Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

What price for recycling cans?

In san Antonio tx

The Expert answers:

OMG Open the yellow pages and look for metal recyclers or recycling centers, cal them and ask. This isn’t rocket science

Daniel asks…

Current aluminum can prices in Phoenix.?

What is the current can prices being paid from salvage companies in the Phoenix area?

The Expert answers:

Aluminum cans are the real success story of the recycling movement. By far, the most valuable component in the consumer waste stream, they enjoy the greatest public recognition as a recycled household item. With historical values from $.35 to $.75 US per pound ($775 to $1,655 US per Metric Ton) aluminum cans are often the economic backbone of municipal and private recycling programs. The price can fluctuate with the commodity price for new aluminum, but aluminum can scrap has always had a strong price in comparison to other recyclables, Goodl Luck.


Linda asks…

Gonna Start Recycling Pop Cans For Money?

hey everyone im gonna start puting pop cans in a grocery bag and taking them every saturday to the milliron to be recycling and i was wondering how much money would i get out of recycling pop cans if i took a few bags each week and how many pop cans do i need to make 1 pound because here in ohio when you recycle you get 58 cents per pound of pop cans and im gonna start recycling pop cans each saturday.

The Expert answers:

I have been recycling pop cans for years and when I turn in 3 large plastice bags, not crushed, I always get a few dollars. I don’t know the price today. My grandson took my last batch. Unless you don’t have the space or the transportation it is worth doing for a few extra dollars and to save the landfills.

David asks…

Mountain community Recycling centre ?

how much money would you make off : 1 aluminum pop can?
1 bottle water?
1 glass bottle?

>>ok my English teacher Mrs. Berneche she ask us gr 8s, what issues and solutions there are to help save the environment. So i thought of the idea if our school became a recycle plant, so then we could send the money, we made to the school we adopted in Kenya.

The Expert answers:

Recycling deposits are different for each state. The amounts for some states are printed on the bottles and cans. You also have glass and aluminum in some states. Look up recycling in your phone book and call a recycling center near you. They will gladly give you the price for anything they accept. Yes, I think that is a great idea.

Mandy asks…

Recycling Aluminum Cans?

About how much money is one aluminum can worth?

The Expert answers:


Well it takes about 25 to make a pound..You can of course figure it from there..We used to get about 70 cents a pound so they were almost 3 cents a piece. They bring about one-half that at this time. Just hold them to later in the year. The price generally goes up when it starts to get cold.

Good Picking.

Joseph asks…

Can you recycle vibrators?

I have a few old vibrators that don’t work anymore and I’m quite passionate about protecting the environment so it seems silly to just throw these items away because they’re slightly “taboo”! So does anybody know of any place I can send them to get them recycled?

The Expert answers:

Yes you absolutely can!!! actually has a vibrator recycling program in place and best of all they can sort you out with a half price new one for sending one in!

Check out what happens to them here –

And sign up here –

Where are you based? I’m pretty sure they take them from all over the world but give them a call to find out.

You really can recycle absolutely anything now days! 😛

Mark asks…

Which recycling centers in NJ or NY buy soda can tabs?

I collect the little tabs off soda cans and I was wondering if any recycling centers in NJ or NY buy them. I know that these centers buy certain scrap metals, but I really wanted to know if they buy soda can tabs.

Soda Can tabs look like this:

The Expert answers:

They buy the whole can ! Those tabs YOU need 1000’s of them to get just .45 thats one lb price for aluminum !

30 12 oz cans = 1 lb ! Recyclying centers all over NY and NJ they takle all kinds of Metal not just aluminum !

SEE me on you tube billybillscrapper and the 1000’s of others WE all show how you can make money doing this and I mean a lot of money even just p/t will make you $200 a week !

Paul asks…

Where to turn in cans for recycling?

I’m going to collect cans to recycle to make money.. but where do I put the cans/ what do I do with them to actually make the money?

The Expert answers:

Look in the phone book for recycling locations in your area. And aluminum is up in price per pound.
Smash the cans flat as you get them. It takes a lot to make money. But it will give you extra coins
to spend. And it helps keep the environment clean. Luck.

Helen asks…

How much are aluminum cans worth for recycling?

I live in Pueblo, Colorado

The Expert answers:

The prices can change daily. About 6 months ago it was 70 cents a pound. Currently about 55 cents a pound. Takes about 35 normal cans to make a pound.

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