Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Know any cool DIY crafts!?

The Expert answers:

Needle felting, paper mache, recycle art, wood crafts. There are projects with instructions here:
Pick the category on the left that interests you.
Click on it and you will go to a page with different projects. Click on the one you want and it will go to the page with pictures and instructions.

Steven asks…

Recyclables Crafts? 10 points?

Do you guys have ideas to make recyclable things to sell at our school fundraiser? Please explain how to do it also. 10 Points for the best. Mostly want jewelry and others

The Expert answers:

Recycle art with poptabs:

Recycle tin cans:

How to make a poptar:

David asks…

craft making ideas..?

i get bored at home and want to make some decorative and creative craft..give me some ideas please or any of your favorite craft

The Expert answers:

How about jewelry making, paper craft, Candle Making and Candle Crafts,Cardboard Crafts, Recycling Crafts,Nature Crafts, Easy Homemade Gifts,Jar Mixes and Gifts in a Jar, decorative strings ,hand print crafts, money or coin craft, etc…

Linda asks…

Is there an interesting craft project that i can do RIGHT now?

seriously, i’m really bored and i want to do something artistic that i dont have to go shopping for. something that uses materials that are most likley already in the house.thanks i would really appreciate some ideas because i am having a sleepover tomarrow with a few of my friends. thanks agian!!!!!

The Expert answers:

Recycle projects

dye dryer sheets and make into flowers or stitch/glue together for banners or decor.

Milk carton pen/pencil holder
use magazine to cut out pictures,fabric can be used.

Paint/markers some rocks
do faces or other images
ex: find a rock that looks close to a animal/bug or a book and paint in details.

Ice cream carton lids make good photo frames just decorate.

Thomas asks…

simple easy crafts for teens that dont cost and need a lot ?

i am 13 and am looking for crafts to do and i want something that doesnt take a lot of things you need to go buy and doesnt need stuff that is hard to find in stores any ideas ? thanks ! oh and i have glue gun, sewing machine, iron, and tools i have access to incase a craft needs any of that

The Expert answers:

Here are a bunch of articles on teen crafts using recycled items. All these articles give you detailed instructions on several crafts and they are all inexpensive. Enjoy getting crafty!

Craft with bottles

Crafts with Socks

crafts using cereal boxes

Making purses from recycled items

Making jewelry

crafts using old books

crafts using newspaper

crafts using milk jugs

crafts using coffee cans

Mary asks…

Cute easy DIY crafts?

I am a 16 year old girl and I’m really bored. What are some cute DIY crafts i can do? Maybe stuff like decorating my room or something. PLEASE HELP

The Expert answers:

DIY Inspiration. Bottle Animals. Recycled water and detergent bottles made into animal lights – but are really cool sculptures on their own.


Ruth asks…

website for recycled projects?

The Expert answers:

There are many sites for recycling projects from making compost to recycling gray water, but I assume you mean recycling crafts. Here are two sites that I found, plus there are magazines such as “Pack ‘O Fun” that you can borrow from your library or purchase anywhere magazines are sold. Your library will also have other books dealing with recycling.

Hope this is what you are looking for.

Donna asks…

Is tulle recyclable????????????????

Like tulle, the fabric. Can it be recycled????????????????????????

The Expert answers:

Yes and no and yes.

Yes, tulle can probably be recycled in that it probably could be placed into a recyclable bin somewhere. This would require the capability of your recycling system to find a tulle buyer who will re-use, re-purpose, or re-manufacture it. Also, that they can gather enough of it to be able to supply this buyer. Chances are, this is not going to be a happening thing in the near future in most communities. – It is more likely to happen in a community that has a tulle manufacturing plant or other industry with a predicable and reliable amount of tulle waste.

So, the answer is no, it is not likely to be recyclable material in most communities.

On the other hand, there are a number of ways to divert smaller quantities of tulle from the landfill stream. One is to give it away, list it on a board like or, or donate it to a place like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Another way is to re-use or re-purpose it on your own. There are a zillion crafting projects ranging from decorative to utilitarian that call for tulle or netting. I’m sure that you can find some out on the net as well as among the stacks and periodicals at your local library.

Depending upon how fine, how strong, and what color your tulle is, there are a number of different things it can be made into. It can be made in to draw string sacks for produce, delicates in the washing machine, or even as “ditty bags” for use in a pack, bag, purse, or drawer. It can be made into a number of skin scrubbing bath items like back scrubbers, bath scrunchies, and even fixed over bar/solid soap as a combination soaping and scrubbing item. (This one has been pretty popular over the years and designs range from utilitarian to quite decorative.) Tulle and netting can also be used to generate a number of different types of kitchen scrubbers popular among home crafters and bazaar sales in the 1960’s and 1970’s; you can still see vestiges of these designs in the cleaning aisle of your local grocery store. Tulle and netting is also commonly used in assorted drawer sachet and Christmas decorations. Of course, it is used as a decorative accent in a number of crafting and sewing projects including wood and other based yard decor. A number of the clothing for kids the past several months or a year have included assorted versions of the ballet tutu skirt which contain ruffles of tulle; tulle ruffles have escaped the skirt and are found on tops, at sleeve and pant hems, and more. From this there are an assortment of even adult clothing with lace or tulle type over lays, whole backs and other pieces with “holes” covered by the same, and more. Tulle is also often used in some sorts of pillows and drawer sachets. I’m sure that we will see more tulle in hair accents, clothing accents, and more as the months wear on. Again, depending upon the size of your tulle’s mesh and strength, tulle and netting is often used to hold black thistle as a bird feeder. It can be used as a filter or strainer in a number of different applications too.

Often the Reduce, Re-use, and Re-purpose cornerstones of the current recycling movement demand creative thinking and beg for a number of crafting skills. “Crafting” is not the activity of just dingy old ladies, men with too much time and too many tools, nor counter culture types in odd outfits eating odd food. In America there has almost always been a debate about when and how “crafting” becomes skilled workmanship, and skilled workmanship becomes art. Also, if a product is hand crafted in a garage it is considered to be more of a craft item yet, when does a couple of folks working in the same garage become a business versus a manufacturing line.

Robert asks…

Recycling question?

Can you recycle old magazines?

The Expert answers:

Some recycling centers do not accept magazines because of the finish on the paper. Check with yourlocal recycle center to see if they take them.

But you should consider the “reduce, reuse, recycle” slogan.

If you do not want to get the online subscriptions to your magazines, find others who can enjoy them when you are done with them, places like nursing homes, hospice centers, jails, libraries, and assisted living communities. Some elementary schools and day cares might even be interested in then for craft projects. You need to call around and see if any of these places would be interested.

Just my two cents.

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