Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

How can I improve this?

One of the biggest problems that our planet has to face is, surprisingly, waste. Plastic bottles, cutlery, bags and much more are very useful. But once they are used, they turn out to be a burden for the environment. How can we deal with this problem? Well, prevention is always better than cure. First of all, we should buy products made form recycled material. If we have any plastic, paper and glass rubbish, we should not simply throw them into the bin. The best thing to do is to take them to the nearest recycling centre. It is very important as far as used batteries are concerned. Batteries contain mercury, which can leak into the groundwater beneath the landfills. The groundwater then runs into the streams and poisons the fish. Other possibility is buying rechargeable batteries. In addition, we should reduce the consumption of bottled water. Plastic water bottles aren’t biodegradable, so they will eventually overflow from the landfills.

The Expert answers:

And don”t shrug your shoulders and say what can I do? The ocean is made up of drops. Wear natural fibers instead of synthetics, you will save fossil foils, don’t worry about being a nerd carry your own bags when you go to by groceries, and make a compost pit in your backyard from food waste like eggshells vegetable peels etc. Your flowers will love it. There is alot each of us can do without much effort, all you really have to do is CARE.

Chris asks…

Recycling Water Plastic Bottles.?

Hello and how are you, I have a number of empty cases of plastic water bottles and I would like to drop them of at a near-by recycling center that will pay for the bottles. Are there any locations in Houston that will actually pay for plastic bottles. Many locations advertise they will buy or pay for the plastic bottles. When I called the claim of paying for the plastic bottles is immediately avoided.

The Expert answers:

It is likely your state (Texas) will not pay for your empty plastic water bottles. Because of this you will not likely get $ for your plastic. You can still recycle them at your local recycling center though. Is this an option?

Another possibility is to drive to a state that does reimburse you, maybe OK or MS.

Hope this helps!

Steven asks…

Recycling Plastic Water Bottles.?

Hello and how are you, I have a number of empty cases of plastic water bottles and I would like to drop them of at a near-by recycling center that will pay for the bottles. Are there any locations in Houston that will actually pay for plastic bottles. Many locations advertise they will buy or pay for the plastic bottles. When I called the claim of paying for the plastic bottles is immediately avoided.

The Expert answers:

The only way to get money for plastic bottles is to live in a state that has a deposit law then they are worth .05-.10 cents per container. The only recyclable that is worth money is metal.

Jenny asks…

Are there computer recycling centers in Illinois that are free or pay you to recycle?

I really don’t want to pay to recycle but don’t want to just dump the computer in the garbage? I would like places near the sw burbs (naperville, dg, woodridge, lisle, darien, hinsdale, lombard..)

The Expert answers:

This is a company that recycles by mail (is a partner with Circuit City) and then gives you a certain amount of Circuit City credit in exchange for your Used Computer.

In searching, I also found that Staple is recycling.. You pay a fee of $10 per large item & they ship it to the recycle place

They also send you a box & pay for shipping

Hope that helps. I think it is great to recycle anything & everything… And with most items, there is a way to recycle, it is a matter of finding out how.

I am glad you asked (a star for you)

Michael asks…

what can i do to convince my apartment complex to provide a recycling center by our dumpster?

there is nowhere in my complex for my to recycle. and the nearest facility to me is gate access only (i don’t live there, so i can’t get in to dump my recyclable materials), and the one after that is 20miles away. way too far. i want to see if i can get my apartment complex to provide a center for myself and fellow residents to dump our recycling materials. how could i go about doing this?

The Expert answers:

I wish you the very best with this project. I used to help manage apartments, so I can tell you that you have a tough cookie to crack. The previous answerer was right, you must find out if there is enough support (and REAL support, not just verbal) to form a group.

The manager does not own the building. The owners are interested in profit. Putting more work onto the manager without more pay makes an angry manger. (And there would be more work for somebody — for sure!) So you have a lot of issues to work on. How do you make the owners Happy, the manager Happy, your neighbors Happy. If you do not have strong support, it will be a no-starter.

What else could you do? Put you eye onto the street and see if there is anyone around scavaging on a regular basis, then let them know that on such and such a day you will put out stuff for them to pick up. That works in a few places around here — and it puts a few dollars into someone’s pocket who may need it more than you. The goal is to recycle, right, not make money — so it does not matter to you how the material gets back into the resource stream, just so that it does.

Check out any bars/restaurants nearby. Often they will have a certified recyler picking up their stuff. Ask if you can add yours.

Still no sucess? See if there are any non-profits near by that can act as drop off centers on the proviso that they get all the monetary rewards. The material gets back into the stream — and a non-prof gets a little, maybe enough to encourage them to do a larger formal effort.

Best of luck, it is a noble endeavor. But usually, if the apartment manager is going to be involved there needs to be a monetary motive so you may need to refocus your goal and see what else can be done in the neighborhood.

Let us know how it goes, ok?

Sandy asks…

Where can I find a recycling center for celphones?

Hi, I live in Gardena, CA and I wanted to know where I can find a place near Gardena for recycling celphones. Do you guys know where? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Usually, the compay u got the phone from can recycle it 4 u. My dad ran ovr his phone, and he took it in and they were able to recycle quite a few parts from it. NEVER throe ur phone into a recyle bin for the trash ppl, itll just get thrown away. So for example, if u got ur phone from t mobile, take it to any t mobile store near u and ask them if they will recyle ur phone. All they have to do is clear the sim card and put in a new one and resell it. Or they use parts out of it for other phones. Either way, the place u originally got the phone from will be able to recycle it.

Robert asks…

want to start recycling in my household, but…?

…i don’t know if my town (and i doubt they do) has a recycling center, or where the nearest one is. how do i find out? I live in Pushmataha county in southeaster Oklahoma. I checked out but it didn’t really help me, so what can i do?

The Expert answers:

Go to and type in the cities in your area expand the search to 100 miles, I did see some about 30 miles away from Antler, OK.

Thomas asks…

Are there any paper recycling banks on/near the LJMU or UoL campuses, preferably within Liverpool city centre?

LJMU=Liverpool John Moores University
UoL = University of Liverpool

I’ve never seen any(?!?), yet I’d have thought that students would be the number one consumers of recyclable material. I know that there’s a bank which does glass, food and drink cans and plastics on Church Street.

However, I live in a halls of residence, so I don’t think we get given blue boxes/bags/whatever.

The Expert answers:

Amsure there are plenty. Saw one just the other day just by Lime Streetstation.

Laura asks…

Does anyone know were i can i find a recycling center for cans and get money for them near Monroe,GA

10 points

The Expert answers:

How about you look in the phone book under salvage metal.

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