Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

Ideas for raising campus awareness about recycling/reducing waste?

posters, flyers, talking to classes, free reusable water bottles and coffee mugs, signable pledge banners, sidewalk chalking, petitions to remove trays from cafeteria (people waste less food), do not mail lists, etc… I need more ideas to get people to recycle on campus.

The Expert answers:

Put out recycling bins in all the hallways that are decorated nicely, put up signs above the trash cans reminding that ANY paper can be recycled. Ask the cafeteria to put out extra bins for compost materials, to waste less. Propose that your school install motion sensors in all the class rooms so that when no one is in them, the lights turn off automatically. Have a “Green Day” once a week, have everyone turn off anything they aren’t using, turn off the sink, everyone can wear green.

Jenny asks…

Where can I drop off e-Waste for recycling in midtown Manhattan?

For free, I don’t want to pay someone to recycle, I just have some old computer chips lying around and old cables, dead hard drives etc. I do not want to just trow in the garbage.

The Expert answers:

Anywhere, if you drive fast enough.

Donna asks…

Does crumb rubber from waste tires have to be devulcanized to be used in recycling applications?

I am finding conflicting information about this topic. Does the crumb rubber that comes from waste tires have to go through a devulcanization process which breaks the cross linked polymer in order to be used for any recycling process? Or can crumb rubber as is be used? Examples being construction materials like concrete with rubber additive. Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Yes it does

Linda asks…

Recycling Waste Are Councils and government hitting the wrong people ?

Time and time again I read in UK papers that the local (Gestapo) council have dragged someone to court for not putting waste in the right bin or having to much waste.
Why do they not get together and hopund the Compamies who over package
Our bunch claim to have a machine which can differentiate between the various recyclable waste items but give a list of things it will and will not accept. So we have three bins Garden waste once a fortnight, Recyclable wate once a fortnight and rubbish once a week. strange my purchaes have not altered but I feel I am throwing greater quanties out. I am told that 80% is recyclable but in fact they are collecting much less

The Expert answers:

I work for a council. And they don,t recycle their waste. And and bottles what over-spill the bottle banks. The street cleaning dept. Clear them up and send them to landfill!

They have been dragging their feet about recycling, now it’s a mad rush to comply with the EU mandate.

I took a drain pipe out of a skip going to landfill. For my allotment. I was told to put it back, “it’s council property” so it went to landfill at the cost to the tax payer. But they quick to say reuse, recycle and save water. I would have done all 3 and saved on landfill space and tax. But with idiots in charge, who have never worked in the real world, and would be able to either and bent councilor’s. Nothing will change while everyone pays up their taxes. We should seize power from them.

David asks…

what does recycling nuclear waste produce?

1)Pu, plutonium.
2)Cn, copernicium.
3)Sg, seaborgium.
4)Ds, darmstadtium.
5)All of four of these.
6)None of these four.


The Expert answers:

Plutonium is definitely one of the byproducts. Fear of it getting used in bombs is why so many are against nuclear waste recycling causing worse problems.

So answer 1 is correct and answer 6 is not.

The rest are much heavier if none are byproducts then the answer is 1 if any of them are then they all must be so the answer would be 5.

Michael asks…

Difference between California EPA Permit and E-Waste Recycling license.?

I visited their websites and understood their purposes, but I dont understand what’s the purpose of their permi/license. I assume if I have the license of E-Waste Recycle, I’m legally qualified to recycle for others, but what about EPA? What’s the difference and are there qualifications needed to obtain the permits?
I basically want to know what’s the purpose of obtaining the licenses for both.

The Expert answers:

You didn’t really provide enough data but;
An EPA permit could refer to air, water, liquid or solid hazardous wastes. The EPA is federal and in CA we have the DTSC, Department of Toxic Substance Control, a state agency that manages the federal requirements at a stricter level.
E-waste is considered a universal waste in CA and thus needs to be managed as such. The CIWMB, California Waste Integrated Management Board, is the lead agency and would require permitting to be completed under their parameters. I would contact the CIWMB direct if interested in recycle of e-waste. If you want to manage hazardous wastes the threshold will be much higher.

Nancy asks…

How can we solve Britains recycling and waste problems?

The Expert answers:

We could start by restricting the amount of useless packaging used by major supermarkets.

Betty asks…

How could I recycle waste on mars?

For my science project we have to make a habitat on mars. We need to recycle air (Plants using hydro phonics) water (Normal ice from the poles, eventually drilling for ice) and waste. If anyone could help me with recycling waste that’d be great.

The Expert answers:

We shouldn’t recycle on mars, in order for us to colonise mars we need to create as much greenhouse gases as possible, since it is further from the sun than the earth is.

Ken asks…

hoew do you start a waste paper recycling plant ? what are the machineries required?

The Expert answers:

I think there is some info on youtube. Type it in the search

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