Someone correct me if I’m wrong; I’m too lazy to go get the paper that has this info on it, so I’m going by memory here.)

Mandy asks…

how does lack of recycling cause a major problem with waste management?

The Expert answers:

From a purely logistical perspective, recycling slows the growth of landfill space by diverting material from the landfill into the recycling process. It does not stop the growth of landfills as we will still fill them faster than material biodegrades (OK….the material that will biodegrade).

Why is that significant? I’ll answer that with a question: Would you want a landfill in your backyard? I don’t and my guess is that very few people get a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about a landfill being built near their home.

As a result, my wife and I recycle and also pre-cycle. Pre-cycling is the practice of considering the packaging of a product as part of the purchasing process in addition to the cost of the product. If the price/value are similar and one product’s packaging can be recycled, we tend to purchase that product.

The other logistical consideration is the collection of the recyclable material. In many municipalities, it requires two trucks to come through the neighborhood on trash day, one for trash and one for recycling.

Hope this helps.

Chris asks…

Do you know the secret to Waste Management?

Do you work in the waste industry, recycling industry or are a waste Manager. Please tell me your secrets to plans, development, and management, including cleaner areas and a better standard of class.

The Expert answers:

The secrets are all here:

Charles asks…

What type of things does Waste Management recycled please? ?

Like for example: Bricks, concrete, limestone, wood, tires, and other things too. Thanks for the help.

The Expert answers:

I work for Waste Management of St. Louis. We have a new program for recycling demolition materials. Including agregate, asphalt, brick, carpet, ceiling tiles, concrete, gypsum, metal, paper, rubber, shingles and wood. All of these things can be recycled. For example, the concrete that we collect, is crushed and laid in the Waste Management landfill to make roads thoughout for the trucks to get around easier. The haul on the roll off container will cost around $170 plus 22% fuel charge instead of $340 to $500 to haul to the landfill, including fuel charges.

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