Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

What is the best method to recycle waste water?

Cost and enviroment

The Expert answers:

The cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells that the Bush Administration has partnered with the Detroit Big Three automakers to develop could eventually be pulling up to wastewater treatment plants for fill-ups, say Penn State environmental engineers.

Industrial wastewater, for example — and simultaneously clean the wastewater.

Chris asks…

How to recycle the waste water of oil refinery, so the oil can be use?

get the water from the oil refinery that water which used to clean crude oil, and that water become waste and that water purchase from refinery and spart the oil from the water and that oil can be for sale.

The Expert answers:

It´s possible, first step is settle the water. Then water pass to biological treatment to low DQO. You could sell the oil to refinery and they cracking the mix again to break the chains into other materials.

James asks…

Is the environmental benefit of recycling my rubbish outweighed by the water I waste to wash it first?

I am told I must wash my plastic and glass bottles and jars so that they are usable in the recycling plants but does the amount of water I must use to get them clean outweigh the benefits to the environment?

The Expert answers:

I agree with GEECEE use waste water if possible to rinse. Or just wipe if it’s like a tuna can.

Recycling should outweigh the water – because it takes a lot more water to produce those materials NEW than it does to recycle.

Also – rinsing does not need to be thorough, you dont need it to be sparkling.

Richard asks…

importance of waste water recycling?

The Expert answers:

As world populations require both more clean water and better ways to dispose of wastewater, the demand for water reclamation will increase. Future success in water reuse will depend on whether this can be done without adverse effects on human health and the environment.

Donald asks…

explain reuse and recycling of waste water.?

reted to waster water treatment and related to water pollution

The Expert answers:

I think distillation is the only way…

Laura asks…

Is it possible to recycle waste water from the toilet.?

Is is safe to drink?

The Expert answers:

It is possible and it is safe to drink more than likely. Water companies do it all the time. They treat the waste water and then pump it back into the environment, and therefore back into the food chain.

But to do it yourself? Do you want a early death?

Maria asks…

When recycling tins bottles etc – the council say wash them first. How much energy and water does this waste?

How much extra does this cost the average recycling household who wash all their waste cartons before putting into their recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

It wastes a lot of energy and water. Recycled cans get put into a furnace hot enough to melt them. Say good by to any uncleaned material on the cans. Tell your idiot beaurocrats to shut the hell up!!

Ruth asks…

Will people burn all body waste and turn it into electricity, create water lines for recycling washing water,?

and drinking water? Will people never put any type of used water back into the rivers, lake or the underground water system? With two sewage line and maybe pump it or it can be recycled right at your house.

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen carts in Cairo, Egypt collecting the dung from cows and then piling it on a roof to dry for later use in ovens.

How about fish ponds in our large back yards to raise our own food? It’s done in Africa. The fish could eat the food scraps.

Steven asks…

does Germany use recycled waste drinking water?

Please tell me if you really know for sure, not just guessing.
Also if you can tell me which cities are effected if it is true they use this water. Thanks very much
Also, maybe if you’re not sure can you please tell me who I could contact to find this information out?

The Expert answers:

Never heard of it but I can’t imagine it. They might use it for industrial purposes.

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