Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

What does the at home recycler Need to get the Gold off of computer boards, connectors etc?

is there an ez way? Torch? something that is easily accesible in the average home. please tell…..thanks

The Expert answers:

As the other poster mentions, it requires toxic chemicals, namely highly corrosive acid. It not a pretty process, nor is it easy, or very environmentally friendly, since all of the waste is not very easy to dispose of. If you live in a city, your neighbors will certainly notice the smell, and likely turn you into the police, suspecting you of running a meth lab.

If you google for ‘gold recovery’ you will find websites dedicated to this sort of thing. Most of them want your money for their kits containing the chemicals and instructions.

To be honest, its probably far more work than its worth. A circuit board, processor or connector does not have very much gold on it – a few hundred milligrams at best. A CPU might have a few dollars worth of the stuff, but the work involved in the entire process, as well as the cleanup and the cost of the chemicals makes such schemes a losing proposition.

IMHO the only people making money from this sort of thing is the people selling the kits.

Sandy asks…

How to pull out(delete) recycler virus from hardisk?

The Expert answers:

Scan your PC with both of these.
Superantispyware free edition.

Malwarebytes free version.

It may be necessary to use them in safe mode. This is how to use safe mode.

Mark asks…

how can I get an add on LA weekly or the recycler?

I have no idea how!
Im trying to get add for my band but i want to do it only if its free.
is it possible?

The Expert answers:

No free ads. Both of them charge to advertise. Between $15 and $40.

You could call a reporter for the paper and ask if she will interview you about your band. That would get a lot more interest than a small ad. You could get discovered. If that works, call the local tv station and offer to appear at 6am.

Robert asks…

Toro Recycler Lawn Mower- going to change oil- how do I know when it’s full? I ordered a kit…?

I ordered a kit, should I dump the whole kit in it? Or do I add some then keep remeasuring? It’s a Toro Recycler Personal Pace Walk Behind Mower. Thanks! Should the oil be measured after starting the engine or doesn’t that matter?

The Expert answers:

You add some oil and then check the level. If it does not touch the bottom of the threads, you add more. Do not overfill or it will affect the performance of your mower.

The oil should be measured every time you use the mower as the mower will consume some oil through “ring blow by”. Measure the oil when the motor is not running. It makes no difference if you run the motor first or not, as the motor does not retain oil up in it’s moving parts like a car engine.

Joseph asks…

What is causing gas to leak out of my primer pump on my TORO 5.0 STG2 Recycler Lawn Mower, model # 20449?

The pump is not cracked, but it is leaking out of the tip.

The Expert answers:

If the primer portion is a red rubber bulb,replace it as it can crack after a few years of service.

James asks…

When i connect pendrive in my laptop automatically a folder name recycler created how to stop that?

i have that folder in c drive too

The Expert answers:

Your computer is infected by the “Recycler virus”. Follow this:

Daniel asks…

My computer is affected by the RECYCLER virus. How to get rid of it? my system restore is also not running?

The Expert answers:

These are the tools which may help you here:

Malware bytes antimalware

Flash disinfector

Autorun eater

Some even say, kaspersky antivirus also cleans this virus

I am not giving away the direct links to these tools because I want you to search them on google which may help you find right solutions which in turn provide you the best tutorials on these tools.

Chris asks…

Are you an Avid recycler, or are you hesitant, like me?

I do a little bit of recycling, but when I see the large corporations that are so polluting our environment, start cleaning up the damage they have done, then I will start making it a priority!

The Expert answers:

I recycle ever thing except garbage. Why wait until someone else starts the clean up. That may be awhile. We could use the help now. It’s your earth.

Maria asks…

Folder called c:recycler – Cleaning up deleted and junk files?

I am running a program called restoration to truly delete all the files that have been deleted, but files keep coming up in a folder called c:recycler. This folder does not show up in windows explorer, but does show up when I go to a dos prompt. I tried deleting all the files (in dos) but it says there are none. Then I tried removing the directory and it says it can’t remove because there are files there. Anyone know what this is

The Expert answers:

When you delete a file in Windows Explorer it’s not only moved to a RECYCLER folder, but it’s moved into a user-specific folder within it. So the files you delete are in the Recycle Bin and they’re kept separately from the files deleted by other users on the same machine.

And when you empty your Recycle Bin? You’re only emptying your Recycle Bin. The other users Recycle Bins are not affected.


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