Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Where can I take a fiberglass boat for recycling in Michigan.?

I was told there was few places that would take them but I am unable to find any information about them.

The Expert answers:

It is called the dump !!

George asks…

Resident of Michigan to Recycle cans in Michigan?

I live in Ohio close to Michigan. The exchange rate for recycling soda cans is higher in Michigan than it is in Ohio. Does anyone know if I am able to take my cans to Michigan and get money for them or if I have to be a resident of that state?


The Expert answers:

Cans sold in Michigan are subject to a deposit that ANYONE can claim. These cans are MARKED with the deposit amount. Most cans sold in OH are not marked and will not be accepted for the deposit in Michigan.

Nancy asks…

Is there a tax deduction for businesses who recycle in Michigan?

I want to start an office recycling business, and am trying to come up with ways for this to work. I thought if I could find something that says it can be “written off” as a tax deduction for their efforts in helping the environment, this would really help the cause. If there is not, this should really be brought to become a possibility, I think!
I should clarify – I meant is there a tax break for a business who pays someone to recycle for them, not for the actual recycling business…does that make sense? I was hoping to use that as an incentive to get them to use my services.

The Expert answers:

You are right about the need and value of having such a Tax Break..

But I don’t believe that there is one specifically for recycling businesses…

The best thing to do, is to talk to a CPA.. He will tell you exactly what’s available to you, in the area that you live in.

Remember though that businesses in general have a lot of tax breaks, so it may be worthwhile none the less.

Study your options carefully.. You may have something there that is worthwhile going after.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

Michigan Can Recycling wont read barcode?

I am new to michigan and I’m trying to do the can return thing in the machine. Most of them go through without a problem, but I still have a lot where it’s not reading the barcode (the can is NOT smashed). There is a slim but small chance maybe one or two were not bought in michigan (maybe from traveling and pulling them out of my car). But I have too many that can’t be from out of michigan. Where else can you take them where the bar code doesn’t need to be read?

The Expert answers:

Tell the store cherk

Betty asks…

Where do I go in Michigan to recycle cans and bottles? How does it work?

The Expert answers:

If you are speaking of pop and beer cans and bottles, you take them to any grocery store. When you bought the items, did you notice the can and bottle return machines, most likely at the front of the store? Any Meijer, Family Fare, Glen’s, D&W, Felpaush, VG’s, Busch’s, Harding’s, Plumb’s, Wal-Mart Supercenter, Carter’s, etc. Has machines to take you cans and bottles and give you money for them.

Ruth asks…

Where do I recycle in Michigan?

I have cans and plastic bottles I want to recycle for the money. Anyone have any idea where to go or a resource that tells you where to go? Also, do you have to be a Michigan resident to do this?

The Expert answers:

Don’t recycle for the money. Do it to save the earth for God’s sake!

William asks…

Where can I find address locations of recycled metal buyers in the NW part of the upper peninsula Michigan.?

We run a small recycling business in central Wisconsin and are exploring alternate buyer sources and per pound quoates on metals such as the different types of aluminum and brass, coated and noncoated wire, stainless steel as well as precious metal, and computer component recycling in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinoes

The Expert answers:

I always start with yahoo yellow pages. Then I go to the chamber of commerce.

Mark asks…

SW Michigan can recycling?

Where is one close to the IN/SW MI border? I want to take my cans up there to recycle
I don’t live in Michigan, so I don’t know zip codes.

The Expert answers:

The cans I empty are all beer cans. Meijer has a machine that takes them and prints out a credit slip. I hope this helps. Meijer has several stores in the Kalamazoo area.

Steven asks…

Can I drive to Michigan to recycle aluminum cans to get ten cents a can? We live in Wisconsin.?

The Expert answers:

Get a job dude, I mean it.

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