Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

where can i buy or get blue recycling bins for my school?

Bins that we can have in school for Plastic and cans (damn community service) so we can use the money for other things (damn hobo school)
we are in the area code 91343 schools name is North Valley Charter Academy in California if anyone knows if theres anywhere we can go within 1-8 miles that would be nice

The Expert answers:

Call your city’s Division of Public Works (may be located in City Hall) and tell them that your school in interested in starting up a recycling program.

Most municipalities won’t let schools use curbside bins, but generally have a paper/cardboard dumpster than can be used. Some cities offer the recycling program free of charge to schools, other cities and towns may charge for the rental fee of the dumpster.

Sandy asks…

where can i get a recylcle bin?

im trying to get a recycle bin for my schools student lobby, where can i get one?

The Expert answers:

Buy one from the store or call the waste department and ask for one.

Robert asks…

Where can I find rather large, heavy duty recycling bins?

I’m trying to start recycling at my school and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get some fairly large recycling bins that won’t cost an arm and a leg. The materials I intend to recycle are paper and plastic bottles. I’m not sure if my school will get on board and want to get recycling started by buying the bins. If they choose not to, I will see if our band boosters would buy the bins if we could make a profit off the materials to help raise money for badly needed marching uniforms. thanks!

The Expert answers:

If you live in a large community with an established recycling program, this service may be provided free-of-charge. To find out, call the Public Works department at City Hall. If you live in a smaller district, or if the school is a private or charter school ~ the process is a little more difficult and will cost some money.

I set up a recycling program in our school several years ago. Our city would collect cardboard & paper on site, as long as we dumped it in one of their paper recycling dumpsters….which they “leased” to us for $45 a week.

As far as the glass, plastics, and aluminum….they wouldn’t collect these on site and it was our job to bring them to the recycling center. We opted not to bother with the glass because of the weight, but chose to collect plastics & the cans.

To collect these items, I just bought several Rubbermaid trash cans with the wheels on them. We are in our 5th year of using them, and they’ve held up just fine 🙂

Thomas asks…

how can i get a huge free recycling bins california for my school?

Hey my school is wasting to many thing that can be recycled. The only thing that we need is a big bin to put ever thing in… i know i seen one at a school but most likely they bout that … we need a free one …please if any one reads this try and get me a bin for my school . your not just helping my school your helping the world. we recycle bottels and cans … and that is taking up room in are classes… thats why we need a bin may be two… so that can hold paper and stuff… please we need to start to recycle asap because the longer we wate the longer and more we waste in paper and time on this earth

The Expert answers:

Hi there. Join your local freecycle community – and ask through there for recycling bins or other bins that may be suitable to use as a bin. It costs you nothing and you may be surprised with the help you get offered. My local groups here in the UK are great anyhow so hopefully youll live in an area full of lovely people!

Michael asks…

Can you recycle old school papers?

Okaay so our new semester starts monday, and i have a TON of old school papers left. Is there any way I can recycle them, because i’d feel bad throwing all this paper away? I mean, I’m just wondering if i can just put them in my recycle bin and leave it for the garbage man or should i take it somewhere? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Shred them and use as pet bedding.
Put out with normal paper recycling.
Use as unique wrapping paper for gifts.

Donna asks…

Can I have a list of things that Abitibi recycle please?

Not the paper retriever but the green bin I see in Texas . I live in flower mound, and I see a Abitibi regular green recycle bin at Flower Mound High School. Thanks for the help. Sorry for messing this up.

The Expert answers:

To my knowledge, I believe Abitibi and Paper Retriever are the same company. They accept:
School & Office Papers

The linked pdf has more info on what and what not to recycle.

Mark asks…

What steps do i need to take towards funding and organizing a student/ community organization?

I’m trying to direct the formation of an organization within my school that will perform community services( such as picking up litter and promoting good habits within the community), but i need help with who i should talk to about it and what kind of things i could do for funding.
Funding would go towards helping out people in the community/ possibly some recycling bins since our school has none/ supplies that might be needed for promotional posters or garbage bags ..etc.
Could someone please give me some guidance?

The Expert answers:

Recycling things etc (I don’t know if they provide funding) look for “ecoschools”
Their site might give you an idea of the things you need to do to get the ball rolling.
As for funding, perhaps take a look at what other local organisations are doing; look at local towns etc, ask questions and see if they can impart any wisdom, if not, you’re still getting the word out there!

Steven asks…

How can I encourage people to recycle at my school?

For my senior project I am doing a project on becoming environmentally friendly and for my product presentation I am starting a recycling program at my high school. My question is how can I encourage my classmates and the staff to throw that water bottle in the recycling bin instead of the trash can.

The Expert answers:

You could show them examples of cool things that can be made out of recycled bottles.

For instance, the shoelaces on the Keds Green Label shoes are made from 100% recycled bottles! There are more details on them here:

After seeing a final product like these shoes, that may just motivate them to recycle those bottles!

George asks…

algebra 1 homework helppp?

In order to buy recycling bins for her school, Elsie plans to collect empty aluminum cans in big plastic bags and drive them to a local recycling center. Elsie wants to figure out how many days she will need to use plastic bags before she can buy the recycling bins.

a. The recycling center pays 25 cents per kg for aluminum cans. If her school recycles 2070 cans each day, how much money will Elsie earn each day by recycling?

b. Elsie has a friend at a local store who can get her 6 recycling bins for $14.99. Elsie thinks her school needs 30 recycling bins. Set up and solve a proportion to find out how much money Elsie needs in order to buy all of the bins for her school. Remember to check your answer.

c. Now put it all together: Assuming Elsie recycles about 2070 cans each day, for how many days will Elsie have to recycle before she can buy her school new recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

A. 2070 x .25 = $517.5

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