Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

recycling centers?

are there any recycling centers in Monterey Park, CA? or is there like a site where i can go and find one? thanks

The Expert answers:

Here you go. A whole PDF of all the recycling centers and what they take in your area!


Daniel asks…

Recycling Centers?

Are there any recycling centers in Brandon FL area or drop off bins???

The Expert answers:

Try the link for various recycling option in Brandon.


Donna asks…

Why do most recycling centers take only certain types of plastic containers?

If you look at most plastic containers, they have the recycling symbol and a number on it. To me that means it can be recycled. However, most centers will only take certain kinds of plastic containers. For example, I can put a plastic juice bottle in the recycling bin, but I can’t put a yogurt container in there even though it says it can be recycled. So what’s the deal?

The Expert answers:

This answer is from my husband who used to manage a recycling center. He says not all plastics are profitable. If they cant make a profit from it they won’t take it.

Chris asks…

Where would I find maps of landfills and recycling centers in Ohio?

We’re doing an ongoing project in our science class, and it lasts until about the end of the year. For part of the project we must find maps of state and local landfills and recycling centers. I’ve been searching for about a week, but no matter what I search for I can’t find anything. I’ve tried all the variations that would show up results in Google, but nothing useful does. So does anyone know where I might be able to find the maps, or what I should put in the search so that I would get results?

The Expert answers:

Probably this is handled by local governments, so a statewide search is not working. Here is a link to the counties in Ohio, you may have to search each one separately.


Mary asks…

How can I find recycling centers/services?

I’ve been looking for recycling centers or services for my apartment complex for like a year now, but I can’t find anything within a 50 mile radius! I’ve looked on many different sites and asked many different people. This is a major metropolitan area, I have a hard time believing it’s THAT anti-recycling. Please help me find something. If it helps, my town is Brandon, FL.

The Expert answers:

Hi There,

If Local Government in the US works anything like in England then hopefully they should be able to advise,

Meanwhile I did find the following listed on the Brandon Chamber of Commerce Website
All County Hauling & Recycling
605 Overhill Dr
Brandon, FL 33511
Phone: (813) 228-6707

William asks…

Are you allowed to take computers from recycling centers?

I am working on computers, hoping to make a career out of it soon. My question is, Am I allowed to take computers nobody wants from recycling centers? I don’t care if they’re broken because I am studying how to fix them. I will take any computer, broken or not. I just need to know if i’m allowed to take them from the recycling centers.

The Expert answers:

It depends on the recycling center. Some deal specifically with electronics. Others won’t take electronics at all.

See if you can find something like this in your area:

Linda asks…

How much do recycling centers pay for air conditioners in Arizona?

I live in Yuma, AZ and i have 3 old air conditioners that i’d like to recycle. They are all about 4 years old. Do you know the usual amount that recycling centers will pay per air conditioner in AZ?… (excluding Prescott, Flagstaff areas….prices in those areas are far greater as to living..ect.) Looking for answers for maybe Yuma, Phoenix area. Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Approximately 50$

Robert asks…

Are there recycling centers that do pickups?

I Have a cellular business and we go through old phones and batteries quite often. we donate as much as we can but if the phones are destroyed or the batteries test bad we would like to recycle. realistically speaking I should drop them off to a recycling center but my time is limited and its not that feasible. are there any recycling centers that do pickups in Michigan?

The Expert answers:

I’d contact an environmental organization in your area. For example, Sierra Club.

Sandra asks…

Are recycling centers usually willing to sell pop can tabs?

As of right now, the current price for aluminum is just under a dollar a pound. Do you think it would be reasonable to buy a few pounds of aluminum pop can tabs at say, $1.50 per pound? Or would most recycling centers be unwilling to sell them, even at a profit to what they would normally get? The reason for buying them is to make chainmail out of them, and I figured that I would need about 4 pounds of aluminum tabs to finish what I was making.
I would be pulling the tabs off myself.

The Expert answers:

If you think that they are going to pull the tabs off of each individual can for $1.50 per pound, you are delusional. The cost of the labor alone is more expensive than that.

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