Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asksā€¦

The importance of recycle bins, justify and persuade the management to provide recycle bins for the estate.?

The estate used to provide recycle bins until they started to get fined for the food waste which the residents had disposed off in the bins. I need to show them having recycling bins is a worthwhile cause to pursue, the importance of recycling and although it may take a while to educate the irresponsible residents, it is for the better of our environment.
The answer which is the most persuasive and reasonable gets best answer šŸ˜‰

The Expert answers:

The best way is to hire someone who can sort out the waste which can be gathered in one place and sorted later.

Mark asksā€¦

Why are we told to recycle what we can and then told its not to be put in the recycling bins?

We’re told to put cardboard and garden matter in our green bins, and another leaflet says you can put eggshells, teabags and peelings in then we’re told that you can’t put these things in. i’m getting very confused.

The Expert answers:

Ring your local council and ask them to post you their leaflets/stickers that list what can and can not be placed in the recycling bin. Stick these inside your bin lid, then if there are any disputes when they come to collect the bins you can point to the appropriate item on the leaflet or sticker.

Ruth asksā€¦

What can you recycle with the blue small recycling bins?

I have old carpet and a metal base to my bed oh and can radios be recycled

The Expert answers:

Radios CAN be recycled!! However, you can’t put them in the small blue recycling bins. Chances are, your city has a recycling center, which will take all of your electronics/small appliances and other toxic waste. You will need to find out (via phone book or google) where that facility is in your area, and see if they have a pick-up, or if they have you take those items out to their facility. Chances are, this will be the same facility that will take your old carpet and metal bed base!

Joseph asksā€¦

Where can I find recycle bins for textiles and Building materials please?

I want to recycle wood, steel, bricks, concrete, asphalt and other things too please. I need good web sites please.

The Expert answers:

I need some remodeling supplies and or ashalt/concrete. What all do you have? I’m in need of many items. Thanks.

James asksā€¦

How do you get rid of (preferably recycle) trash bins?

The giant garbage bins, not the small indoor ones. These ones go in the garage. We were given new ones by the city and now we’re not sure what to do with the old ones.

The Expert answers:

These are the absolutely greatest things for recycling your aluminum cans in,if you don’t want them put it on freecycle because someone probably will.

Mandy asksā€¦

Can you recycle water bottles into the grey recycle bins the trashmen pick up?

my mom says we cant O.o

The Expert answers:

Probably you can. But I know sometimes recycling companies only accept certain plastics, so I’d call them at least, maybe if that’s the case you can buy water bottles out of that plastic. But why not just get reusable bottles, I recommend not BBP bottles, and if you have bad water just get a filter

Chris asksā€¦

I live in Australia. How come I can’t throw paper into some recycle bins?

I thought paper was the most recycled thing in the world.

The Expert answers:

In order for products to be recycled, there has to be someone to take it off the trash collector’s hands. If there is none in your area, there is no point in separating the paper. Since most paper comes from softwood pulp trees that are grown specifically for that purpose, paper recycling doesn’t always make sense dollar-wise. It is not a hard product to make whereas something like glass is more time consuming and uses more energy to get to a product. Glass can be a sensible product to recycle since the hard part has already (digging the silicon, refining the melted solution, etc.) happened and it can be easily melted and reshaped.

Donald asksā€¦

Where do you dispose glass bins without a recycle sign?

I have a glass bin (of tomato sauce) that I want to discard, but it has no recycle sign/number on it. Do I just throw it away in the regular trash?

The Expert answers:

I think you mean a glass jar or bottle.
Empty the tomato sauce into the garbage. Then rinse out the jar and put it in the recyling bin with the other recyclables.
Glass does not have numbers – all glass can be recycled.
You may be thinking of plastics, which do have numbers on the bottom.
I’m so glad you care enough about recycling to ask. It’s so important.

Maria asksā€¦

I am going to get recycle bins brought to my house Monday. Any tips or rules on how to recycle?

How many bins will there be, what materials go in them? Thanks

The Expert answers:

At least three where I live, one for plastics and cans, one for glass products. Wash out the food stuff from all container first.
Good for you for doing this for all of us. Some out there don’t have the mind to see the obvious. When I was young I could swim in rivers etc. Now we can’t. Some are chosing to believe it’s not truth, but look at how sick kids are getting from just breathing the air!

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