Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

How can we correct water pollution?

Here’s what I have so far:

People can help prevent water pollution by recycling and disposing of their waste safely and properly. Although laws already exist about dumping, they should be more strict and more enforced to prevent people or companies from getting away with it. Water treatments facilities should be available in every area.

I need a paragraph, though – that’s not enough.


The Expert answers:

Don’t forget agricultural pollution from fertilizers and pesticides. Buffer zones of vegetation can protect bodies of water.

There are also heat pollution, as from cooling water, acid water from mines, and airborne particles that settle out. That should get you a good fat paragraph once you elaborate.

Daniel asks…

Why do we put up with phone companies littering our lawns with pnone books?

We take this for granted, however it is littering. Call your local law enforcement and/ or local government to have them enforce the law. I receive four books per year, it is a waste of natural resourses and a cost to taxpayers to have these books recycled. These are for profit conpanies and I for one do not want to subsidize them. Get involved, please

The Expert answers:

Tell the phone company to stop sending phone books. And when you need a new 1 just call and ask for 1, it’s that simple.

Helen asks…

Why are companies not being pressured into being ‘Greener’?

There is a big thing about saving the planet, being ‘Green’, recycling, using less electricity, reducing pollution, etc at the moment. There is alot of pressure on individuals to do their bit at home but what about companies? Where i work is very wastefull but there doesnt seem to be anyone going on at them about it! They produce alot more waste that could be recycled, for example then i ever could!
I understand the companies side, why they would not want to. Cost, effort….
and i know some companies are doing stuff because it is in their interest.
Its just as an individual im getting it shoved in my face all the time, its everywhere and its effort and cost on my part but i have no choice it.
For example every house has a blue recycle box which the council collect once a fortnight. Which comes out of my council tax but i can’t not pay it! As i live in flats i dont even have a box!!!

The Expert answers:

True to the core! I accept your arguement.

But, we have to see a problem in a maximum number of perspectives before coming to a conclusion.

The industries and factories form the major contributors to the nation’s economy, besides agriculture. This becomes a great constraint for the government itself for not imposing more and more restraints on the industries, to make them greener & greener. So, its the companies, who must take up the job of greenifying themselves.

The scientists could contribute by inventing newer & cheaper methods for recycling wastes…!

Lisa asks…

about recycling companies:?

I was just wondering if there are recycling companies that come to pick up your recycled items, like how the trash companies pick up garbage.


The Expert answers:

It depends on where you live and the amount of recycling you have. Like the garbage company they may charge for the service. Look up waste management or recycling, you may also try

Joseph asks…

Recycling food waste…?

I have been gradually going more green over the past year and a half and have made great progress. I feel bad about our food waste though.

It’s just my husband and me. I plan all our meals out on Sunday night, and since you can’t buy 2 chicken breasts for example, we always have leftovers. I eat leftovers for lunch pretty much everyday and I freeze things that freeze well, but we still wind up throwing food in the trash.

I live in the city and don’t have a garden, so are there other composting options for me?

The Expert answers:

Yes-composting units can be purchased through numerous gardening companies. Keep a record for about a week of how much food you dispose of in order to buy a compost unit suited to your needs. There may be a community garden nearby that would appreciate the compost. You could contact a local community center to inquire about persons or groups that accept compost. It is also helpful to talk to others about their composting experiences: Is it better to separate meat products from vegetable matter? Where do folks dispose of bones, etc? After you’ve researched the realities of composting in an urban area, you’ll have a sense if composting is something you can commit to.

Ken asks…

Do you recycle?

The Expert answers:


The waste management company provides my neighborhood with bins for newspaper and plastic & cans.

Considering that 5% of the electrical consumption of the USA is spent on making aluminum, recycling aluminum can significantly reduce that that consumption. Five percent may not seem like much to many but it is a very big deal. Three percent of the electrical production is from petroleum. Recycling aluminum cans can eliminate the use of any petroleum for producing electricity.

Linda asks…

Which company can plan to design and build waste tyre recycling processing automatic equipment?

The Expert answers:

Yeuan Jih has more than 20 years experience in the planning designing and builder machine of various automatic equipment. Currently the issue of environmental protection has been emphasized by the public gradually, and resource recycling is being promoted through out the world. To respond to this tide, our company has developed the waste tyre recycling processing system, providing complete machinery and plant planning for the whole process of waste tyre processing, from drawing out the steel wires, breaking, to powdering and reuse. The system is highly efficient and has excellent performance.



Paul asks…

Recycling for businesses?

I would like to find somewhere that will recycle electronic components, foam, cardboard, and plastics for businesses.
I do live in a major city, so I wouldn’t think it would be so difficult, but I’ve checked alot of places and can’t find much, except for the cardboard.
Any help would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

At our business we use the GreenDisk company to recycle our electronic waste. We bring our cardboard and plastic bottles to a local recycling facility. We have no place to recycle foam, but try to reuse packing foam and peanuts when possible. Also, you didn’t ask, but to recycle batteries we use BigGreenBox company and Radio Shack.

Betty asks…

How do I get my company to recycle paper?

75-90% of the company’s waste is good quality, clean paper. All that paper is being thrown in the garbage and ending up at a dump. When asked, my superiors wanted to know how much it would cost. Are there any sites or resources that I can research? This is a collossal waste of a valuable, renewable resource. Companies that do this should be fined!

The Expert answers:

Check the website of the city you live in, most have info on recycling services. It is possible that your company might qualify for free pick-up. You’re correct, the company you work for should be fined, it would be too bad if the press did a piece on companies like the one you work for don’t you think?

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