Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Where i live you don’t see garbage cans anymore they are grabage bins….?

what do you have? A garbage can or a garbage bin? We also have to have a recycle bin for cans, bottles and paper and also plant life? Do you?

The Expert answers:

On the street we have garbage cans the city takes care of .
At home we have a small dumpster the Park shares .
We have blue bins to recycle & the city does tax blue bins weather people recycle or not .
SOOO .. Kinda might as well use them , people say .
You are paying for them anyways .
D 🙂

Mary asks…

How to inform my customers to stop putting garbage in their recycle curbside bin.?

I drive a truck with the auto-pickup device. Inconvenient to get down even when I see garbage in the recycle bin. Don’t want to discourage recycling but also need to keep it clean as possible.

The Expert answers:

You need to ask your company what they want you to do. It is their company and their policy. I had a friend and his company wanted the trash in trash bags, and he didn’t have to take the trash unless it was bagged. A dilemma you might have is that you may not know if it is your customer dumping the trash in the recycle bin, or just some wise guy dumping trash at someone else’s house. Some companies have different colored bins for different recycled items, so they pick up trash on one day in a blue trash can, and the recycled items are a different day in white or green bins. I guess your company can send out a letter with the billing notices stating their policies. I think you are fighting a loosing battle, but good luck to you.

Helen asks…

where can i get recyclin bins that the garbage truck will actually take?thanks!

i would like to know where to get a recycling box that the garbage people would actually take.does it need to be the county one or can i just get an plastic bin and put it with the garbage out.?
i dont receive blue bags.

The Expert answers:

You are suppose to put your recyclables in the blue bags!

Sharon asks…

What do you think of Tim Horton’s policy to encourage recycling of its waste? Will recycling bins curb litter?

Personally,I think recycling will help to some degree but how do you make the consumer put any effort into using them.I’ve seen people throw garbage out of their car window, dump ashtrays in parking lots,leave bulk garbage ( tires, sofas etc.) at mall dumpsters because they were too cheap to take it to the dump.We, the consumers also have to do our part.What are your feelings?

The Expert answers:

Education, Education, Education. Making community leaders responsible for the citizens of their communities as well.

I sat on a committee where we spoke at town hall meetings and all though participation is still not at 100%, it’s getting better.

I’m trying to start and initiative to have the elementary and high schools recycle and go in and speak with the students since most schools do not really ingrain this into children.

Bins will help but education and making people understand their responsibility as consumers and citizens.

Joseph asks…

How do I tell my neighbours to not park their car in front of my garbage bins?

My city gave us two large bins to store our recycling and garbage. There is a fairly large space of grass between the neighbour and I. On the other side of my house is only a small triangle of grass. We cannot park out bins there because it is blocking both of our driveways.

If we park out bins on the other side, the neighbour simply parks his car in front of it. The bins have to be 2 feet apart and a good ways away from a car. The city would not collect the waste other wise. This has been going on for half a year. We have had our waste ignored for over three times and there is no where else to put the bins besides in front of our driveway, which is really tedious because it is a high-traffic area.

We have talked to our neighbours politely already. We don’t mind if they park on any other day, we just need the particular spot on Thursdays morning.

How should we get the point across? It is causing great stress and frustration.

We’ve tried to work with the space that we have but they didn’t collect it.

Also, we’re not trying to be greedy or selfish, it’s only one day of the week, the rest of the time, we don’t mind.

The last time we tried to put the bins where his car would be, he knocked it right over. It was a big clean-up job.
It’s really tedious to have to get down the car and move the bins, back out to the middle of the road, get out of the car, move the bins back and go in -20 degree weather.

The Expert answers:

Talk to your neighbor one more time.
The next time they do this, take YOUR garbage and put it in THEIR bin
When they start to complain,
in a calm voice, explain that YOUR bin is full and was not picked up because THEIR car was in front of it.

Steven asks…

Who or what kind of companies buy from recycling companies ?

When households throw our garbage to the recycled bins, the local council pick up and send to the recycling center where the stuff get sorted. The recycling company will buy the sorted and baled products, where they will do further processing. Then what happens after that? Who buys from the recycling company ?

The Expert answers:

Let’s see, you pay the local council who pays a contractor to pick up the recyclables, who then pays the recycling centre to accept the recyclables. The recycling centre may or may not recoup some of their costs from reselling the sorted and baled products and would pay a landfill to take whatever they can’t resell. Their business model doesn’t rely on actually recycling anything. Sometimes, smelters will buy the aluminum if aluminum prices are high. Sometimes, plastic soda bottles will be purchased to make insulation and sometimes paper and cardboard will be bought to add to the wood pulp for low quality paper products like newsprint (can’t recycle too much cause the fibers get smaller each time).

Recycling does make for neat and tidy landfills with all the aluminum cans bunched, plastic bottles and paper in separate piles.

Paul asks…

How to start recycling my garbage?

Okay so here’s my question for the day.
I live in a very tiny town of maybe 800 population IF that.
Every Thursday we take our plastic black garbage barrels to the end of the drive for the garbage truck to empty the next morning. What good would it do me if I bought a green recycling bin? Like what I’m trying to say is just because I put all my plastics and stuff in the green bin how do I know if the garbage man or truck or whatever won’t just dump it in with the rest of the none recycled garbage and haul it to the dump? Like does there need to be a special kind of recycling garbage truck to come here to be able to do it or is every garbage truck recycle friendly? I don’t know if this is making sense or not! lol
I don’t want to get a nice pretty expensive green recycling barrel and then come to find the garbage man won’t take it because he isn’t set up for it or whatever.
Please help this is rather confusing on how recycling works.

The Expert answers:

Normally different garbage trucks collect different types of recycling. Where I live for example we have a truck with two sections for bottles and paper, a truck for green waste and a truck for other stuff that the local council don’t see fit to recycle. If it didn’t work this way, garbage collection would be more expensive because you would have to pay people to sort the recycling rather than householders doing it themselves (for free). You could contact your waste disposal authority though and check what they do in the way of recycling. Another possibility is to buy a composter to put in the back yard or garden. These take various types of food and garden waste, although not meat, bones, etc, which might attract rats. They also take things like tissues, cardboard, and other so-called ‘brown waste’. The proportion of brown waste should not be greater than the proportion of food/garden waste. You can also buy a special food digester to put in the garden which does take meat etc, and to which you have to add a bacterial starter. If you don’t want to have to throw away so much packaging, you can try to buy things which are not so packaged up. Hope that helps a bit!

Daniel asks…

Is there an alternative to recycling?

Hey people,
I really want to recycle,but, the problem is in my area we don’t have the recycle garbage‘s or bins so I wondering…does anyone know another way to recycle paper, plastic, and the such?

The Expert answers:

Some ideas:

Look in your yellow pages (book or on-line) for recycling centers in your area.

Check your city/township/county’s website for recycling information.

Ask large stores (supermarkets, big-box, etc.) in your area if they do any recycling. For instance, my local Tom Thumb has a big bin for unloading used plastic shopping bags–but there’s no sign on the bin, so most people don’t know it’s there! You have to ask.

Many dry cleaners will take hangers for recycling.

Oh, and you know that computer you’re using? When it gets old and you’re ready to replace it, most major manufacturers will take it and recycle the parts. Check your brand’s website for details.

Good luck, and hooray for you!

William asks…

What do think about our green project: Garbage Bin Made Of Used Car Tires?

Visit our blog ( ) to see pictures of this innovative way to recycle car tires. Garbage bin made of car tires and artistically design to captivate the attention of people passing by in order to promote recycling. Tell us what you think and feel free to give us design ideas..Thanks and don’t forget to recycle.

The Expert answers:

Reuse is better than recycle

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