Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Is there a way to find local recycling centers?

I live pretty far out in the middle of no where, and I’m interested in recycling, but I can’t find a place with in 30 miles of home to take my recyclables. I’d really love to get rid of the aluminum cans cluttering up my garage. Anybody know if there is a website with a locator for recycling centers? Or something along those lines?

The Expert answers:

Do a search for ” recycling center” by state and / or county. Good luck…

Joseph asks…

What can I take to recycling centers?

I was wondering what I can take to recycling centers. Paper? Aluminum? Glass? And, how much money will I get back for the items?

The Expert answers:

Glass bottles…
Plastic bottles…
Aluminum cans…
Old newspapers…
Old magazines…
Plastic cups…
Anything plastic…
Scrap metals…

Practically those which we call recyclables…. AND…
Some of those which do not decompose…

P.S. Not everything that doesn’t decompos can be recycled like used diapers.

Ken asks…

California Recycling: Why are 100% juice plastic bottles not accepted at recycling centers?

California Recycling: The recycling centers accept nearly every type of container but when it comes to “100% Juice”, they will NOT accept it.

The Expert answers:

The 100% juice soaks into the plastic and makes it too juicy to recycle. The cost of removing the juice from the plastic molecules would be too expensive and require too much money.

Daniel asks…

Do all recycling centers pay for recyclable items?

My house is always full of Capri Sun packs and soda cans. I heard that a recycling center pays up to 20 cents per pound? If that’s true, does every recycling center offer some money for recyclables?

The Expert answers:

Some recyclables people are happy to get rid of even if they don’t get paid – like dead electronics. There’s a fairly large class of things that are worth recycling that nobody will pay you for. There is always a market for aluminum cans, although the price is low right now. Don’t know about the Capri Sun packs unless you have a state/local deposit scheme.

Chris asks…

Recycling centers in Las Vegas that pay for plastic bottles?

Does anybody know any recycling centers in las vegas that actually pay for the water bottles we bring ?

The Expert answers:

Go to to find local recycle centers, there will be websites or other contact info to check to see if they pay. If your state doesn’t charge a deposit or redemption value, the chances aren’t good.

Sandra asks…

Where can I find recycling centers in New York that can pay you for your recyclables?

I have bags of trading cards that I want to recycle but want to find centers that can pay for the recyclables you bring in.

The Expert answers:

Cardboard is typically recycled by the ton. So unless you have at least a ton of cardboard, your not going to find any recycling centers willing to purchase it. I’d suggest putting them up on Ebay as an unsorted lot. Someone will buy them hoping to find a rare or unique card, buried treasure if you will.

Nancy asks…

How do recycling centers make money?

Every time I go to a recycling center, they pay me a CRV price for my recyclables. From what I understand, CRV price is higher than any other state in the US. However, I don’t understand how they are supposed to make money if they PAY customers. They are clearly businesses, so where does their profit come from and how?
Congrats smart@ss, I’m looking for more of a PROCESS kind of thing of HOW they function as a business. It’s pretty clear that they sell these recyclables.

The Expert answers:

They sell recyclables. I’d have thought that would be obvious.

William asks…

Are there any recycling centers in Dubai?

I am very eco-friendly and want to start a healthy lifestyle. so I was wondering, are there any recycling centers in Dubai?

If you do know one, please post the name of both the recylcing center and the area. Millions will be grateful for your response.

Let’s help Earth!

The Expert answers:

Tadweer in Warsan

At present, Dubai generates 7,000 tons of waste daily, dumped in various landfills located at Al Ghusais, Jabel Ali, Lehbab and Hatta, with the Al Ghusais landfill the largest. On average, 6,000 tons of waste is taken to Al Ghusais for disposal every day.

The waste is likely to increase by 16 percent in the next few years, posing a major challenge to Dubai Municipality to minimize the effects of waste on the environment.

Is there a plan to deal with this growing waste?

Dubai Municipality has started the Middle East’s largest material recovery facility, Tadweer, which went into operation at Warsan in March and can recycle 4,000 tons of municipal solid waste per day.

Betty asks…

will the recycling centers take aluminum cooling fins from computers?

I have about 30 lbs of aluminum but it is from the cooling fins that you can find in computers over the cpu… I was wondering if i were to take this to a recycling center would they take it and pay me the going rate for aluminum?

The Expert answers:

Ours will take any aluminium so long as there are no attached plastic, glass, or other material parts, here in my area they pay us about $2.10/pound for aluminium whether it’s from cans, screen doors, whatever, painted or unpainted, “broken” or “whole,” it’s all the same price.

Some scrap places might vary the rate because your aluminium is unpainted, therefore “clean,” or because it’s in small pieces (“broken”) or whatever. But odds are they’ll take it.

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