Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

What was East Germany like in the early 1980’s, specifically 1984?

The Expert answers:

Compared with other Soviet-dominated countries in Europe, East Germany had a high standard of living. Compared with free, western European countries, East Germany had a poor standard of living. And, of course, East Germans had none of the individual freedoms and human rights that were common throughout the West. The combination of economic and political disadvantages is why so many East Germans kept on trying to escape to the West.

However, to put the best possible light on East Germany in this period, here are some factors in which it might have seemed – at least to some people — superior to the West. East Germany prioritized elements in daily life such as education, healthcare, housing, and employment. Education was thorough: but heavily tilted toward technology; and also closely supervised by political officers in an effort to spread propaganda, effectively a program to brainwash students into believing in the superiority of the communist system. Healthcare was universally available and ‘free’: but the same was true for most western European countries; and East German medical practices and facilities were less advanced than those in the West. Housing was provided to everyone: there were no homeless people; however, the quality of housing was markedly inferior to western norms. There was no unemployment in East Germany: everyone of working age had a job; but many jobs were sinecures, not truly required for the functioning of the economy, provided merely to maintain statistical full employment; liberty to change jobs was limited; and high performers were not adequately compensated.

Sports of all kinds were heavily promoted by the East German state, as a means of gaining prestige in international competitions. East German athletes won a hugely disproportionate number of medals at Olympic games, well ahead of the much larger West Germany. There were, however, very strong suspicions of systematic doping by East German athletes, particularly using anabolic steroids to enhance performance. The doping was carried out, secretly but fully authorized by the government, under State Plan 14.25.

East Germany was one of the first countries to introduce a nation-wide recycling program, SERO. However, this was not due to environmental concerns; it was to conserve scarce resources. In fact, environmental pollution by East German industry was, by western standards, very dire.

The cost of many goods in East Germany, as a percentage of average monthly income, was very high indeed. Here are some examples (but from 1989, not 1984): –
Color TV: West Germany:38% / East Germany:588%
Washing machine: 48% / 365%
Car(VW Polo/Trabant): 1143% / 11765%
Beef,1 kg: 0,7% / 1%
Jeans: 3% / 15%
Women’s shoes: 4% / 14%

The people were not free to choose their government. In elections the ballot paper given to voters contained only one candidate: the person chosen by the Communist party. To vote “yes”, the voter simply took the ballot paper, made no changes, and dropped it into the voting box. To vote against the chosen Communist candidate, the voter had to cross out the candidate’s name, then take the ballot paper to a separate, public voter box. To vote “no” in this fashion was considered an act of defiance. At the least, any person voting “no” would be put under close surveillance by the Stasi (Secret police): one could also expect to be demoted at work, or expelled from college.

East Germany did allow around 1,000 people per month to emigrate legally (as opposed to attempting to escape, at risk of death). Most legal emigrants were retired or sick people, judged to be of no further productive use to the East German economy. However, it could also be dangerous to apply for an emigration permit. For example, in early 1984, Pastor Wolf Quassdorf was jailed for attempting to emigrate; and numerous people were arrested for putting a sign with the letter “A” (for ”ausreisen”) in their windows.

Ken asks…

How can I make money? 10 POINTS!?

I’m 14 years old and I already mow my own lawn, but where I live, in Texas, there’s a lot of mowing services and everyone has there service so that’s out, but I mean I need to save money for the new iPhone (White 16GB only 125 more dollars, YES!) and for a car, I mean how do you start making money at 16 if you can’t pay for insurane, gas, ect. if you can’ t make money while you’re young. I mean I want to be a well living person when I grow up, but to accomplish that you have to have money. Can you please help me with jobs, and I don’t get payed for working around the house or laundry. In fact I’m doing laundry right now. Anyways, what are some ways for me to work, I mean 16 is unfair for a working age, don’t you think? Well anyways, please help me for job ideas. Thanks. 10 POINTS!
I’m sorry, I’m not a pothead, potheads are very stupid and are the kind of people that never get anywhere with their lives, like you, you’re a pothead.
Noah, you have girl trouble and you’re a pothead, just what I was talking about, you will get nowhere.
Putting together Ikea furniture, haha.

The Expert answers:

I struggle with this same problem!!! Here are some possibilities:

1. Baby-sit!
2. Idk if there are these in Texas, but where I live, a teen can get a job waving those signs on the side of the road that are for new model homes and housing developments
3. Making stuff and selling it
4. Helping other moms with chores around their house
5. Ask your parents friends or adults you know if they have any small “jobs” you can do for them
6. Recycle and turn it in for money!

Hope this helps!!!! If I think of more I’ll try to post them!
Good Luck! 🙂

Lizzie asks…

My computer runs really slow! Suggestions?

I’ve run anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, as well as tried to defrag it and run disk clean-up and empty the recycling bin. I’ve done everything I know to do and yet, despite the fact that I have Roadrunner Turbo, the durn thing acts like it runs at dial-up speed. Anybody have any suggestions? This is a Dell desktop.

The Expert answers:

Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some registry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause “computer slow”.
Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you’ve installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it’s Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Registry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!
There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.
You can download and scan your computer for free.

Mandy asks…

Fund Raising ideas….?

(Basic Idea)
I need some fund raising ideas.

My schools student body is looking to employee Japanese and Tagalog instructor for a class once a week after school. Are shitty district is pretty much broke due to the fact are state is having finical problems. Me and two others have started a campaign to raise money.

Currently are only ideas are pretty much 1. Recycling and Car Wash.

Please any ideas would be appreciated.
I’d also like to add soliciting is extremely limited at the school.

The Expert answers:

In my opinion, I think you are asking your question in the wrong place. Due to current financial situations for everyone I think it might be best for you to go out and ask the community this question. What services you can do for them and what do they think you are worth.

Example: Send out a flier with your contact info on it explaining your idea or what you are trying to do. Ask them what kinds of jobs they need to have done around their homes or community and how much they think it would be worth for you to do it.

You might even goto the local churches or even the government center or agency.

Susan asks…

gaming pc build?

hi i want to build a pc that can run games like arma 3, rust, dayz and titanfall. i have already got most of the parts from recycled computers. i have a budget of $350(until i get a new job). i would like to be able to play these games with a frame rate over 30 and between mediam to high settings. these are the parts that i am thinking of buying.
amd a10 6800k
msi fm2-a55m-e33 motherboard
i already have
corsair vengance 8gb ddr3 ram
antec 900 case
350w antec psu
open to any suggestions

The Expert answers:

David hytmen claims he’s a critic, but after seeing him here on multiple occasions as well as the answers he gives, i’m very skeptical. The fact that this answer seems copy-pasted makes me even more apprehensive. PC piracy is rampent, but this goes for movies and music as well, and people without gaming pcs can do this, so i would think it’s even more rampant. People play on PC because it does offer better visuals, and many mods are perfectly legal: some developers even offer kits to the public.

Tangent aside, if you’re looking for budget parts, go for a radeon graphics card. You should be able to find an HD 7700 series for much less than 100 during a newegg sale. That’s usually the bottleneck for running games. Also, if you can buy two 4-gig sticks of ram so your computer runs in dual-channel mode: it’s slightly faster. Good luck.

George asks…

How can i get money fast?

i’m only 12 years old and i wanna buy a les paul gibson (i play guitar and i wanna make a band) but i know that guitar costs a lot so i wanna earn money right now i am recycling and helping my mom around the house i use to have $230 but someone stoled it i had $120 but i used it to buy a guitar amp i barely earned $20 bucks anyone know how i can get really fast money ( and please no negative comments like get a job cause you know i cant get a job but i sometimes go to work with my dad)

The Expert answers:

I wanted to take the time to tell you a little about the site that i have been participating in lately. The name of the site is This isn’t a ‘Get Free Things’ site. In fact, nothing in life is free. However, this is a site that you can use to EARN things that you would otherwise have to pay for.
I know, you’re probably thinking ‘How is that possible!’ well, its possible because advertisers place their links on the points2shop website. Then members like myself go and complete the offers that we are interested in. When i do an offer, points2shop gets paid for bringing me to that advertisers website. When points2shop gets paid, they give me a portion of that payment so that i can then get things from I can also play games and enter loteries to earn money as well. Referrals also allow you to make a lot of money.
If you need to know more information you can check their forums where members post the things that they have received for earning points on the points2shop website here.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and i hope to see you earning points soon!”

Maria asks…

Help selecting branch please?

I’m 19 years old, in good shape, 6’2″, 170 lbs. I have been training with a former Navy SEAL to post PST scores high enough to get a SEAL contract. This whole time I have been thinking that I’m going to join the Navy obviously. However, it occurred to me that if I fail out at BUD/s, there is no garauntee that I will get my back up MOS which is a Corpsman (hopefully I can go FMF). I don’t want to end up stuck on a ship with a job that I hate. I want to serve my country in this war.

I explored the option of signing an 18X enlistment with the Army. Basically, I would enlist Infantry, go to basic training, AIT, Jump School, then Special Forces School barring completion of the previous schools. The reason I like this option, is that if I don’t make it through Special Forces training, I’ll be sent most likely to the 82nd, or another Airborne Infantry unit. Meaning that I will almost certaintly get deployed.

I am very driven, and I’m not planning on failing at anything I do in life, but I just want to go with the option that gives me the best fall back plan. Also, please don’t think I’m stupid for wanting to go to war. My Papaw served in WWII and recieved a Puple Heart and Bronze Star as well as being MIA at only 19 years old. My uncle served in Vietnam, my dad served in Desert storm as an MP, and my cousin has served 2 tours in this current war, 1 in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan (all of which were in the Army). I feel like it’s in my blood to be a soldier and I’ve wanted to do it since I was a kid. If anyone can give me advice from personal experience or general knowledge I would love to hear it. What should I do? Thanks for all serious answers.
Why can’t someone ask for advice without getting bashed? Cyber bullies need to get a life. Everyone and anyone who is in the military is doing their part and has my respect, some jobs are just not what I want to be doing though. If you don’t have a serious answer to help me with my situation, then go back to your gay porn site. Thanks to the people that are helping though.

The Expert answers:

First off you say you want to serve in “this war”. I assume you mean Afghanistan. We are supposed to be leaving Afghanistan in 2014. That is 2-3 years from now depending on the month we actually pull out. You haven’t actually joined the military yet. Give 6 months to a year for your application, sitting in DEP and waiting for your ship date. Then basic. Then tech school. These can vary in lengths but I’m going to use SEAL’s as an example. 2 months for basic training, 2 months for BUD/s prep, 3 week intro to BUD/s, each of the three phases is 7 weeks. Then you are off to other training like static line jumps, sere etc. All in all it takes well over a year to become qualified. Then pre deployment training with your unit. That takes a couple of months. This doesn’t include any extra wait time for waivers or if you get recycled in a class. Now its been 2+ years. Now I’m not all knowing. I just want you to see that you could pick the most dangerous combat job there is and it would still be possible that you will never serve in “this” war. Obviously training times for different branches and different special forces differ but you get the idea. We are the US though and undoubtedly you will get to go somewhere sooner or later.

As far as advice goes, this decision is yours and yours alone. Would Army special forces satisfy you in the way that being a Navy SEAL would? Is having a good back up better than having the best 1st choice? If you want to be a SEAL then do it. Yes the odds aren’t in your favor but up to 10% of BUD/s classes graduate. Why couldn’t that be you if you have the determination?

Some things to think about are the fact that the Navy has jobs that aren’t always on ships like EOD and FMF corpsmen. Of course if there are Marines on ship (which there always are) then their corpsman can be with them. Even SEALs are regularly deployed on ships so that they can be close by if they are needed. Chances are if you are in the Navy you will be on a ship sooner or later no matter who you are.
The Army will guarantee you won’t be on a ship but it still won’t guarantee that you will get the job you want or even that you will deploy.

Sorry I don’t have an answer here but like I said it is your decision to make. Hope I gave you something worth thinking about. Good luck to you.

Joseph asks…

Natural vs. Synthetic?

I have to write a persuasive paragraph on the following question:
What should be the job of a scientist?
Pick one to argue:
a) Create more synthetic substances. Fore example: synthetic elements, genetically modified food
b) Study substances that naturally exist.

I pick natural substances, but have no idea what to write

The Expert answers:

To get this typed in glass verses plastic into the yahoo question search i hope it helps.
Q Is it true that the EU obliges us to change from glass to plastic bottles?

A No, it is not true. No one is obliging us to change from glass to plastic bottles. And certainly no such agreement was reached during negotiations.

Statements made to the effect that we will be obliged to change to plastic bottles and that consequently we will have a mountain of plastic to deal with, are not correct. In fact, they are also misleading.

First, a background to what exactly we are talking about.

One of the sources of waste comes from beverage bottles. We discard mineral water plastic bottles, beer cans and glass bottles from imported beer and wine.

On the other hand, with regards to soft drinks, for a number of years now, Malta has only allowed soft drinks to be bottled in re-useable glass bottles, metal containers or kegs.

This ban on plastic has the effect of limiting waste because we use less plastic bottles. Instead, we use glass bottles that can be re-used thanks to an efficient deposit-and-return system that encourages us to return glass bottles for re-use.

When we return our bottles, we get our deposit back. And it is estimated that this system also keeps some eighty million plastic bottles out of the waste stream. From an environmental point of view, therefore, this system works well. If anything, it needs to be extended to all types of drinks, not just soft drinks and to all types of bottles, not just glass.

However, the ban also has the effect of protecting our local soft drinks industry against competition because in practice it blocks imports of soft drinks.

As a result, it also has the effect of limiting consumer choice. Maltese consumers are limited to soft drinks that are made in Malta. At a price. Statistics show that Malta is one of the most expensive places for soft drinks. The price of the category of drinks that comprises soft drinks is thirty percent (30%) higher in Malta than it is in the EU. Prices in Malta are even higher when compared to wealthier countries such as Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Spain and France. And, of course, higher than all candidate countries. Soft drinks are only more expensive in Scandinavian countries.

Of course, competition is likely to push prices down.

This is where the EU comes in. If you are part of the EU, or if you are part of a free trade arrangement with the EU for that matter, then you must allow free trade. There can be no restrictions to free trade. This applies both in the context of membership and even in the context of a free trade arrangement with the EU. You either have free trade or you do not. In free trade you cannot keep out competition by banning plastic bottles.

Which is fine if we want free trade with the EU. But free trade can here conflict with environmental protection if all types of bottles are freely allowed to be sold without any consideration for what happens to their packaging.

Unless something is done to prevent the potential damaging impact. And something can indeed be done. For instance, under EU law you cannot just dump plastic bottles into the waste stream. Plastic should be recovered, separated from other waste and recycled. On this point, Malta negotiated a transitional period until the end of 2009 to reach a minimum 15% recycling target for plastic.

Specifically on the use of plastic bottles, during negotiations Malta first requested to maintain its beverage container packaging regime and therefore effectively retain its ban on imported soft drinks. This request was not accepted because the EU argued that Malta could still address waste problems using other means. It was possible to ensure that lifting the ban would not lead to an increase in waste.

It was therefore agreed that Malta would keep the ban on plastic bottles until the end of 2007. This would give the Maltese authorities enough time to adapt the beverage container packaging regime and it would give local industry enough time to adjust to competition.

There are different models that can be used for a system that prevents bottles from ending in the waste stream. The deposit-and-return system that we use today is one such system which can be safely retained.

But consistency dictates that any new system should be all-inclusive and not just limited to locally-produced soft drinks. It should cover all types of bottles, not just glass.

Along with a mandatory deposit-and-return system, fiscal measures may be introduced to favour one type of packaging over another on the basis of its impact on the environment. In our case, this would mean that any eco-tax would be higher on plastic bottles than on glass bottles. This could encourage consumers to buy glass bottles and pay less tax. As a result, it would also lead to less plastic bottles being used.

The next step is for this new regime to be designed. Clearly there will need to be consultation with stakeholders. And serious political will is required to give the environment the priority it deserves, especially if local industry decides to switch from glass to plastic.

But the experience of other countries shows that, provided that they are implemented effectively, these systems can work. And you can have free trade in drinks without a mountain of plastic bottles.

Helen asks…

Fml…I’m so lost idk what to do?

So here’s the deal. A few months after I got married my husband found out he was going to The Philippines and left shortly after. He talked me into getting out of the military and following him there. I love to travel and I loved him even more so I got out and got ready to move. Shortly after he left he began having affairs with the local women. Apparently some women over there throw themselves at men in his situation and the temptation was too much for him. I confronted him and, of course, he denied it like the slimy, lying pos he is….but after I gave him names and some other humiliating evidence he finally had no choice but to admit to it. It was all tearful and pathetic on both ends. I had my heart ripped out and he was caught. So anyway he gave me the whole ” Im stupid, ill never hurt you again, I don’t want to lose you” speech and I am ashamed to say I bought it. Things were rocky for a bit. I hated what he had done and I didn’t respect him as a man for being so weak and after that being so cowardly as to lie after he was caught. He tried hard from way over there to win back my trust and although he never got it back I dropped it and started to move on. A few weeks before i was supposed to fly out there he started behaving strangely, and although this time I haven’t dived in full speed to get proof of his second round of infidelity, I know he was up to no good and I think he just didn’t want me to get there and find out that the cheating never stopped. I cut myself off from everyone and everything. Literally. I lost myself in grief. I stopped eating, sleeping, leaving the house. I lost 40 pounds (and on me that made me a bag of bones). My hair even started to fall out. Stress and heart break really took a toll on me. One day I decided I had let myself care too much and I decided to pick myself back up and move forward. I found a really good job, started eating again and working out. My hair started to grown back in. It’s still a bit thin but it looks a lot better. Then I ran into my high school sweet heart and things were good. I didn’t want anything serious with him but he is very handsome and kind so he was just what I needed at the time. I tried very hard to keep things light with him but as most women know….the way to get a man to want to commit is try your damnedest not to commit so there you go. He is super great but he is leaving here in a year and will be gone a lot. His job is like that. Not really what I want in a relationship bc every single committed relationship I have been in has always been with a man who is gone constantly. I have never ever ever had a relationship where we both live in the same city the whole time. I’m done being the one left behind. Soooooo then the sequester happened and I was laid off. Along with hundreds of others. Now I am unemployed and I am having a very difficult time finding employment that I can pay the bills here with. I can take a lower paying job but I would definitely lose my house. And guess who is on there way back stateside….the cheating husband with his candy words and promises again. Oh he is full of promises, excuses and apologies. I don’t buy a single word coming out of his mouth but the situation is that I kinda need him and he knows it. Financially I mean. The high school sweet heart…argh…I am behaving so childishly and I know it. I stopped responding to his phone calls and texts. He keeps trying to get ahold of be but I’m being silent. It’s horrible I know but I just don’t know what to say to him that doesn’t make me sound crazy. My husband is coming back and he wants to come home to me and ” work it out”. I don’t want to work on anything but financially I need him to come home. I feel so stuck. And I feel like high school sweet heart will think I was just blowing smoke up his rear which was never my intention. I know this was crazy long but I can’t talk to my friend or family about this.

The Expert answers:

The fact that you are going to take back a man that has disrespected you so much and hurt you in the past because of hard economic times speaks volumes about your personality. Take yourself out of the equation and put instead a daughter you love dearly, what would you advise her? , what would you tell her about the man that she is thinking of bringing back? . I’m sure you will tell her that it’ll be DejaVu all over again with him. The lies, the deceptions and the headaches will be with her forever, right? You need to reinvent yourself again, and this time be good at it, don’t recycle what you already discarded. Even though you’re going thru a rough period, you will get over it, but please don’t start with old baggage. Let the past where it belongs and don’t make things worse than what they are. You have made bad choices when it comes to picking a mate, do not repeat the same mistakes again. Meet new people, look for different career options, be more social, read books that will help you become a better person. Hopefully you’ll find the right path in your life, you have the brains and the motivation. Some people say “I am one step away from becoming someone better”, instead of saying, “today I will make step number one on changing how I live my life” Similar idea but with a ddifferent approach. Best of luck.

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