Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

Why do people act like having and looking after their children is a selfless act?

Western society worships parents (especially mothers) for raising and looking after children. I’ve heard it said that it’s ‘the hardest job in the world’ and sometimes people behave as though it’s practically martyrdom to have children and look after them.

But in reality, isn’t it a totally selfish act? There are already far too many people in the world, and so many children who need to be adopted but aren’t. And of course people are going to care for their own children, it’s not ‘selflessness’, it’s a natural instinct. Selflessness is giving money to charities to help the starving, giving your time to volunteering to help the underpriviliged, or giving your support to movements that seek to make the world a better place. Producing offspring that will carry on your genes and ensuring that they have the highest chance if survival and prosperity possible is not selfless. It’s the opposite, especially in a world where there are already many children who need parents and there aren’t enough resources to go around.

Has anyone else noticed the way society worships parenthood? Why is this the case, and do you think it’s justified?

The Expert answers:

I think you are comparing apples and oranges here. There are many types of selfless acts. Sure not every parent is out to create world peace. Donate their time and money to charity, or save endangered species, but there are plenty of parents that do those things on top of being a parent, People consider being a parent a selfless act not because people think parents are out to save the world but because GOOD parents give up their need, wants, and time to raise children (whether that child be biological, adopted, etc) to become well adjusted, productive members of society which leads back into the idea that there are multiple acts of selflessness.

If it is the planet you are worried about many parents also teach their kids to care for their planet ie: the going green “fad” and recycling. Parents also support and help their children with projects such as food drives, volunteer work for the homeless, adopt a highway programs, selling candy bars for charities, and much more.

Sadly there are many children who need a home, and thank goodness for those selfless parents who are able to adopt those children, but not everyone is able to adopt due to the fact that they may not be able to pass adoption qualifications. Also there is a decline in World population because people are getting older and less younger people are having babies due to focus on careers, and other reason for a decline in WORLD population are low fertility rates, high death rates and emigration.

Being a good parent is something to be proud of and more people should see it as honorable. If you are not comparing two very different things you will see why being a parent is in fact a selfless act.

William asks…

Please, Please Help Me !!!!?

Ive finished my speech ! 😀 , I just need help to improve it. I am writing a SECOND of 4 parts. It is a speech to peruade poeple to recycle. My job is to talk about the diffrent types of waste.What effect did it have on you ! Thanks 😀 x

So what is waste? , Is it the paper you threw away yesterday? ,Or Is it when you forget to turn the light off before you leave the room? ,
One type of waste is Non-biodegradable waste, This type of waste will NOT break down or won’t for many many years. Examples of these are bottles,plastics,polythene and cans. Biodegradable waste, when not recycled is sent to landfill sites where it will produce methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas, and contributes to climate change. Landfill sites are very harmful, and not only to they pollute the atmosphere but they are harmful to surrounding wildlife. By simply recycling your bottles, yoghurt pots, carrier bags, jars you can help reduce the amount of non-biogradable waste. Therefore you will be saving the environment and helping to protect wildlife.
Another example of waste is Biogradable waste, Biogradable waste is something that will be broken down over time. Typically it orginates from plants and animal sources such as paper and decays to become part of the earth. When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change. By composting things such as banana skins you will be helping to save the environiment.
Have you ever left a room without turning the light off ? , Wasting energy is harmful to the environment because electricity comes from fossil fuels, the more energy we use the more fossil fuels are needed to be burned. Fossil fuels are used for things such as heating homes. Burning fossil fuels releases Co2 into the environment, this is very harmful as it is a greenhouse gas and pollutes the atmosphere. So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money.

Thanks ! , Ill be very happy ! 😀 x If you want me to aswer any questions just post the link. thanks again !
Wher should i add emotive language -_- !! :S !
Thanks Georgie ! 😀
You really helped , The questions at the start are meant to be rhetorical questions but ill change them 😛 x
How could i add , Emotive Language 🙂 Thanks again

The Expert answers:

It’s really good! Well done! Would you mind if I made a few suggestions?

At the start when you say “Is it the paper you threw out yesterday.”
You need to change it a bit..make it sound stronger. Its a bit arb.

“When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change” <—- Don't say get into the earths atmosphere. Put it differently. 🙂

You use "harmful to" alot. Try using differnt versions of that word in different places to make it stronger and not SOUND like you are repeating points.

You might want to mention that fossil fuels cannot be replaced and took millions and millions of years to form. Then find a good fact on what percentage of the ancient worlds fossil fuels we have burnt up in the last 100 years.

"So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money. "
You werent talking about saving money…. So you can't start the sentence with "SO" as if thats what you had been speaking about the whole time.

You have really really good points there!! Its really interesting!

I hope this helps!


P.S. Use descriptive language…. Maybe paint a picture of what life would be like if….

Add some humoour? Rehtorical Questions?

Sandra asks…

Does Trazodone expire?

I have always had a problem with insomnia and have been prescribed multiple different meds. The medication that I have a prescription for now is not that effective. I however found one of my older prescription bottles of Trazodone from 2009. I’m just wondering if it would still be safe to take since I know this worked for me. I wish I could simply just go back in and have them adjust my meds but unfortunately I had quit my job and have no current insurance. Hence the fact for this question. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:

No, it’s out of date. The drugs break down and will no longer work. They may form toxic compounds.
Dispose of old Rx drugs safely. Never flush them down a toilet. Put them (the pills/capsules) and a sealable bottle or can, add water, (just enough to make the pills gooey / slushy) and put that bottle in the garbage. Take the vial and put in with the plastic recycle bin.

Lizzie asks…

On 9/11, would you have stood by and did nothing like bush did or would you have had the planes shot down?

IF I’m “misinformed” then enlighten me, just what DID bush DO on 9/11?
Experts anticipated terrorists using planes as far back as 1993, why didn’t bush?
kerry was at the helm on 9/11?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..911 inside job…have yourself a look at all the choices there are to choose from.

Daniel asks…

Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, Anthrax Attacks, Jose Padilla: Is There A Connection?

Anybody believe any or all of these are connected?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” (Operation Northwoods) Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..Physics 911…have yourself a look.

Oklahoma City was an inside job as well. Anthrax Attacks were orchestrated by the CIA.

George asks…

can you have a meaningful life without any moral absolutes?

if everything is relative to the circumstances, the search for wisdom and truth is meaningless.
if everything is just a natural blind process of a thoughtless universe, what is your purpose…to live your biological lifespan and continue the species by natural selection

The Expert answers:

Most people behave in a way that benefits themselves, and this in turn benefits the community as well. We’ve also evolved to feel rewarded when we do favours for others; this in turn increases the chances that others will return favours.

Whether they believe it or not, I don’t think most people behave like this because of the threat of eternal punishment.

This and other behaviours probably developed over millions of years of evolution by natural selection. It has survival value, and is observed in other species.

Our behaviours are more complex than that of other species, and our communities are very complex too. We’ve developed behaviour patterns to live in community. When several behaviour patterns conflict in a given situation, our upbringing, experience, need to live as part of a community, and the satisfying chemical changes that evolved to happen in our brains when we do someone a favour, determine which to suppress; this is often done subconsciously, but can sometimes be conscious (which might be what we experience as conscience). When that behaviour goes awry, we have Police, Courts and punishments, and military, to help control it.

Basic moral behaviour has been observed by the ancient Greeks, and has been known as the Golden Rule. It’s also found in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and most of us are familiar with the motto, credited to Jesus in the gospels, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”; this isn’t originally a religious idea, but an evolved behaviour pattern.

I don’t think there’s any objective point of living. We adopt or are given our own purposes as we go through life, although we don’t think of them in those terms, nor are they always planned or decided consciously. I’m generally happy and excited about how my life has turned out, and look forward to retiring in a couple of years (although I don’t really feel old enough – maybe I’ll get a part-time job).

Personality doesn’t survive death; it is a function of the body. In fact, it doesn’t even always last while the body lives.
We will return to the way we were before we were conceived. And the molecules that made up our bodies will be recycled by nature.

If we have children, then our genes persist in later generations. People we leave behind will be left with memories, emphasising the happy ones hopefully, once they have come through the grieving process.

Heaven and Hell are mythical places. So, we can take comfort from knowing that we don’t risk eternal torment.

Donna asks…

How can I insulate a very old house, without tearing out the walls?

My house was built in the late 1890’s. It has that old ‘slat interior wall type’ with plaster wall covering (instead of drywall).

I have a full basement, and 1/2 sized attic.

I want to insulate to make summers/winters more comfortable … and also cheaper to heat/cool.

Is it possible to insulate an old house like this … without tearing out the walls to lay new insulation, and/or rebuilding anything to get this done???

If so, what do you suggest?

How should I go about doing this, and what type of insulation should I use??

ALL suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in advance 🙂

The Expert answers:

These steps assume you are working with dry wall. You’ll do the same thing but working with plaster will be slightly more work. I would suggest using a hole saw to make the hole in the plaster. Go slowly, particularly when you get to the wooden slats. Keep the teeth clean so it will cut as smoothly as possible.Don’t apply a lot of pressure as you don’t want to dislodge the existing slats from the plaster.When you repair the holes use some small wooden strips and good glue. (I like Liquid Nails it bonds very well) Insert the strips through the hole and pull the glued ends up against the existing slats and allow to dry. (You can place a piece of wood on the face of the hole and wire or tie the repair slats to this to hold the slats in place until the glue dries. There are products on the market designed to repair plaster walls. Don’t use dry wall mud or spackling or anything designed for use with dry wall. After the glue has dried holding the repaired slats mix your mud and patch the holes. Since the house is this old I would suggest being very careful of lead paint and asbestos. Depending on what type of siding you have on the exterior you may want to consider working from the outside. It may be easier than trying to patch the plaster.

You can add insulation to your exterior walls—without the cost and inconvenience of removing your existing drywall—by blowing cellulose fibers between your wall studs.

Cellulose is a popular blown-in insulation material because its small particles fill in the nooks, crannies, and irregular areas of wall space quite well. It is also considered by many to be a “green” material, as it is composed of up to 75 percent recycled newsprint and does not contain formaldehyde, which can release harmful vapors into the air.

Another bonus is the fact that cellulose insulation can be added to walls by the ambitious do-it-yourselfer. Equipment for the job can be rented at many home improvement centers. Always wear safety goggles and a mask or respirator when working with this material.

1) Use a stud finder to locate studs in the wall. With a hole saw, cut a small hole (between 2 and 3 inches wide) between two studs and near the top of the wall, and place the cut portion aside—you will reattach this later. Repeat this step between each pair of studs.

2) Thread the blower hose into the first hole, and point the nozzle down deep into the wall cavity. Wrap a rag around the hose where it meets the wall to form a seal.

3) While you hold onto the hose, have a friend turn on the blower. Pull the hose back as the cavity fills. Ask your helper to stop the machine when you feel resistance and can no longer insert insulation.

4) Repeat steps 2 and 3, filling up the remaining wall cavities.

5) Once you have finished, reinsert the drywall cutouts and patch up and paint over the holes.

Donald asks…

my mom keeps calling me crazy for wanting a road bike instead of a car?

She sits in her chair playing farmville all day and makes fun of me for wanting a $900
road bike at 16.I have this unignorable desire for a road bike because of the freedom it offers and the amount of other benefits. I dont want to be like all the other kids that ask their parents for a carbon emitting car, because i dont mind the pain of riding a bike to and from work. I do it everyday on a cheap 35 lb bike except i ride it to a nearby gym 3 miles away. With a road bike i would ride even more. I also like stepping out of
my comfort zone and let my legs burn as i climb hills with my current bike. My mom is stuck in a comfort zone all day so she doesnt understand what its like to step out of that comfort zone. I dont know exactly how to explain it, i love my mom and all but she just doesnt get it. Am i crazy for trying to be different?
just to show how great a desire i have, i sold my ps3 and all my games so i could have enough for the bike

The Expert answers:

1) Don’t fret about your carbon footprint. We are polluting a thousands times less than three decades ago, yet have always been on the order of less than 1% of the particulates and dangerous gases emitted by geology. This subject was my college thesis two decades ago, and I really infuriated several professors that tried to refute the facts I provided. That said, being “green” is great, just ask Kermit. Much like supporting your local businesses, one should support their local environment. Give a hoot, don’t pollute.

2) Don’t be harsh on mom, exercise is not for everyone. When I was your age, I had two bikes at my disposal, bikes bought because they were great for getting around campus, but once my parents graduated and got jobs, who the heck wants to ride those things anymore? Be patient but persistent in asking her to join you in physical activities. We get comfortable with our lifestyles, and it can be very hard to break old habits. It took me 24 years to get my wife off her butt. She wasn’t totally inactive or overweight, but she had never experienced the endorphin rush that you get with exercise. She’s addicted now.

3) It is honorable that you sold your gaming gear, but not required. You only need to find balance between the things you love that are good for you and those that are not so good, then balance them against the other activities that are good for you like social interaction and work.

4) Regarding your desire for a new bike, you might try taking your greenness a step further and “recycle” a used bike. Last fall I rescued a Trek 4300 from someones spouse who had no interest in it, for half of retail. My wife’s Specialized road bike was a fourth of retail. Neither bike had been ridden enough to even need a chain cleaning yet, although the Trek got a new one because the bike had been put away wet, them sat for six months in a garage. Used can get you on a great quality, light road bike without the expense associated with it.

In addition to being cheaper, in the first year you will learn what you like and dislike about better quality road bikes, and this will lead to a better purchase when you do finally pull the trigger on a major purchase. It will leave you the financial freedom to deal with cycling incidentals, like finding out most good bikes come with crappy water bottles and cages, you really do need a decent air pump, the seat that came with the bike is most uncomfortable, etc. It wii also give you the opportunity to consider your other needs. Unless you are one of the few that never really wants to go anywhere and can always depend upon your friends in a pinch, you will want some mode of transportation other than your bike and your mom’s car.

Be green, just don’t be mean (don’t be a leech).

Charles asks…

What makes Animal Crossing NL better than WW?

I am thinking of getting a 3DS with Animal Crossing newleaf. Previosuly I have had Animal Crossing Wild World on the DSi some time ago. I am aware it is being realeased next week. I was just wondering other than the graphics of course what specifically makes it better than the previous version
Here are some questions you can answer which would help a lot

1) What are the differences between both games
2) Would you recommend getting a 3DS if so WHY
Any more details you can add would be greatly appreciated.

I will rate best answer!


The Expert answers:

Well there is actually a game in between those two called AC: City Folk, and thats a lot better than Wild World, but I’ll list the differences between WW and NL.

Firstly, in this world, you are the MAYOR. It’s really cool in the fact that you can do public works projects where basically you set up something new for the town to enjoy! I’ll talk more about that in a second.

Here there are a lot more shops and things to do on Main Street such as,
Gracie grace (designer clothing store)
Able Sister’s (clothing store) I beleive they have changed to an accesory store actually
A Gardening store
Tom Nooks Home Store (can change outside of home and add fences and whatnot
Timmy and Tommy’s Store (Tom Nook’s twin nephews store – just like tom nook’s regular store in animal crossing WW)
Recycling Store
Kicks Shoe Shinery (Can change shoe color and style)
Shampoodle (Get your hair done)
Brewster’s cafe

Some other features are
You can wear pants and skirts and different clothes
You can swim in the water
You can custom design your furniture, not just your clothes
You can get a part time job at Brewster’s cafe

Now or the Public Works Projects, some include
Buying a boat and being able to visit Tortimer Island from your town, (it has a gift shop!)
Getting new features for your town like a fountain and bridges (Since you are the mayor you can layout the town however you want!)
Getting a store called the Dream House where you can visit any place or town in the world that you want throuhg a dream!

Overall, the creators pretty much reinvented animal crossing and made it a lot better and cooler, I HIGHLY recommend you get it. I am getting a cheap used 3ds just to get the game, but if for some reason you don’t get it because it’s too much for just one game, consider getting City Folk if you have a wii!

Hope that helped! Good luck!

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