Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

Where can I find a myspace recycle symbol? PLEASE HELP!?

Hi, I was wondering where i can get that lil recycle symbol that you put on your myspace display name. I’ve already looked at alot of other websites but cant seem to find it : please help mee<('.'<)
thank you(:

The Expert answers:

Ummmmmm well i tryed help and helped you look so i looked for it for like 30 min and this is all i found (sorry no recycle symbol) I think this is what you ment
or face made made keyboards

sorry all i could find


Susan asks…

Can plastics without recycle symbols be recycled?

Can plastics (that hold different packages together), storage bags, etc. that don’t have a recyclable symbol on it still be recycled?
My area recycles 1 thru 6, but I’m not sure of the plastics that hold packages together or plastic sleeve bags. Can they be recycled too?

The Expert answers:

The short answer is no..However ive come across this and without any names being mentioned ive asked them and all they will say is they are doing their best to ensure they change the packaging to comply with these needs so no, but if you don’t see a symbol then if there is a customer care satisfactory number call it tell them your concerns and most ensure they are working on it…. If we all point out these things to people then it means we care and maybe just maybe 9 times out of 10 some will do all they can to sort this ,as companies always say let us know so that we must do until one day everything is . Keep on at them don’t just ignore it by doing nothing hope this helps.

Chris asks…

Have you heard about the symbol Recycle #7?

hi i heard that the bottle with that symbol something is wrong, and many companies collect their bottles
#7 – Other: Use of this code indicates that the package in question is made with a resin other than the six listed above, or is made of more than one resin used in combination.
Used for: Three and five gallon reusable water bottles, some citrus juice and ketchup bottles

and someone told me, it’s bad for something about the brain

if you check your bottle like this one you can see the symbol
they have a article about this topic but I couldn’t found it

The Expert answers:

Do you mean these symbols…


Because if 7 is on a bottle, then it’s definitely wrong. Bottles are generally 1(PET).

P.S. Those aren’t actually recycling symbols if they have a number in the middle, they’re just there to tell the type of plastic. An actual recycling symbol has no number in the middle.


Sandra asks…

what do the recycle arrows mean?

The Expert answers:

The recycling symbol has three chasing arrows. Each arrow represents one step in the three step process that completes the recycling loop.

1. The first step is collection. This is when you put your recyclables into your curbside recycling bin or take them to a local drop-off center. The collected materials are then prepared to be marketed and are sold to a manufacturing facility.

2. The manufacturing process is the second arrow in the recycling symbol. The recyclable materials are converted into new products and shipped to stores across the country to be placed on shelves as new consumer goods.

3. The third arrow is where you, the consumer, purchase products made with recycled content. When you “Buy Recycled,” you complete the recycling loop.

Richard asks…

can you recycle things that dont have the recycle symbol?

The Expert answers:

Usually. Paper or cardboard can always be recycled. Glass and plastic bottles too. Does your city publish a guide? Check their website.

Ken asks…

Can you recycle Victoria Secret bags?

They just installed a new banister for recycling appropriate items only. I’m so excited because I have wanted that bin for a long time. 🙂
But aside from my happiness, is it okay to recycle Victoria Secret shopping bags? I see no recycling symbol there but I just wanted to know if w/o it can I recycle them?

The Expert answers:

The recycling symbol means that the item has been made with recycled items. So since it doesn’t have one, that just means it wasn’t made of recycled paper. Since it is paper, however, you can still recycle it!

Mark asks…

What do some recycling symbols mean with pics?

I was reading on some bottles and I saw that they were recyclable but some had numbers like 1 or 2 can someone please tell me what they mean and I have pictures of them..


The Expert answers:

That is the resin identification code. Different types of materials require more difficult processes to break down and become recyclable, and so they are categorized into different recycling groups.

Maria asks…

the 3 chasing arrows symbol does it stand for (recycable) or(recycled)?

what the symbol of each look like
i want a website gives symbols and meaning in this please

The Expert answers:

The symbol with a number in the middle it means that is recyclable(in plastic containers). If it’s just the symbol it could mean both, that the article is either recyclable or that they used recyclable material to produce this article.


William asks…

Do plastic water bottles ever be recycled to make new plastic water bottles

The Expert answers:

Recycling Symbols
Many plastics can be readily recycled, but how are you supposed to make sense of all the different types?

Decoded Recycling Symbols
Go Green With AOL Home
Most soft drinks, including Poland Spring, Dasani and even Snapple bottles carry this number to reflect that they are bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for consumer use. The narrow-necked bottles are not made for repeated use. The design of the bottle means they’re difficult to clean. And, that means bacteria, from your hands and mouth, can grow in the bottle over time, says Royte.
MainStreet’s Take: Always wash out with soap and water before reusing.

At the grocery store, when you come across one gallon plastic containers and 2.5 gallon jugs of water, you’ll see this number on the plastic.
MainStreet’s Take: Wash with soap and water, do not reuse too many times.

Polyvinyl Chloride (or PVC) and are environmentally hazardous and not recyclable. Not many bottles carry this label.
MainStreet’s Take: NOT safe to use in the first place.

Bottles with the number are considered safe, and are made using low density polyethylene. In addition to being used for some water bottles, it’s a common oil-based plastic that’s used for containers that are squeezable.
MainStreet’s Take: OK to reuse when properly cleaned.

When you pop plastic in the microwave, it’s usually has this number because it’s made with polypropylene.
MainStreet’s Take: OK to reuse when properly cleaned.

This is usually used for egg cartons, and styrofoam cups.
MainStreet’s Take: Not a great container, if you are environmentally friendly.

Polycarbonate bottles with this number can have many “other” materials. In other words, the bottle may have been used with phthalates, or bisphenol A, or not. It’s a catchall. And, since bisphenol A is restricted in Canada, and has been linked to disruption in lab animals, it may be a number you want to avoid if you don’t know the content. You’ll see this number commonly at the water cooler. And, even Nalgene bottles carry this identification, while being bisphenol free.
MainStreet’s Take: May not be safe to reuse.

All these products are approved by the FDA for food, which is what bottled water is considered. “The agency says all the bottles are safe under normal conditions (don’t ever microwave food in them), but there have been enough questions raised about migration of chemicals for me to steer clear of certain types,” says Royte.

However, Royte says not everyone need panic: “I wouldn’t go crazy over it — I’m done reproducing and I’m not a fetus, infant, or young child, who are more susceptible to hormone mimics.” Still, if you’re using any of these bottles more than once, make sure to clean the bottle thoroughly with soap and hot water.

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