Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

are household recycling schemes a waste of time ?

only 9% of waste is from households, mose is from the industries, so is household recycling a waste of time? i know about the every little helps but hay 9% isn’t that much. so what are your thoughts ?

The Expert answers:

Household recycling? Definitely no benefit. Recycling in general? No benefit. Now, calm down, I know all you greenies out there are gonna start waving biodegradeable bags in my face but there is some logic to my reasoning.
An American Uni professor (with a lot of spare time) calculated that at the current rate of waste disposal American would fill 35 square miles of landfill 100 yards deep with rubbish in 1000 years. Thats one tenth of one percent of the grazing real estate available for American agirculture.
Now, the most popular argument with greenies is that recycling saves the environment, right? I mean, apparently plastic bags take like 1000 years to be degraded (or something like that, Im no statistician). What they have forgotten to take into account is the extremely small amount of landfill required to dispose of said waste, landfill that almost definitely doesnt affect any natural wildlife. However, if we were to recycle said waste, it requires twice the manpower, resources and emissions that simple disposal uses.
Did you know you have to use a ceramic coffee mug 1000 times before it equalled the benefits of a 1000 foam mugs in terms of cost effectiveness and emissions? That is, your ceramic mug costs the earth more compared to foam cups. Think about it, you gotta heat your water to wash your mug, buy detergent to clean it, or power a dish washer to clean it for you = more emissions than what is required to make foam cups.
We will have bigger things to worry about than 35 miles of garbage in 1000 years, like overthrowing our robot overlords. If you actually want to make a difference, ride a motorcycle, dispose of your garbage rather than recycle, use nuclear power.

James asks…

What happends to the garden recycling waste?

Our community has special bin for weeds/branches, etc. What happends to this stuff?

The Expert answers:

Varies with community. Often it is collected, chipped/shredded and turn into compost to be put on public parks. Sometimes it is available to the public. Call and ask.

Sometimes it is mixed with sewage sludge and composted for use in special areas where people won’t be rolling around on the ground. .

Jenny asks…

What are the Disadvantages or recycling waste water ?

Also, could you please tell me some advantages too if you have the time ? (:
Thank you.

The Expert answers:


1. Smell
2. Cuts into natural process where every other person’s crap is some organism’s food.
3. Chemicals used could be harmful in long run.
4. Requires large area of land that could be permanently damaged.
5. Air born pollution and germs.


1. Could stop lots of pollutants to enter the natural process
2. Could help nature to be cleaner and not plagued by weeds
3. Could remove Chemicals that could have been harmful for environment
4. Stops waste water seepage into natural water sources.

Sharon asks…

What are the best practices in reducing and recycling waste in your country?

The Expert answers:

I would like to say education and availability is what it takes to make recycling work. IT DOESN’T. Curb side recycling is a joke. Community collection/recycling centers are out. Do like SA Recycling’s Western Metals yard does and pay top dollar for your recyclables and people will recycle. Recycling is not only about a better environment, its about money. Offer some of this money back to the consumer and you have a best practices chart topper. Go to 1701 Western Ave. In Las Vegas to see recycling cleaning up the community, providing jobs and paying those who recycle.

Mandy asks…

Apart from organic (food) waste what are the other 3 broad categories for household recycling?

I want to set up a system of shared recycling bins and waste disposal for a block of 5 flats. There is space for 4 bins one of these will be organic waste, what should the other three be?

The Expert answers:

Paper, plastic, metal.

Daniel asks…

Dr Rajendra soni wish to start a recycling unit of waste corrugated boxes.I wish to know abt the byproducts of?

Pl suggest me the byproduct units on small scale basis which can run on waste corrugated boxes.I wish to have all technical details of such recycling units.I also wish to know all microfinancial details of this.

The Expert answers:


I hope my Information will Help you Please Check into you will get useful information…

Good day…

Betty asks…

Why are some countries more successful than others in recycling waste?

Thank you 😀

The Expert answers:

Effort individuals are prepared to put into it and the facilities available.

In Germany at a train station I saw they had 4 colour coded bins not one – to make it easier for the public.

Also remember in the west we recycle lots – what that really means often is that we send it elsewhere to be sorted etc.

Susan asks…

Is there any machine for recycling watse polythene bags? How can I recycle waste polythene bags?

The Expert answers:

It’s called a garbage truck. It returns the bags to the Earth from which they originated.

George asks…

how many e-waste recycling companies are there in india?

also how much does it cost to establish an e-waste recycling plant?

The Expert answers:

You need to ask how many European owned companies are there polluting India.

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