Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How can I promote my products and services within the environment market?

I want to promote my products and services to waste management and waste recycling companies. I didn’t findany offer to promote my company to this specific target.

The Expert answers:

I suggest you the 2007 Environment Marketing “Annual Sponsorship” Offer

With its 10.000 visitors month from all the world is today one of the best places where you can promote your Business.
Read more here:

The “Annual Sponsor” will provide you with the best solution for promoting your services and products directly to a selected target of environment and waste management companies.

Who do it?:
Garwer srl is the main Italian firm within the waste trading field.

What we’ll promote?:
Your Company services and products

Where we’ll promote them?:
Garwer will promote your company on and two important waste exchange web sites in Europe. Moreover your advertise will distribute within waste management exhibitions and courses during all 2007 Year.

Take advantage of an opportunity to promote – from now to the end of 2007 – your company’s products and services by sponsoring at and at the most important Italian waste management exhibitions and educational events. Enter in the Italian market using the best gate.

As a sponsor you will receive:

>Internet marketing:< • Advertise in the “Sponsor page” of • Advertise page at the address: • Your name and one link to your website in the Newsletter (1363 subscribers) • Rotational Top banner (max 20 banners) within all pages • 10 press releases in one year will publish in the News area of • 3 ads in one year in the “Featured Company” area in the newsletter. See example: Newsletter archive • 4 commercial e-mails in one year will delivery to all subscribers. See example: >Advertise page in the Garwer brochure< Published in English and Italian our brochure will distribute during the most important waste management exhibitions and formational courses. • A4 Advertise page in the Garwer brochure. • Brochure will distribute during waste management exhibitions (see list below) • Brochure will distribute during waste management courses (see list below) >Brochure distribution< Your brochure will distribute during the following exhibitions: • Ecomondo – Rimini • SEP – Padova read more here:

Laura asks…

Recycling Facilities for Big Companies, e.g: Restaurants.?

So our country wants to help the environment? Now i’m not 100% clear which is worse. Recycling or dumping waste below ground. Since we do recycle, why cant the big companies also have recycling bins, e.g: Mc Donalds, Gloria Jeans, and more. So much paper and plastic is used but there are no recycling bins, only over flowing ones that take all rubbish. And most of this waste also has the Triangle on it (meaning, to recycle). Is there anything, i as a consumer can do, besides recycling my own waste? Can i do more? How to go about it?
Answers for Australia please.

The Expert answers:

You can raise their awareness of the issue and get together with some local business owners and maybe a member of local government and discuss ideas and thoughts on how to maximize recycling. Where I live it is mandatory, but there are some that still disregard that. A site I run aims to raise awareness and help the cause to create a greener planet. You can contact me there and maybe I can help, or there are some articles on the topic of recycling as well. The site is the source I listed.

Thomas asks…

How do we make energy companies develop ways to recycle?

When nuclear power plants were being built in the 1970’s, people were very concerned about the possibility of meltdown. Now, we feel pretty confident that we can survive a meltdown, and we are more attracted to the clean aspect of nuclear power.

Isn’t it ironic that as we are embracing the Green movement and concern for our Mother Earth, that we just shrug when we are told the only thing to do with the waste is bury it — and wait for whatever unknown calamities that may bring – not the least of which is the danger inherit in transport.

The nuclear energy companies have avoided the expense of developing a way to recycle their waste for more than 30 years while they have profited greatly from doing business. Do you think someone should “hold their hand to the candle” until they solve the problem of how to recycle?

The Expert answers:

Those companies have invested significantly in recycling their waste, but they have done a very poor public relations job. The waste solution is simple. Begin by reprocessing, just like France does. The remaining small amount can either be burned in another reactor, or can go through the process of transmutation. See below.


Linda asks…

Do I need to separate my recyclables or do waste management companies do it anyways?

I’ve become a stickler for recycling, but my boss said something the other day that made me question as to whether or not it’s worth the effort. He said we didn’t need to separate the recyclable items at our restaurant because the waste management company does it automatically. He told me that within the past 10 years, companies have begun separating out recyclable items upon receiving trash. He explained that he had seen a whole documentary about it and that they’ve become really efficient with separating out plastics, metals, and other recyclable items and sending them to the appropriate locations to be recycled. This is making me second guess as to whether or not it’s even worth my time and effort to peel off labels, rinse and recycle. Is this just true for the company that manages the trash at the restaurant or are all companies doing this?

The Expert answers:

They give you a separate bin for trash and garbage for a reason. Them sorting it costs them more money which will be passed on to you as higher trash payments.

William asks…

Recycling textiles for waste?

I have some old clothes, sheets and pillowcases that are not suitable for donating to charities. Is there a company that recycles textiles ? I live in Melbourne Australia and am having difficulty finding a company that can recycle old materials.

The Expert answers:

It is very hard to recycle old textiles and most localities have no programs. To separate the yarns, remove the colors, melt the polymers back down, and remake something is 10-100x more expensive than starting from scratch. Forget it, if there are buttons or zippers to remove. It is just hard to justify a $100 t-shirt. Textiles, because of their construction, are just hard to recycle compared to aluminum or plastic where the items are only made of one component. The most that can be done with such textile is chopping them up for toy stuffing and the market is flooded for that application.

Call you local recycling companies that do aluminum and plastic and the city government to see what is available if there is any program at all. There probably is no alternative.

Paul asks…

which are the companies who do waste glycolysis in China?


The Expert answers:


Jenny asks…

Why doesn’t the recycling company in my area accept paper or egg cartons?

How can I get them to? I feel like it’s such a waste to throw this stuff in the trash, especially since I attend school and I always have TONS and TONS of papers to throw out.

Whoever take the recycling at my school takes paper, but the people in my neighborhood only accept plastic.

The Expert answers:

Go to and see if anyone else will recycle your items in the area.
Great site to keep in mind.

Mark asks…

How can we encourage companies to recycle?

There are retail companies that “throw” away products because they may become discontinued.

They throw them away so the company can get a tax break. Many of these products are in good working condition, possibly brand new.

This is not the companies fault, as it is a government requirement to destroy the products rather than donating them to charity.

One example, pet stores get rid of “fish tank equipment” for “current models”. This equipment is still valuable. If given to the proper organizations, could teach the next generation how to “raise fish” or develop a new hobby, learn a new skill.

How can we encourage a change, and possibly to encourage the companies to inspire government – it would be a win-win philosophy. The company would reduce their waste that would normally go to a landfill. The children or organizations or communities that receive donations, would benefit. And the government could still supply the companies with the tax relief.

Suggestions and comments appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Education, Laws and above all Tax Breaks. All these have to go hand in hand. Just saying you’ll save energy by using a CFL is no use, when the CFL costs 100 bucks as compared to 10 for ordinary bulb.

Donald asks…

is there a company that would recycle waste paper for mcdonalds restuarants in spartanburg? ?


The Expert answers:


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