Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

Where can i go to recycle my electronics in Southern California?

Hi, I have some TV remotes, chargers, and other electronics that i don’t want and want to get rid of them.

By the way they all still work.

The Expert answers:

List receycling centers close to your zip code.

Carol asks…

How do I recycle electronics in Culver City, CA?

The Expert answers:


You type your zip code and they tell you the closest center

Ken asks…

what are some reasons we have to recycle electronics?

why do we have to recycle electronics?

please give the website next to your answer please
thanks ><

The Expert answers:


Its cheaper to get than digging it up..

Here’s the link..
From theE..

Maria asks…

How can I recycle electronics?

Is there a certain chain store (best buy, etc) I can bring my old printer to? It doesn’t work that well anymore, hate to just toss it in the trash.

The Expert answers:

No, but there is a yahoo group dedicated to keeping stuff out of the land fill.

Sandy asks…

Where do you throw away/recycle electronics?

My family have old computer monitors, VCR places, keyboards, computer mouses, stereo systems, wires, etc.
Where do you get rid of all this?

The Expert answers:

Go to this website: and it will ask you for your state and etcetera and it will show you the location of the nearest municipal facility to which you can take/ship your e-waste to.

Around my community a recycling truck comes around a few times a week. If the same is true for you, perhaphs you could leave it out with your recycled material. Hope that you’ll find a place!

Linda asks…

Where to recycle used batteries and other electronics?

I have everything from used batteries, a dead laptop battery to everyday electronics that don’t work. Where can I recycle these?

The Expert answers:

There is a place about 3 blocks from here called bills try that
OK seriously you have to tell us where you are you could be in russia or alabama how about some help!!!

Laura asks…

why do we recycle electronics?

I need some opinions on why do we recycle, computers, tv, cellphones, etc.
I know it saves the environment because if we throw it away, it would just end up in landfills… but is there anymore reasons?

The Expert answers:

Recycling electronic equipment helps reduce pollution that would normally be emitted while manufacturing a new product and the need to extract valuable and limited virgin resources. Recycling electronics is good for the environment and our local communities.

When people just throw away large volumes of electronics it is a waste of very valuable recyclable resources. Most components in electrical equipment, including the hazardous components, can be safely recycled through proper recycling companies. Disposal is not the answer.

It is always a much safer idea to ensure you pass computers and other electronics need to be properly handled by a responsible recycling company rather than being sent to a waste disposal company.
There are a number of companies these days that will pick up electrical equipment without charge. If more and more companies start to provide this free service, people will think about recycling there electrical equipment more.

How do we dispose of this technology? Computer monitors, televisions, circuit boards, and other electronics contain excess heavy metals so they cannot be disposed of in the trash. These also include mercury, bromide, flame retardants, and importantly lead, which threaten ground water if left in landfills. Lead is also a main component of monitors and television screens.

Manufacturers and recyclers are analyzing dozens of approaches to identify cost-effective, environmental methods of managing end of life electronics. An important aspect of these analyses is the identification of the environmental regulations-particularly those under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and its state counterparts-that would apply. Manufacturers are leading the way on this issue.

James asks…

Is it true that when you recycle electronics (especially computers) the US govt takes all info and files it?

And this is why electronics recycling is becoming mandatory?

The Expert answers:

No it is not true , however if your gonna toss away a computer take out the hard drive and destroy it . By smashing it or breaking it into a few hundred pieces

William asks…

Where can I recycle my electronics and appliances in Southern California?

I want to get rid of this stuff like yesterday…

The Expert answers:

You should check out

They saved me when I had to move….I just called them and they came to pick up my stuff in the same day. I think they only take stuff that still works though so…whatever.

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