Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

What does it mean when a recycling bin is “lid fit”?

So I want to buy recycling bins for my school to try and be more green and what not, so I went and found one on for a really good price but it says its “lid fit” does that mean something weird, like does it come with a lid or do I need to buy a lid? thats the link if it helps.

The Expert answers:

That product IS the lid. It means the lid fits a 32-gal container. See below the product description where it says “buy all 3”, which includes the lid and the container and a can crusher.

See the source for the container

Jenny asks…

How should I start this business letter?

It’s for english.I’m supposed to write a letter to the principal about a policy. I’m not sure how to start after the dear part.
I’m talking about how the school should recycle having bins for recycling and another regular trash.

The Expert answers:

Having written letters to customers for work, I can recommend a few guidelines for business communication. Not all are applicable all the time, and may some may be more important to follow than others based on many factors, such as one’s relationship to the reader, length of time known, social standing, etc.

Business letters are written in a formal voice. Polite, but not overly friendly. Factual, but not boring. To the point, but not abrupt. Be concise – respect the reader’s time. And if you’re asking something of someone, let them know how helping you can help them.

For example:

Principal Skinner:

My name is Bart Simpson and I wanted to talk with you about our school’s recycling program. We here at Springfield Elementary have a duty to ensure the well being of future generations of Springfieldians. You and your staff have done an excellent job molding the minds and bodies of the leaders of tomorrow’s world. Adding an element of social activism and envoronmental awareness will help make sure that the world they go out into is one where people can do all the things that previous generations have enjoyed, such as walking barefoot in the grass, taking a swim in the ocean, of hiking by a mountain stream.

Recycling helps us achieve that by conserving our limited resources so that they can be enjoyed for many, many years to come. I believe that the first small step Sprinfield Elementary can take in that direction could be the addition of extra bins in the cafeteria for the separation of recycleable material from non-recyclable material. This shouldn’t affect schedules adversely, etc etc…

Just continue like that, giving reasons why they should do what you’re asking, how it benefits them, and why it’s needed.

It’s late now so i got to wrap this up. Hope i gave you a good start.


Ken asks…

Eco friendly school???

OK last year, I managed to get my school recycling bins for the cafeteria. But this year, I want to do so much more!!! Like adding bike racks, paper recycling, encouraging turning off lights. Plus my school consists of a building 100+ years old, and some trailors about 3 years old. In two years we are getting a new school building. I’m going in 7th grade. I need ways to persuade the teachers, and to get an adult to “supervise” the meetings (which will be after school and on club day, which is once a month on friday). I’m a high honor roll student, the teachers love me, and I’m in every club possible, so getting help should not be too hard. I also need to figure out how to get other students to help, or be involved. Lastly, some project ideas for the green club, and ways to help make the new building “Green” would really be appreciated. Thanks so much for all your help! And I’m glad that there are more eco-activists too!

The Expert answers:

There are many ways of making a building more green, by using solar power for the hot water it will save the school lots of money. You can even keep a building warmer by having moss or grass on a flat roof. These are just some suggestions. Try asking your school to go to a green exhibiton to find alternatives. That often prooves to save money too.
Something that the school should be doing is to have some “greenspace”, which could be a school garden. You could grow food or flowers and have growing competitons. This will help students bond with nature and help them become active. It can be both educational and fun. This is something all ages of school student will be interested in.
I would also suggest for you to speak to a prefect who is in the sixth form, who maybe able to help you. They will possibly help and know the teachers and school better and involving students just a bit older than you will encourage the school community as a whole. I would also suggest you speak to your biology teacher too, as they will know a lot you can do and may also be able to help you with your club.
Try to remember to keep it fun! If you get your club off the ground, Try thinking up your own games for the club that are about green issues. You could as a group design posters reminding students about green issues. You could even organise an “own clothes day” and raise money for a green charity?
I hope that helps
Good luck and all the best on your first year of high school.

Maria asks…

how to encourage kids at my middle school to recycle?

we have bins for recycling, but no one seems to use them…
are there any programs or things at your school that make kids recycle more? im willing to talk to my guidance counselor, and possibly the vice principal…

The Expert answers:

Well this is an idea.


David asks…

How can i make my school go green?

I go to Gauger Cobbs Middle school.
We have like 4 recycling bins at school, and we wastee soo much paper, we use styrophome plates. and We havee no windows! stupid idea huh?
it was sopposibly to save energy… but they have to have alot more lighting. the school princibal and deans are sorta mean so i dont wanna go up to them and ask questions, i was thinking telling my talent development teacher, its like a class for kids that get a high map scores. what do you think i should do
im in 8th btw. and im vegetarian, our school has almost no vegetarian food options at school. i know 3 vegetarians at school, we eat pbj almost every day. =[….

The Expert answers:

Find a teacher to back you up and start an environmental club.
Find statistics to show your school board and make a power point with info.
“90 kids per day throw away plastic bottles in regular trash bins that could have been recycled. If our school plastic bottles we could ___tons of plastic from being processed.”

Their so many things that could be recyled like paper card board plastic….

This book is REALLY helpful!!


George asks…

I wrote a letter to my school on recycling… They considered it rude and “attacking”?

Dear Mr. So-and-so

As a member of the HOPE club at X High School, I find it a priority that you have a conference with Mrs. Principle immediately. I have been told that Mrs.Teacher has suggested recycling probably since October, and this is now February, and nothing has been done.
As time passes on, future issues will arise for my generation and the next. It is the schools‘ responsibility to teach their kids and teens to conserve and protect our only home. It is pitiful knowing all of our future issues and not responding to them as quickly as possible. Take for instance, California . California has recycling bins in every school, kindergarten through college, and every house has an enormous blue bin for recycling. Now they are doing something. X High School may just be one school in X State, but it is one where it can teach kids to take responsibility for their actions.
But how is it that we know this, and no one has time to fix it?
Mr. So-and-so, even though I do not know you, and you do not know me, be that person to change. Be that person to bring in those bins and reduce our daily trash. This may not be an issue you think about every morning when you wake up, but it is to me. Our teens need to be informed, and the more you can help, the better.
Thank you for your time,
(I censored names and places for privacy)
So I was wondering, how “attacking” was this letter? I wrote this about a year ago, and as far as I know, the school still doesn’t have any recycling bins. Back then, the club said that their only goal for the entire year was getting bins at our school. The guy they were contacting, Mr. So-and-so hardly ever replied to them, and I was running out of patience…
They kicked me out of the club, and eventually I gave up on them. (I never paid any of the fees and I never liked the people there anyways…)

The Expert answers:

Most people in charge of the school are old, which means they’re stubborn and resist change. How do weed is still illegal?

Donna asks…

Confused. Does he like me or hate me? Male answers preferred.?


It all started in the lunchroom. I was in hyper mode and being crazy and the guy was behind me in the line. I done something creepy with my eyes, you know when you make only the white parts show. He said i was a devil worshipper. I think he was joking but im not sure.

For the next few days he walked away from me whenever he caught my eye in the playground and looked at me in a ‘get away from me you weirdo’ kind of way. i think he was joking around but im not sure.

We exchanged e-mails. I asked him if he was really stupid enough to think i was a devil worshipper or if he was just joking. He didn’t answer the question and talked about something else. He seemed perfectly nice in these e-mail conversations but went back to ‘distant mode’ at school.

I have a facebook account and he commented on a friend’s picture that i was in and said ‘this would be a nice pic if she [as in me] wasn’t in it’.
everyone else said this was a nice pic of both of us.

A few days later we had a fight at school because of an argument throught msn. we exchanged cusses and he complimented me whenever i said a particularly good (or bad, considering how you look at it) cuss. i have no idea why he done that.

during the fight, he was smiling. Neither of us took the fight seriously. I bruised him by accident and the teacher that caught us fighting saw but he said it wasn’t me. We had to empty the recycling bins at school after school as punishment. At the end, we had one bag each (and so did the one other guy that was with us for another reason). The guy said, last one to the bins and back is the loser. We all started running. On the way back, we were neck and neck and we playfully barged each other as we ran. He came first, me second, and the other guy last. He said ‘ha! you got beaten by a girl!’

The next day, he gave me a big smile as he went past me.
I’ve learnt that he like me in year 8. (i am now in year 9). i don’t know when he stopped liking me.

I am very confused. Can someone please explain his behaviour to me?

The Expert answers:

”Children” of that age can be very confusing.

Aggression, including ‘physical’ aggression, can be signs of interest in someone, and the physical aggression gives a form of ‘legitimate’ reason for actually touching the other person.

Most kids cannot even account for their own reasons of / for their behaviour, so you’d be wasting your time trying to even ask him for his.

I’d strongly suggest that you are safe in that ‘he likes you’, and that he just finds it difficult to say or to show ways (Other than he has) of doing so.

Take care.
PS: Congratulations on making a long-ish tale relatively easy to read. A lot of so called Adults just can’t do it.

Sharon asks…

i am running for 7th grade representative and i wrote my speech but i don’t know if people will vote for me?

here is my speech.
Hello, my name is ___. I am running for 7th grade representative. I am hoping everyone will consider me as your representative for the school. i value helping the community, i work hard, and i try to have fun with everything while working hard. if i become a representative i promise to try to make this school a better place and a more comforting place to be. there are a couple of things i want to change about the school to make it better. first, i want to make the environment cleaner and friendly. such as, not using so much plastic, having more recycling bins around school, and encouraging students to help the environment. i also want to help the school raise money so we can have more fun programs and activities. if we have more fund raising our school can afford more things. if we had a successful fund raiser and raised enough money we can have more fun field trips. do you want more vacation and less homework. well, i can’t promise you that, but i can promise you that i will be very committed, fun, and i will include everyone. i have good grades, and i am very athletic. please consider me as your next 7th grade representative. thank you all, i hope i will get to help you and our school next year. thank you.
if you can, please help me to make it more funny

The Expert answers:

The key to a good election speech is to be funny, be creative. Everyone will be saying the same things you are, if you want to get elected you have to be different.
Kids don’t care about the environment or your grades or athletic ability, its a popularity contest.
Check out the links I posted below for some ideas but I am telling you BE FUNNY!

Chris asks…

recycle bin question, please help!!! URGENT?

okay, i copied microsoft word documents to my computer off a CD and put them in a folder called school, there are many documents in the folder, i accidently deleted the folder named school by the recycle bin, i clicked empty and forgot the school folder was in there. I have tried restoration and havent had any luck. Does ANYONE no what i should do and where the file could be? How do i find the school folder? i have really stressing out i need any information to help me find the folder. i need it for school and for everything please!!

The Expert answers:

Don’t fret, the files might still be there but you need to act quickly! When you erase, delete, or empty your recycle bin, it may appear the files are gone. But in reality they are still on the lower levels of your hard disk. In order to recover them you need specialized data recovery software.

Just don’t wait too long. There is a chance that the longer you wait, the better chance that those files can be LOST FOREVER. Scan your system for free and recover your files at:

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