Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Recycling Bins?

Anyone know of any creative methods to make or buy alternative items for a recycling bin. I want to recycle newspaper, cans, and plastic. However, I don’t want to spend $130 for a recycling bin. I was thinking of the large tubs you get from target, but I live in an apartment and I don’t have space for that. Something tall and skinny but roomy should do. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

A 3 bin laundry hamper on rollers. Preferably with a flap to hide the contents. Don’t use paperboxes, they get wet and bottom falls out.

Donald asks…

Recycling bins?

My little town or burg has set up elaborately nice recycling bins in the public library back lot…do you use your towns’ recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Dear lady, my recyclables far outweigh my trash. My city has been recycling for years and has set the standard for the metroplex. While other cities have struggled, my city has actually found a way to make it profitable and keep taxes down. It’s a great program and I encourage those around me to recycle.

Charles asks…

recycling bins?

i went to this carnival kind of thing today and i was wondering

1. does anyone agree that there’s usually not enough/ no recycling bins provided at this kind of outdoor events?
2. can you recycle used paper food boxes and plastic disposable utensils, when they are oily and soggy?

The Expert answers:

1. Absolutely

2. In the case of plastic utensiels, if the food particles are throughly removed.

In the case of food boxes. No. Even pizza boxes are deemed unrecyclable. At the plant, they will toss out pizza boxes due to the contamination of grease and cheese. Something about how it negativly effects the next batch of paper products made is their reasoning.

Susan asks…

Where can I buy recycling bins similar to the green and blue ones placed around NYC for my own town. ?

I am a member of the Environmental Club at my High School and our latest project is place industrial weather proof recycling bins in our parks and along our main street. Every bin I have seen so far online is too small, expensive or plastic. We all want the bins similar to those in NYC but I can’t find where or who makes them and if they are reasonably priced ($200 or less). Please Help.

The Expert answers:

Look in your phone book. There should be a recycling center in town. You can always ask them for help. If not, go to the city hall and ask for help.

Home Depot or Lowes may have what you are looking for. I saw one on the Home Depot website that is for ~$70.

Linda asks…

How can I get a Community College to put in recycling bins?

I’m very interested in getting my community college to put in recycling bins throughout the building, but I’m not sure how to go about doing it. Would a recycling center be willing to give the college free recycling pick up, if not how much would it cost?

The Expert answers:

Check to see if your college has an environmental committee or something like it. If not think about starting your own. You as a group can host fundraisers for your cause. Start by buying recycle bins, and making recycling posters though out the campus. Call your local recycling collection company and see if they have the resources to help you. Good luck!

Ken asks…

Granting opportunities to purchase recycling bins for my local YMCA?

My local YMCA has vending machines which sell bottled water, and people bring bottled water from home, but there are no recycling bins available at the facility. So these bottles all end up in the garbage. I would like to write a grant to some agency which would pay for the cost of the bins (around $250) and some liners. I am willing to work with local girl scout troops to take the bottles to the recycle center weekly. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Wouldn’t a large trash bin with a round hole cut in the lid and a sign “plastic bottles only” work? I think you can get these for under $30 at a hardware store.

Mandy asks…

Is there any place in Iowa where I can get free recycling bins?

I am a sophomore in High School and would like to start a plastic bottle recycling program at my school. I would like to either get free recycling bins or cheap recycling bins. If anyone has any information on where I could get recycling bins for free or cheap or if anyone has any information on getting grants for recycling bins the information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.

The Expert answers:

I would call city hall and ask or the local recycling center. My borough gives free bins and all one has to do is call and order them.

Jenny asks…

What are people looking for in recycling bins in Frankfurt, Germany?

I recently returned from a trip to Frankfurt, Germany and couldn’t help but notice that a lot of people (not just bums and street people) looked into every hole in the recycling bins. Why?

The Expert answers:

They are looking for bottles…
In germany you buy …say…a bottle of coke
we have the price…and the price of the bottle itself:

price of the content = 75 cent
price of the bottle = 25 cent (which is called PFAND)

you have to pay 1€
after youve drunken everything away
you return to the supermarket you hand your empty bottle in and you get the 25 cent back!
Thats part of the environment protection but some are too lazy to go back to the supermarket and take the 25 cents – so they throw the emtpy bottle away! Although you dont have to return to the same place youve bought the coke…you can hand it in nearly every supermarket…or even some little shops accept them!
Most of the people who seek for PFANDFLASCHEN (thats how they are called) are poor. And when you are in the supermarket…you need to wait like 15minutes till you can give you bottles away since some have like 50 bottles >.<

here's the sticker most bottles have (PFAND = 25 cents)
every supermarket would accept it

John asks…

Does anyone know of an organization to help me put recycling bins in my local park?

I am trying to put recycling bins in my local park as part of an eighth grade science project. I was wondering if anyone knew of a few organizations I could contact to interview or help me make this a reality. By the way, I live in Wake County, North Carolina if that information is needed.

The Expert answers:

Hey! Try to emil your local government and ask for recycling bins! Im realyy glad u wana make a difference! 🙂 i hope this helped 🙂

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