Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

a place where I can take my non-working tv to be recycled for cash?

anyone know a place that does that?
I have a tv that went out because the picture tube
was damaged. I think everything else in the tv is
in good shape…..

The Expert answers:

People offer them to me for free all the time and I want nothing to do with them—I have a 36″ line doubled Sony with matching stand sitting in my garage that works fine and have not been able to sell it for over a year—asking $250—last 3 months i’ve offered it for $100 and have had no takers. Thing wieghs 315 lbs (tv only)

Sandra asks…

me and my girls been collecting pepsi cans where can we get the cash for them i cant find the place????

We have been saving them up so i can buy them something for saving all the cans. i have been looking everywhere on the internet to find where we can send them to recycle them for cash in Cleveland,OH 44109 please if you know e-mail me thank you

The Expert answers:

Try searching for a local aluminium company such as Alcoa, they often have inner city buildings that might do it.

Daniel asks…

Where can I recycle aluminun cans for cash near Austin, Bastrop, Elgin, Cedar Park, Leander, Round Rock area?

I’m looking at doing a fundraiser collecting cans and recycling them. Anyone know where I can bring a truck load and get some cash? Anyone know the going rate per lb?


The Expert answers:

CMC Metal Recycling (Austin) 710 Industrial Blvd.
Austin, TX 78745

PO BOX 19169
Austin, TX 78760
Phone: 512.442.2384
Fax: 512.447.7575

Main E-Mail:

Buy & Sell Ferrous Metals
Buy & Sell Non-Ferrous Metals
Buy Junked,Wrecked or Running Autos,Trucks & Buses
Car Crushing & Hauling
Industrial Scrap Container Service
New & Usable Steel Products
Scrap Processing Yards
I just called and they pay .66 cents per pound.
Good Luck sound like a great fundraiser.

David asks…

I live in Maryland and would to get paid for recycle glass where can i cash them in ?

I heard that Newyork has a place and Newjersey. Do anyone have the answer to help me with this issue?

The Expert answers:

You can usually cash in recyclables at private recycling facilities. Check out these directories for more information:

There are also other ways of earning money from recycling like depositing your recyclable items at PepsiCo Dream Machine and Greenopolis Kioks. Recyclebank and Waste Management also give incentives to households that recycle frequently. Visit and find the videos about Greenpolis and Dream Machine kiosks to know more.

Jenny asks…

Can recycling make you cash?

How much are pop cans and pop bottles worth. And where wud u exchange em at????????? : )

The Expert answers:

Metal and glass have a ready market, but it would depend on the daily metal price as to how much you got.Same with paper and other materials.

In reality, only the sort of volume a municipal waste recycling plant handles would generate enough cans and bottles to make something selling them.

However, many people living on the streets scrape a living trading things like old cans and glass for cash. A full supermarket trolliey of cans might get you a few dollars.

Here in the UK, there used to be a soft drinks bottle deposit scheme, where you paid a few pennies on top of the price of the soft drink, which you got back when returning the empty bottle. I made a little pocket money that way when a kid, collecting empties thrown away and trading them in.The manufacturers managed to get it stopped, by lobbying the politicians.

Some metals are more valuable than others, like nickel, aluminium and lead.Usually the scrap yard uses a gadget to test for what type of metal it is, unless it is clearly steel or whatever.

You can make some money, but can be a lot of work for not much of a reward.

William asks…

Where can I recycle aluminum cans for cash?

My area is Sanford, FL. Near the Orlando area.

The Expert answers:

Arca Recycling Inc –
289 Lyman Rd, Casselberry – (407) 834-5928

Orlando Scrap Metal Recycling –
18778 E Colonial Dr, Orlando – (407) 568-3666

Robert Wallick Associates Inc –
531 Susan B. Britt Court, Winter Garden – (407) 656-5060

Helen asks…

where can I recycle aluminum cans for cash in Denver, Colorado?

The Expert answers:

In the US, loose Used Beverage Cans are worth $0.30 to $0.61 per pound which is $0.010 to $0.018 per can. Here is a list of places in Denver where you can recycle – and get cash: All Recycling, Atlas Metal and Iron, The Can Man Recycling, C & M Iron & Metal Co, Do More Recycling, Iron & Metals Inc., Metal Management West, Inc, Mountain Electronics Recycling, Rocky Mountain Recycling, Waste Management Recycle America, Western Metals Recycling, and Wise Recycling.

George asks…

recycling cans?

for people who recycle how much would u get briefly every month and how much would a normal trashbag size fool of cans and bottles cause i want to recyle so i can buy the samsung glyde phone

The Expert answers:

The answer to your question will depend on where you live. Look up aluminum recycling in your local phone book and make a few calls. But generally, you’ll have to do a lot of can recycling in order to make a significant profit.

If you do not have the means for the phone you want, perhaps selling one or two items on eBay would be a faster and simpler way to earn extra cash.

Sandy asks…

cans for cash?

i live in minnesota, i know i can sell aluminum to my buddies grandpa at his shop for 60 cents a pound, i am wondering if i can trade them somewhere else for more money, becuase aluminum is running over a dollar a lb.

The Expert answers:


Locations for: Aluminum Cans for Cash

In Minnesota, you can usually redeem cans for cash at recycling centers and local metal recycling businesses. There are several resources for finding a place to redeem cans.

Your county solid waste office. In some cases, particularly outside the Twin Cities metro area, the county owns or operates the local recycling center and can redeem your cans. To find your county recycling contact,

In the metro area, there are several RAM members that will redeem cans.
Dakota County Eco-Site in Eagan, 651-905-4520.
Kaplan’s Metal Reduction in St. Paul, 651-222-8551.
American Iron in North Minneapolis, 612-529-9221

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