Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Were can I recycle loosing lottery tickets?

My dad has a lot of loosing lottery tickets. On the back it says “recyclable” were can we recycle it?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle it at your nearest trash collection station – the one near me has a recycle center – or there may be a location solely dedicated to recyclables. If you don’t know where that is, you can check the yellow pages of your phone book. I’d imagine you could recycle it in the same place you would recycle other paper items. And kudos on being so environment-conscious!

Donna asks…

What are some things we can recycle?

can someone please help me.? i am making a collage for my science homework and i need to cut things out a magazine of pictures of things we can recycle. i already know we can recycle cans and bottles but i need more pictures of things we can recycle. can anybody give me the name of some things we recycle? i need at least 20-40 things.

The Expert answers:

Plastics – there are 7 types. Look for the number in the recycle symbol. You can google the names of them all. (milk bottles, shampoo, etc.)
aerosol cans, aluminium cans
paper, card board, juice boxes (this is called liquid paper board and is the best quality which relates to the length of the paper fibre)
glass bottles (usually on the type form a grocery store – no perfume bottles)
this is all house hold stuff.
You can recycle old car batteries, scrap metal from old cars, plastic bumper bars.
You local government will be the best source of info.
Car tyres.

Michael asks…

what can you recycle help?

i need to do a paper what can u recycle
i already got paper,cans,oil,cardboard,plastic help

The Expert answers:

Actually you can recycle food, it is biodegradable. For example, you can make a compost pile and use that as fertilizer in your garden….

Some oil can be recycled. For example there is this show on the learning channel that showed this guy that travels to restaurants and uses their old cooking oil to make fuel for his vehicle.

To add to your list- clear glass, newspaper, used motor oil an be recycled into heating oil, industrial lubricants or new motor oil.

Oh and if you buy a new car battery you can take your old one in to be recycled and usually they give you a few bucks back towards your new one.

Hope this helps…

Ruth asks…

How do you recycle cans?

What I mean is do you clean them or smash them or something? I really want to start recycling b/c I feel bad about throwing away all of my pop cans.

The Expert answers:

You just toss them into a recycling bin… If u live in an apartment you probably have one like in the basement and if you live in a house you should have like a blue bin… If not you can ask city hall for one, or just go to a recycling depot with all your cans and get some $$$.

You don’t really have to do anything to them, just if they are bottles take off the lids

Joseph asks…

Is it really true that “each recycled beer can …?

saves enough electricity to run a television for three hours.”

The Expert answers:

I don’t recall the exact formula but yes, converting Al2O3 into Al metal requires a prodigous amount of electricity. If you reverse the reaction, i.e., convert 1 lb of Al into Al2O3, you get out something like 7 times more energy then a 1 lb stick of dynamite going off). The solid fuel rockets on the space shuttle burn Al powder. When the Washington Monument was built (which was before Hall & Herolt figured out how to make Al cheap), the Al pyramid at the top represented a significant fraction of all the Al metal that existed. Al reduction plants are built near electric generation plants.

And yes, you are not saving the planet if you drive your SUV to recycle 1 used beverage can (UBC) but if everyone who drinks out of Al cans recycles, we are saving a very significant amount of electricity because there is a huge number of Al cans used every day.

Sharon asks…

can someone help me with recycling things?

ok first off,i live in running springs,CA in an,i want to recycle things that can be recycled but i don’t know what everything is.can someone help me here?and i need a place were i can bring everything i collect that’s not like a 2 hour drive.Oh,and does anyone know a good website?

The Expert answers:

Go to the website below they have articles to tell you about recycling and I have already entered your town.

Here are what it brought up within 7 miles of your town.

Jack’s Disposal Service Curbside Program
Municipal Curbside Program

(909) 889-1969

San Bernardino, CA 92415
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Aluminum Foil Asphalt Brick +43 more
For residents of San Bernardino County only.

Mountain Communities Recycle Center – Goodwins Market
1.7 mi. Location

(909) 338-7251

24089 Lake Gregory Drive

Crestline, CA 92325
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Blue Glass Brown Glass Cardboard +3 more

Mt Communities Recycle Center – Blue Jay5.4 mi. Location

27264 Highway 189

Blue Jay, CA 92317
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Blue Glass Brown Glass Clear Glass +2 more

Mountain Communities Recycle Center
6.2 mi. Location

(909) 338-7251

28200 Highway 189

Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Blue Glass Brown Glass Clear Glass +1 more

Nexcycle/Kwik Stop Dairy
6.5 mi. Location

(909) 279-2200

133 East 40th Street

San Bernardino, CA 92404
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Blue Glass Brown Glass Clear Glass +1 more

San Bernardino Tomra Pacific, Inc. – Stater Bros #107
6.6 mi. Location

(877) 737-5263

977 Kendall Drive

San Bernardino, CA 92407
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) #3 Plastic #4 Plastic (LDPE) #5 Plastic (Polypropylene) #6 Plastic (Polystyrene) +7 more

San Bernardino Tomra Pacific, Inc. – Ralphs #753
6.6 mi. Location

(877) 737-5263

4444 University Parkway

San Bernardino, CA 92407
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) #3 Plastic #4 Plastic (LDPE) #5 Plastic (Polypropylene) #6 Plastic (Polystyrene) +7 more

Stater Brothers
6.6 mi. Location

(909) 886-4517

277 East 40th Street

San Bernardino, CA 92404
Plastic Bags Brown Paper Bags

EarthWize – Stater Bros #036
6.6 mi. Location

161 East 40th Street

San Bernardino, CA 92404
#1 Plastic (PETE) #2 Plastic (HDPE Clear) #2 Plastic (HDPE Colored) Aluminum Cans Blue Glass Brown Glass Clear Glass +2 more

The UPS Store
6.6 mi. Location

(909) 881-6788

985 Kendall Drive

San Bernardino, CA 92407

Mary asks…

Recycling cans cost ?

I have about 1,000 recycled cans. How much money would that be in the state of mississippi ?

The Expert answers:

You would have to have more information to answer this question. Like, what recyclers are currently paying per pound for cans in Mississippi and what size cans are they? Just use a kitchen scale and weigh out 1 lb. Of cans. Use a mixture of can sizes in your lb. To represent the sizes in your 1,000. Count the number of cans in 1 lb. Divide 1.000 by the number of cans in 1 lb then multiply the answer by how much they are paying per lb. For cans. Then you will have an approx. Answer. Like this—–

A = the number of cans in 1lb
B = how many lbs 1,000 cans weigh
C = how much money is being paid for 1 lb of cans
D = how much 1,000 cans are worth if you recycle them

1000 divided by A = B
B x C = D

For example: If there are 5 cans equal 1 lb. And they are paying $1.00 a pound for cans to recycle it would look like this—- 1,000 divided by 5 = 200 200 X $1.00 = $200.00

Richard asks…

How do you recycle a Pringles can?

…and other multi-material constructed items. We have co-mingled recycling pick-up, but that just means we don’t have to sort it. But stuff that is constructed of multiple materials… are those just considered non-recyclable? The Pringles can, for example is plastic, aluminum, and cardboard. The plastic lid comes off easily enough, am I expected to pry the metal from the cardboard?

It’s a serious question, so stop laughing! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Hybrids or multi material items can’t be recycled. They are destined to go to the landfill. Once these items have been joined they can’t be separated. There is a small ray of hope, there is a company that takes some of these items and reuses them. Go to and check out some of the products they make from non recyclable waste.

Jenny asks…

We can recycle plastics # 1 – # 7 but……?

What about things that don’t have a recycle symbol on them like the plastic bag my lettuce comes in or things that have a recycle symbol on it but have no number inside?
Our landfill accepts 1 – 7 now 🙂

The Expert answers:

Go to they can help you locate recycle centers and can answer questions about what can be recycled.

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