Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

Where can you bring tin Cans, Soda Bottles, beer bottles, and 2 liter bottles in (California) to get $$$$? Amt

Where can you bring in your empty bottles, cans , etc., in CA? The grocery store? At the recycling center, don’t you lose a lot of $$$?

How much do you get per tin can?
How much do you get per soda bottle (the individual ones)?
How much do you get per beer bottle?
How much do you get per 2 liter bottle?

This is all in CA.

The Expert answers:

There are recycle bins usually in grocery shopping centers especially one’s with Save-Marts. If you don’t have Save-Marts where you live just look for them at other grocery stores they look like big metal containers. Can’t give you a break down on the prices but cans pay the best. I don’t know what you mean about losing $$$ its a free service that they pay you for.

Jenny asks…

How do I recycle paper?

Also, where can I recycle them?

The Expert answers:

I live in Fremont California and I was born and brought up here. Our city gives us garbage cans and recycle bins. Even if you live in an apartment complex, they have one big trash dump and recycle bins surrounding it. I would call up your local grocery store and ask what is going on with your city and where exactly, what address or where to recycle stuff.

Charles asks…

California Recycling?

How much money do they refund you for paper? Metal?

The Expert answers:

This is what I found:
Less than 24 ounces:

Aluminum $0.05
Glass $0.05
Plastic $0.05
Bimetal $0.05
24 ounces or more:

Aluminum $0.10
Glass $0.10
Plastic $0.10
Bimetal $0.10
You can check the link below for more info. I couldn’t find anywhere that will give you money for paper recycling.

Richard asks…

recycling bin colors in california?

in california, what are the recycling bin colrs, is it blue green and black, or blue green and yellow, is there a red one? and which is for paper, or glass, or plastic?

The Expert answers:

Each county in California is different…but in San Francisco its:

Green: Yard waste, food
Blue: Glass, cans, cardboard, aluminum

Chris asks…

where can i recycle paper in arcadia or near Arcadia, California, 91007?

The Expert answers:

Hi there!
There is a recycle place opposite Ralphs store in arcadia, ca 91007 on Sunset St. When you come out of Ralphs, in the parking lot, right opposite the store, there is a recycle center.

Hope this helps!

Sandy asks…

Which states give money for recycled pop cans?

I am doing an essay on recycling and I am wondering which states give money for pop cans, I would appreciate it if you gave me a direct list or a link to a website with a list 🙂 thanks

The Expert answers:

A lot of states do-Maine, Vermont, Michigan, Hawaii, New york, Oregon, Iowa, Michigan and California
(gotten from a max Pepsi bottle)
some states will give 5 cents other 10cents
(for california its 5 cents for cans and 10 cent for one or 2 liter bottles

Carol asks…

Can you recycle for cash in dallas tx?

Im from California and we could go to certain locations and recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles for cash. Is there anywhere in dallas that does that, or near dallas?

The Expert answers:

Not the way it works in California – only aluminum cans are worth money and that by weight – the nickel a can/bottle that California collects at sale and gives back on recycle is way higher – cans are worth about half a cent each by weight.
You can recycle steel, copper, and other metals for money (unfortunately, people steal copper wiring, air conditioning coils and grave markers) based on the pound weight.
Dallas collects and recycles paper, metal cans, and plastics to keep them out of land fill and collects them once a week in special containers, but they do not pay and picking through the containers is a ticket-able offense.

James asks…

Recycling Televisions…..can you get money?

I live in Bakersfield, California and I have televisions I would like to recycle. Yes they are broken. I also would like $ to recycle them, since Im seeing that some places actually charge you a fee to take them. Does anyone know where I could go to recycle them for a few bucks???? Greatly appreciated?

The Expert answers:

Go to to find local recycle centers. They shouldn’t charge in CA, I’m pretty sure most electronics have a disposal fee when we buy them. If you can’t find an e-waste drop off location at the website I listed then call your city solid waste management office to find out where to dispose of hazardous waste. I’ve never heard of anyone willing to pay for used electronics, it is true there are some valuable materials in most electronics, but there is so much labor involved in the retrieval and so many hazardous chemicals that have to be dealt with safely that there isn’t any real profit in the process.

Susan asks…

where can I recycle wine bottles in orange county, california?

The Expert answers:

Make some wine and fill them back up –ugru

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