Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Recycling Center in South OC?

I have a lot of soda cans that i want to recycle. Anyone know where i can bring them to where i can recycle and get some money back in South OC, near Lake Forest? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

My local Albertson’s has one. Many grocery stores do. I think they still have some “Pavillions” stores around and I know those do too. Also I’ve heard some Wal-Marts are starting to get centers as well. But I’d say your best bet would be a grocery store. Everytime you’re driving around and see an Albertson’s just pull into the parking lot and look on the sides and the back of the building (if you can access it). You’ll see what looks like either a big dumpster or a trailer- there might be an attendant or it might be electronic. What’s cool is you can make money off of it too! Also, if you go on your local TV news website they often advertise events to recycle e-waste such as cellphones, batteries, computer monitors, and printer cartridges. Good luck!

Susan asks…

Recycling in Glendale, Az?

I live near 67th and Bell in Phoenix and was curious if anyone knew if there were any recycling centers or companies that do it close by? Not sure if consuming the gas to drive across town to recycle makes sense.

The Expert answers:

Here ya go

Paul asks…

A broken Tv, recycling?

Hi, I have a broken TV. Can I just drop it at the dumpster near my apartment? or do I have to take it to the local recycling center? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Apartments are classified as commercial property so it’s illegal for something like a CRT TV to be in the dumpster of an apartment. The city probably operates a recycling depot that also accepts e-waste like TV’s from residents. In Houston, it’s the Westpark Recycling Center.

Linda asks…

whats the best way to recycle a transmission and car engine?

I have a junk car transmission and engine, I’m probably going to take it to my nearest consolidated scrap resources center, a place that recycles old metal. they will pay me for It, however does anyone know if junkyards will pay for it as a core or if they can be refurbished or fixed? Just curious, thanks.

The Expert answers:

Sure, but it would need to be a rare engine and tranny or the transaction and hauling costs would outweigh the value to whomever is doing the rebuilds. So it would probably be a deal where they wouldn’t even want the stuff unless you happen to have someone that does it at a large scale locally, or a local person happens to need them for a car in your area. Both pretty unlikely. Doesn’t hurt to make a few calls though. Start with the transmission shops, they’ll know if someone in the area is looking for a used tranny to rebuild

Steven asks…

Recycle center in kl? ?

Ok so here the problem…i got like tons..n i mean TOOOONNNSSSS!! of things to recycle..
i just dont know where…
so kat mana recycle center ?? please let it be near kl la.. =.=…

The Expert answers:

Recycling centre list in KL:

Recycling centre list in PJ, Selangor:

Ruth asks…

i need to recycle my magazines!?!?

i have a bunch of magazines that i want to recycle but i dont live in a house so i cant just put them on the curb. does anyone know where i can recycle them? like what kind of recycling centers take the magazines? if you could specifically tell me any that are near van nuys, california 91405 then i would be so greatful.

The Expert answers:

I am not in California but here in Fla we take ours to nursing homes they love them..

Daniel asks…

Help Me with this new math problem please?

A recycling center can recycle 1500 pounds of aluminum in one hour. How many hours will it take them to recycle 10 tons of aluminum? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. (Hint: 1 ton = 2000 pounds.)

The Expert answers:


13.3 hours. This is the same as 13 hours and 18 minutes (there are 6 min. Per 1/10 of an hour)

Sandra asks…

National Honor Society application?

I’ve been recommended for NHS, and it requires a letter that addresses the qualifications of academics, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and future goals. I just completed throwing together my application and would love to hear thoughts about it.

Dear Faculty Council,

I consider the National Honor Society as one of the most prestigious school organizations, and I would love to become a part of it. Academically, I try my best to maintain the grades that I have received over my years of education. I know that my present education will affect my future, so my standards have always been high. My parents also do their best to motivate me in keeping my grades up. Studying is a major part of my academics, and I’ve created study habits that are very useful for major tests or just daily quizzes. I consistently try and challenge myself through academics by enrolling in AP, Gifted, and Advanced classes, but I also enroll in classes that I believe would be beneficial to my future.
Although academics are a major part of my life, I am also involved in a few extracurricular activities, my main being tennis. I’ve played tennis for about three years now, and I always strive to improve. I play for the Northgate team, and also play for the YMCA in the off-season and on weekends. One of my beliefs is “practice makes perfect”, so I like to try and practice at least a few days a week for a couple hours at a time. Along with tennis, I am fond of many other sports. I love to play football or baseball with friends. Another activity that I enjoy is reading. Reading has always been a part of who I am, ever since childhood when I was one of the top contenders in my school’s Accelerated Reading program. The satisfaction I acquire from finishing a great book is one of the top sensations I have. I am also active in the Beta Club and Spanish Club, which leads me to my community involvement. One way that I help to stay involved in the community is the donations that I provide to Goodwill. My family and I are also avid recyclers. Our trash company only picks up cardboard materials, but we also save any glass or aluminum, which we take down to the local recycling center.
Finally, my future has always been near in my eyes, and I’ve had my plan mapped out since I was young. I plan to become an architect by first attending (hopefully) Georgia Tech. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and building my own creations, so architecture just seems like the perfect field. My uncle is also an architect, so I’d like to be able to jump right into work under his supervision for the first few years, but eventually, I hope to create my own company and design renowned structures all throughout the world. I appreciate your time and consideration of my application, and am optimistic in hearing back with good news.

Austin (last name)

The Expert answers:

I think it’s decent so far, but it can be better. Try to elaborate more on certain things, such as your community service. Don’t just write about what you did but also how it has affected you as a person and helped you develop/mature, what qualities or values it has instilled in you, etc. Also, try rereading this letter in a couple of days. Trust me; you’ll see a lot of things you’d want to change. That’s what I did for my NHS essay, and it helped me tremendously.

PS: You should also include one or two leadership positions if you have any. Leadership is one of the qualities that is attributed to NHS members. Good Luck!

John asks…

curbside recycling for free? please help?

i want to recycle! but i cant get to a recycleing center or a drop off site. so i looked up curbside recycleing. but it seems that i have to pay for it! not many people recycle anyways so why would i want to pay to recycle my own items? that is nonsense!

what i am trying to ask is, does anybody know any recycleing centers in virginia that i can call or e-mail for curbside recycleing for free? more near the triangle-dumfries area?

The Expert answers:

It’s not worthwhile for recycling companies to pick up at individual homes. The cost of collection is usually more then the materials are worth.

Many towns now have curbside recycling collection. You just put your recycling bin out next to your trash. But it still has to be paid for. Some places charge more for the trash so that they can charge less for recycling, but anyway you look at it, you have to pay people to do the work, buy the vehicles and maintain them, put gas in the tank, etc. The value of recyclables has gone up, but not enough for it to be free.

Talk to your local authorities about setting up curbside recycling. I bet they’re already considering it. Maybe you can get others in your town to support the idea, and really make a difference.

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