Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Does anybody know any Metal Recycling Centers in Pittsburgh?

I live in the South Hills so preferibally somewhere closer to there would be nice.

I’ve got an old aluminum radiator i’m looking to sell as scrap.

The Expert answers:

Look in the yellow pages

Carol asks…

NO search engine has helped me find recycling centers or programs for jeans, does anyone know of any?

Maybe I am inept at the web surf thing, but my jeans are ripped and wont sell and I’d rather take them some place to be recycled rather than throwing them away.

The Expert answers:

Try finding your local freecycle group at You can post that you are offering old jeans. I’m sure a lot of people would like to use them for fabric for clothes or quilts or crafts. You could also offer them up in the free section of your local Craigslist at Craigslist is probably easier to use for a one time listing, as joining freecycle can take a few hours and is somewhat confusing.

Donna asks…

where are recycling centers in los angeles?

The Expert answers:

LA Recycling Center
(323) 221-9188
960 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 0.68 mi

Downtown Metals & Recycling
(213) 625-8165
526 S Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA

Temple Victor Recycling Center
(213) 481-1790
1127 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA i

Rivas Recycling Center
(213) 252-9635
2507 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA

P & S Recycling Center
(323) 737-6443
1329 W Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

Sharon asks…

Recycling centre?

Is there any recycling centre in baroda,Gujarat(India).If yes then please give me address.
In Baroda.

The Expert answers:

Hi, Dolly! Mike Shaw here!

Yes, there are many recycling centres: everything from shipyard-
type ingredients, iron, plastic, textile, readymades…..

Wow! I am so happy to provide this information to you.

Lal-Gopal 54 Digvijay Plot, Jamnagar – 361005

Royal Recycling Industries- Jamnagar-Gujarat-India
Manufacturer and Recycler of Brass, etc.

Recycling-Machines-manufacturers-& exporter from India-


Alang Ship Recycling Yard map – Tagzania

Hopefully this will be of help to you.

Bless You for taking on such a wonderful cause. Have a great day!


George asks…

Recycling Centers?

I had the idea to recycle plastic and glass bottles and get the money out of them to donate it to the Children’s Miracle Network and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital but as of yet haven’t been able to find a recycling center that will do that.

Does anyone know of a recycling center in the Ohio area that will recycle plastic pop bottles and glass bottles in exchange for money?

The Expert answers:

Plastic and glass are not high-value materials. You would need to recycle a LOT of each of them to make much cash.

Recycled glass (or rather pieces of glass containers) are known as cullet. The only pricing data I could find for glass cullet is rather old, but it was in the range of $25 to $50 per ton for clear glass. Amber glass was somewhat less, and green glass was half or less than half the price of clear.

The apparent pricing of recycled pastics actually surprised me. It is measured in cents per pound for clean, sorted, flaked (shredded) plastics and ranges from up to $1 per pound for some types of plastic, down to 25 cents a pound for other types. I’m doubtful, however, that you would be willing to wash, separate and shred the plastics before selling them.

If, armed with this knowledge, you are still excited about trying to sell your bottles, then I would look in the yellow pages for metal recyclers and give them a call. They deal in the commodities market, and probably know who in the area handles plastics and glass.

Good luck.

Sandy asks…

Where are some recycling centers in Columbus,OH?

We are trying to save the world and get money at the same time so we would like to know where the recycling center is so we can do so.Also if anybody went to the recycling center before how much trash do you need to get at lease $100?

The Expert answers:

There are 9 recycling centers in the Columbus area:;_ylt=ApTsfQbreyVoWN4DukQNjJiGNcIF;_ylv=3?p=recycling+center&csz=columbus%2C+oh
Typical hours are: M-F 8-5 SAT 8-12
though many are not open on Saturday.
You may get between $0.30 – $0.40 per pound of Aluminum.
Thus for $100, you will need about 300 lbs.

John asks…

Do Recycling Centers Clean and Resell Wholesale Beer Bottles?

I am looking to purchase 5,500 beer bottles monthly. Does anyone know if you can purchase cleaned, used bottles and where to buy them from?

The Expert answers:

Recycling centers just recycle, they don’t clean anything. They sort everything into various categories (paper, aluminum, glass, metal,electronics) and then sell it to the appropriate buyers.

For example, with glass…anything that is glass gets put into containers and sold to companies who will grind it up, melt it, and normally make it into glass pellets for smelting into other things.

No one is going to be able to supply 5,000+ used bottles of the same type per month. You will need to buy new ones BUT…the cost of the bottle will be included in the cost of your product (at ~20¢-33¢ each for bottles and cap). The thing to consider is even new bottles should still be washed before they are filled.

Richard asks…

Is there a recycling center in Laurel?

The Expert answers:

There are a few commercial recycling companies in Laurel that will accept specific types of recyclables. A list of commercial recycling centers and what they recycle can be referenced in the first link sourced for this answer (below).

In PG county, where Laurel is located, curbside residential pickup should be the norm. However, there are two additional ways to recycle or dispose of items that are not collected from households.

1) The Materials Recovery Facility (1000 Ritchie Road
Capitol Heights, Maryland) is a county-owned recycling center that will likely accept direct dropoffs. They can be contacted at 301-499-1707.

2) Non-recyclable household hazardous waste (appliances, batteries, chemicals) is accepted from residential users on Sundays (7:30am-4:pm) at the Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill (11611 White House Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, 301-883-5045)

Last buty not least, freecycling is a great way to find new homes for reusable items. Check out for more information.

Steven asks…

Are there any recycling centres in Dubai?

The Expert answers:

I am glad to tell you that there are some recycling centres and if you are one of the employees in the free zone: Internet City, Media City etc, you have two recycling centres very close to you. You may drop there your paper, plastic, cans and glass. May be the recycling Is not widely spread in the Dubai but a collective effort is a good start. Do it and tell your friends to. Location of the centers: parking of Knowledge village, Al Sofouh road and behind Althuraya building. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.

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