Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Summer job involving physical fitness?

Im a college student looking for a summer job. I’m into working out and I’d like to do something that involves physical labor. I had landscaping work in mind. I was wondering what other types of jobs I could do in order to improve my level of fitness and stay active?

The Expert answers:

Newspaper boy, Sweat shops and factories, Recycling, Mcdonalds (Do it in daytime. No other fast food restaurant get you running around like this place does),

David asks…

Is it ok to recycle bottles containing liquid?

A while ago I started recycling my bottles and cans, and I was wondering, is it ok to throw bottles containing water for instance in the recycle trash? and what would probably happen if I accidentally threw some waste in the recycle trash, are there people responsible to make sure it’s all just recyclable things, or do they just throw it all along with the waste?

One last question: are fast-food restaurants cups recyclable too? like McDonald’s cups for instance.

The Expert answers:

I think it has something more to do with common courtesy. How can you recycle left over water from a plastic bottle? Why would you put waste in the recycle bin when it isn’t recyclable? Why would you give the people already doing this job a harder time?

Most places don’t take recyclable bottles when there’s liquid inside, you have to empty the bottle then you can get a refund on it.

I don’t know if those places recycle their cups. Check their waste bins, if you see the recycle sign, then you’ll know. I think those cups are recycled material though.

Sandy asks…

two examples of how conservation and recycling can extend the life of our natural resources?

if possible a sentence for each

The Expert answers:

Here’s a clue from the U.S. Dpartment Of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service:

“NRCS’s natural resources conservation programs help people reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce damages caused by floods and other natural disasters. Public benefits include enhanced natural resources that help sustain agricultural productivity and environmental quality while supporting continued economic development, recreation, and scenic beauty.” [from: ]

or from the entry for “conservation of natural resources” in the 1968 Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences at :

“In the 1950s conservation was linked to plans and programs to insure the adequacy of raw materials to meet the needs of the free world. The report of the President’s Materials Policy Commission, which articulated this approach, was concerned with how to “avert or overcome materials shortages which threaten the long-run economic growth and security of the United States and other free nations” (U.S. President’s Materials … 1952, vol. 1, p. 2). The public policies recommended by the Materials Commission were radically different in kind from those that had been associated with conservation in earlier years, among them policies for influencing the rates of technological development in American industry and for guaranteeing private American investments for the processing of materials in foreign countries.”

As for recycling’s extending the life of natural resources, try looking at statements like:

“The Benefits of Recycling
Recycling has numerous environmental and economic advantages. Recycling:
Creates more jobs than the landfilling industry.
Saves energy and reduces pollution by reducing the need to extract and transport virgin resources.
Allows for reuse of materials and finite resources thereby conserving resources for future generations.”

from the Colorado Association for Recycling’s webpage at: ,

or statements such as:

“Recycling conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals. Recycling helps sustain the environment for future generations.” from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s webpage at: .

Websites like these should give you plenty of material for a couple of sentences on conservation of natural resources. Best of wishes.

Sandra asks…

Im 13, I really want a job. HELP?

Ok i really need a job. I don’t care if it is online…do u know any websites? Also is there anyway I can get an actual job at 13? what is there? and how do i find if it is legal in my state?

The Expert answers:

You can’t really get a job at 13, it’s not legal in most cases for you to be “hired.” But you can make money.

Yard work and gardening is a good idea. Offer your services to cut grass, weed gardens and do general yard work for people, seniors especially can use the help in the summer.

Hold a car wash! Get a group of friends together and with parents permission start your own car wash.

Have a garage sale. Clean out your closets, toy chests and basements of all the toys/books you no longer use. You’d be surprised how much stuff you no longer use.

Check with the local employment agencies to see if they have any listings for youth. Occasionally camps and other organizations are looking for youngsters to help out.

Unfortunately there are laws about kids working so you have to be creative when you are young to earn a little extra cash. Get your parents involved too, they may have some good ideas. They may even be more encouraged to help you out if they see you trying to make your own cash instead of just holding out your hand.

Cooking meals


-cutting lawns

-landscaping assistant

-bagging groceries at the local store

-polishing silver

-DJ for parties

-clown for birthday parties

-gift wrapping

-lemonade stand

-cage cleaning

-cake/cookie bake sales

-face painting

-party planner

-taking garbage to curb for neighbors

-paper route


-delivering groceries

-errand boy (or girl)

-photographer or videographer for parties

-walking dogs

-house cleaning (so much per chore per day, or several days per week. Ex: vacuum twice a week=$4, dust three times a week=$5, mop twice a week=$4, so a month of these would total of $42.

-project painting house

-project cleaning out garage or attic

-pool maintenance

-baby sitting

-washing cars

-beautician’s assistant (washing hair, cleaning brushes, sweeping hair)

-cleaning out closets

-washing, drying,folding and hanging clothes

Charles asks…

jobs that have to do with the enviorment?

what are some jobs that have to do with the enviorment?

The Expert answers:

Here are the Green enviornment jobs of the future.

Designing and managing landfills that recapture exudates and turn them into energy.
Designing energy generators that do not use coal or petrol.
Designing home recycling contraptions to reuse human waste, kitchen waste, and waste water and rain water.
Designing waste water treatment facilities that make pure drinkable water that doesn’t need extra filtration because of drug and chemical contaminants.
Designing human lifestyles and diets and occupations that prevent early and rapid decay of the human body.
Designing factories and plants and businesses that have zero pollution.
This about sums it up.
Do this and you will have a beautiful planet.

However, none of this is possible unless you first you get rid of politicians, lobbysts, and golden parachutes, and Wall Street crooks.

John asks…

What are nice summer jobs for a 12 year old?

I’m 12 years old, but i’ll be 13 in november. I wanna make some money for the summer to buy stuff for ME, so my mother can’t say it’s actually her money so i have to share whatever i bought with my sisters, ect………

So what are good summer jobs for 12 year olds?
Btw, I’m a girl.

Oh, and some jobs i could work with my best friend on would be nice, too 🙂

The Expert answers:

Babysitting your neighbor’s kids, mowing lawns like that other guy said, housekeeping for your neighbors, setting up a lemonade stand, doing a car wash, collecting trash for recycling, setting up a newspaper route, and tutoring are all legit jobs for a 12 year old.

Sharon asks…

recycled furniture?

I saw some TV show where a dad bought his daughter all this stuff for her apartment for college… It was recycled wood, and it was sold in a box, you put it together yourself at home, and it was made especially for apartments, like they had a corner table that was probably a 3′ wide triangle that fit perfect in the corner then u could somehow fold it out in to a 6′ x 6′ dining table, i was jsut wondering if anyone has any clue where i can find some of this furniture… it was super cheap cause it was recycled and u put it together, and i really need it!!!

The Expert answers:

Only thing I found was this:

Don’t know if it would do the job, or if it’s cheap enough.

Lizzie asks…

If my family is low on money, is there jobs for people underage?

i need a job to help my family! do you think babysitting will give you money for doing that??

The Expert answers:

There are lots of jobs you can do. Babysitting is one, dog walking or pet sitting as well. Have a rummage sale or start recycling. Every little bit helps! Depending on where you live and how old you are work laws are different, you may be able to work a job in certain sectors.

Laura asks…

Do you participate in your local recycling program?

The Expert answers:

At my last job, we got shipments almost daily in corregated cardboard boxes. My supervisor insisted we put the boxes in with the regular trash and actually got upset when I asked about recycling. So, I would sneak the boxes out with me every day to take them to the ONLY place in the Atlanta area I know about with recycling bins (Dekalb Farmer’s Market).

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