Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pair of compounds that are cycled and recycled in the cell’s ene?

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pair of compounds that are cycled and recycled in the cell’s energy pathways?

c. CO2 / H2O
d. FAD / FADH2
e. ADP / ATP

The Expert answers:


Mark asks…

what is the copyright law for a recycled design?

I thought I had an original idea for a piece of up cycled furniture, after creating a collection of the furniture I started to sell it. I found later that someone had either copied my idea completely or had it before me. Either way, the idea is not original now….

What are the laws relation to the copyright of an upcycled or recycled product? If you see an upcycled or recycled design can you reproduce it and sell it without breaking the law?

The Expert answers:

The IDEA of recycling in order to make furniture cannot be copyrighted. Only a very specific design.

So, if you’re doing your own design, no problem. If you’re duplicating someone else’s design, then you might run into problems.

That said, furniture is not what gets copyrighted.

Michael asks…

The water used in many fountains is recycled. For instance, a single water particle in a fountain travels thru?

The water used in many fountains is recycled. For instance, a single water particle in a fountain travels through an 85 m system and the returns to the same point. What is the displacement of a water particle during one cycle?

The Expert answers:

Zero because,

The water doesn’t displace anything but air when it is sprayed in the air, but when the particle falls back to the water pond, that particle displaces one particle of water and increases the volume of the water by one particle, but when that water particle is pumped back into the air the water level goes back down by one particle

1 particle displacement increase – 1 particle displacement decrease= 0

Ruth asks…

Which of the following cycles exist between photosynthesis and respiration in a single plant cell?

multiple answers
A) recycling of carbon dioxide and glucose between light dependent reaction and the first 2 steps of respiration
B) recycling of NADPH and ATP between light and dark reactions
C) recycling of NADPH and FADH2 between Kreb’s cycle and ETC
D) recycling of water and oxygen between light dependent reaction and ETC
E) cycling of water, oxygen, glucose, and CO2 between respiration and photosynthesis

The Expert answers:

If it exists between BOTH photosynthesis and respiration, I think it is E.

Chris asks…

when we do work energy is utilised ,then how does it get recycled?

i mean many cycles v r having eg carbon cycle,phosphorus cycle,when v r doing work energy is utilised ,then the remaining should be used for cycles does it remain the same?

The Expert answers:

As long as resources are enriched with potential viability, then, there is no question of recycle.
Our body metabolism is different from others. The following bio geochemical cycle theory which may help you to clarify your undersanding of recyling.

The ‘carbon cycle is the bio geochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, mesosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. It is one of the most important cycles of the earth and allows for the most abundant element to be recycled and reused throughout the biosphere and all of its organisms.

The phosphorus cycle is the bio geochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Unlike many other bio geochemical cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significant role in the movements of phosphorus, because phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds are usually solids at the typical ranges of temperature and pressure found on Earth.

Helen asks…

Does energy get recycled in our environment?

My teacher says no, but seriously decomposers recycle the result of energy (body’s, plants etc) which once again provide plants with the resources to produce energy once again that run in the food cycle that provides all eventually with some energy. So when it’s said energy does NOT get recycled in our environment… it makes no sense.

Ah it was stuck on my mind after class today… What’s your opinions on this?

The Expert answers:

The fact is, energy is energy. It never dissipates but does alter depending on the use. Energy can never dissolve or become a null point in existence. This planet is not a vacuum!

Intangible things like thoughts are energy, emotions are energy (e-motion is actually energy in motion), the sun and moon exert energy that are invisible but have an important impact on this planet; microwaves emit energy, radios and cell phones transmit energy naked to the human eye, etc. Humans, animals, and even events exert energy, for instance “bad vibes” as warning signals or Christmas cause certain energies of anticipation or nostalgic memories.

And energy can be contagious, as in Team Spirit, patriotism for a country, etc. Energy is also universal: all humans feel the exact same emotions regarding situations though in varying social contexts (cultural indoctrinations). Even animals share the same energy plainly exhibited in the “flight or fight” syndrome.

Energy alters with use, for example, death. The energy of a living being, or anything else, cannot be erased, it just refines itself to a different plane of reality that we can’t see (normally), think of radios and cell phone transmissions again.

Scientists tried an experiment years ago in Oracle, Arizona called the Biosphere, a closed environment attempting to simulate Space where energy follows different rules. The Biosphere failed dramatically because scientists have not found a way to duplicate Space on this planet’s surface.

The Earth follows certain patterns of energy. This energy, depicted in the Golden Ratio or Golden Mean, permeates all physicalities from chemical compounds, minerals and plants, to human and animal life.

In regards to recycling: This planet actually is a giant recycler, constantly altering its form and existence upon it. Archaeologists have had a huge problem trying to find mankind’s early beginnings due to the earth’s nature of constant decomposition in tandem with Nature itself. (Most if not all sources claim the “true history” of man based on conjecture, religion, philosophy, or fantasy but for scientific proof, only dates itself back to 100,000 BC and this planet is much older than that.)

As of yet, mankind has not found a way to fully explain the causes of life (and its energies), instead turning to religion or spirituality as a means of reassurance. (And perhaps we never will find out. Maybe we’re not meant to!)

For more in-depth explanations of classifications of energy read Wikipedia’s page for starters.

BTW~ Some teachers aren’t aware or haven’t done their homework They’re only human and we’re all ignorant to a point.

Fascinating topic, thanks for bringing it up and I hope this helped a little!

Richard asks…

describe the phosphorus cycle and explain how phosphorus is recycled locally in most ecosystems?

The Expert answers:

The phosphorus cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Unlike many other biogeochemical cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significant role in the movements of phosphorus, because phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds are usually solids at the typical ranges of temperature and pressure found on Earth.

The production of phosphine gas is allowed only in specialized, local conditions. The low P availability retards microbial growth, which is shown from the studies of soil microbial biomass. Soil microorganism acts as sink and source of available P in biogeochemical cycle . However, the major transfers in the global cycle of P are not driven by microbial reactions. Further studies needs to be performed for integrating different processes and factors related to gross phosphorus mineralization and microbial phosphorus turnover in general.


Sandy asks…

Do plastic drinking straws get recycled?

When you throw away a plastic cup with a straw inside.. into a plastic recycle bin does it get recycled? i am doing a life cycle analysis for straws..

The Expert answers:

Yes, because their PLASTIC, they might be a little bit of it but it shure does help safe the earth one step at a time 🙂
Forever and always,
Taylor <3

Sandra asks…

Why can energy not be recycled?

Explain why the energy that is not transferred at each level cannot be picked up by plants and cycles back through the system in the same way that atoms and molecules are cycled.


The Expert answers:

Atoms and molecules are matter. Energy is not.

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