Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Is there a computer recycling center in Chicago?

I am looking for a company that collects the precious metals from motherboards.

The Expert answers:

Yes, but I am not sure where it is and you can google it to find out. My brother lives there and he go there for used parts.

Donna asks…

Does anyone know of any recycling centers that accept magazines in Chicago, IL?

I been trying to find a recycling center in the Chicago area that will take magazines. So far no luck finding one, can anyone help me?

The Expert answers:

Some high school art teachers might take them. I know when I was in high school my art teacher liked it when students brought in old magazines they no longer used.

Nancy asks…

I need help with recycling in the Chicago-area?

How do I find a local recycling center? I live in the suburbs of Chicago, which is in Illinois (obviously); I’ve looked online and I can’t seem to find a recycling center or anywhere I can drop off things to recycle. Is there a website that lists recycling drop-offs or might have relevant information to help me out? My neighborhood does NOT have a recycling truck that comes by every week to get recyclables.

The Expert answers:

Have you tried calling the folks who collect your garbage? I live in a super small town and we have a recycling drop off here in town.

I’m in NW Indiana and I know a lot of stores such as Strack’s have drop off centers in their parking lots.

Good luck!

Lisa asks…

what are the best recycling centers in north Chicago?

I am trying to recycle coke bottles and plastic water bottles.


The Expert answers:

I am happy for you!!

Helen asks…

Recycling Centers in Chicago???

Does anyone where I can recycle CPUs, old monitors, and broken printers for free and they offer a recycling certificate? I have visisted all the sites on this site: and they all have a lot of info. but don’t really say anything. (They all say: Please contact us for more info…)

The Expert answers:

Good evening!

Try this website:

You didn’t say a city so I can’t help too much… Go ahead and call your local city officers or e-mail them for more questions on recycling. They can help! Try to reach the cities recycling division if there is one or if you can! Take Care, and thanks for making a difference in this world!

Daniel asks…

What are some recycle centers in Chicago?

I am looking for a place (or several places) that can recycle my collection of plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles, and maybe even get money from it. Anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Drop off recycle

sell recycle Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Nickel Alloys, Precious Metals

Other place

Steven asks…

does anyone knows a place likd this in chicago?

i heard that in some were in chicago some were in a recycling center
you recycle the cap of the cans (the thing that makes it open) and if you give a lots then they will give you around $1,000 some were around there.
so does anybody knows this place or a place in chiago that gives a lots of money for aluminum cans.please and thank you
does anybody knows were this is?

The Expert answers:

Well of course they are liberal hippies and depend on the government.

Ruth asks…

1. The Chicago Center for Green Technology (CCGT) has 4 stops on its self-guided tour. Name each of the ?

The Chicago Center for Green Technology (CCGT) has 4 stops on its self-guided tour.
Name each of the 4 stops, describe how it looked, and the purpose of each stop.

2. The Resource Center in the CCGT contained many sustainable building materials/appliances/fixtures, etc. at each exhibit.
Name 1 item.
Explain what it was made of/or how it’s different from traditionally used materials.
Explain why that material is a sustainable choice.

3. Why does the CCGT have showers?

4. What percent of the new building materials were used in the rennovaton was from recycled materials?
What is the reason for the large east-facing windows?
What are the four components of ecosystems? These are each represented in symbols in the self tour guide and throughout the building.

The Expert answers:

Hey, do your own homework!

Or, go to their website…

Thomas asks…

Tire and/or Vinyl Siding Recycling?

Are there any recycling centers in between NE Illinois (Chicago) and SW Wisconsin (Milwaukee) that buy Tires and or Vinyl Siding??? If so post the address as a answer… Thanks

The Expert answers:

Ben’s Tire Svc Inc
(773) 651-5055 Write a Review 9018 S Halsted St
Chicago, IL Map

Erie-Lasalle Body Shop & Car Care Center
Quality State-Of-The-Art Repairs Since 1934!
(866) 751-7407 Web Site Contact Us More Info 146 W Erie St
Chicago, IL Map

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