Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Resident of Michigan to Recycle cans in Michigan?

I live in Ohio close to Michigan. The exchange rate for recycling soda cans is higher in Michigan than it is in Ohio. Does anyone know if I am able to take my cans to Michigan and get money for them or if I have to be a resident of that state?


The Expert answers:

Go for a drive recycle them at Michigan. There is not that much money in recycling cans do not expect to become rich doing it.
But Recycling a single aluminium drinks can conserves enough energy to run an average television for three hours.
If we were to recycle each of the 2 billion drinks cans used in the AUS every year, we would conserve enough energy for every single household in the AUS to watch over 2 and a half hours of TV per evening – that’s over 800 episodes per year!
Recycling would also remove 5 billion tins and 1.4 billion drinks cans from our landfill sites every year

Mary asks…

Is it illegal to sell/recycle aluminum cans in Michigan? Or what are the recycling laws in Michigan?

I am living in Michigan, and I wanted to know if it is illegal to sell recycle aluminum cans on my own, or where can I find out the Michigan recycling laws?

The Expert answers:

Sure you can recycle the cans

but the Michigan ten cent deposit
makes them worth more than the aluminum scrap price

Lizzie asks…

What do you recycle?(Ten Points)?

The Expert answers:

I recycle everything that I can. I live in Northern Michigan and we don’t have recyclers for higher number plastics or colored glass. I save chemicals, prescriptions, poisons, batteries etc for our household hazardous waste day. I recycle all paper and cardboard, cans, 1 & 2 plastics and clear glass. My vegetable waste and yard waste are composted.

William asks…

can I get money for recycling?

If i can where should I go?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle soda cans for cash. Price is down, but something is better than nothing. We live in a rural area and a semi comes every, I believe it’s Thursday, where people bring all soda cans for recycling for cash. However, this is only in the summer. Husband saves all soda cans until spring when the program begins again. He stores them in plastic bags in one of the trailers we have. Grand kids bank accounts keep going up even if it’s a little at a time. It all adds up. Some states will give you, I believe 5 cents per plastic soda bottles at the store you bought them from. I know Michigan does this. Don’t know what other states do this. It’s easy enough to find out were you can take soda cans and aluminum for recycling. Check the bottom of plastic drink bottles. It should tell you what states give you money for them. Money is money no matter how little. All adds up in the end.

I can’t for the life of me understand why people have to litter the sides of high ways with there drink bottles and/or soda cans when they can make a little money on them. Guess it’s called not thinking or caring or being just plain stupid. We are for ever finding trash bags thrown on the side of the back roads where we live. There just to cheap to take there garbage to the dump or pay to have it picked from there homes. They spend the money to pay for the soda a beer they drink, but are to cheap to pay for trash pick up. By the way beer cans go right along with soda cans for recycling.

Lisa asks…

What does the HI, ME 5 cents mean (on cans/soda)?

Word on the street is that you can recycle these cans/bottles at different places and receive 5 cents for them. Anyone got a clue?

The Expert answers:

HI is Hawaii and you can recycle the can for 5 cents there
same with ME =5 cents

But in MI, michigan you can get 10 cents per can

Susan asks…

Why is the return price for plastic bottles and aluminum cans so high in Michigan?

I live in Wisconsin and the same cans and bottles aren’t worth sh*t here.

The Expert answers:

To encourage recycling and reduce litter. And yes it works. In fact Michigan is looking into expanding the program to include the bottles and cans currently not covered by the bottle deposit laws, like water bottles and juice cans/bottles.

Daniel asks…

Help…Recycling in Michigan?

ok i was cleaning out my basement and i ran into all this plastic stuff like (barbie, hard plastics) and i need to know where to recycle it in michigan?

The Expert answers:

You mention Barbie. If it’s a usable toy why not donate it to a charity? Got other plastics that are still useful but that you don’t need like storage bins; hard plastic, camping plates; Christmas tree; etc.? Check out At their site you’ll find a link to a Yahoo Group in your area where people post and request stuff they’d like for free. You’d be surprised at what’s trash to you is needed by others.

Once you’ve gotten rid of everything that route you can go to one of these sites to get rid of the rest:

Or look in your phone book for a responsible trash hauler who’ll pick up the stuff (for a fee) and haul it off for you.

Nancy asks…

Canada Recycling Letter?

Hey. 🙂 So, I need to write a letter to Stephen Harper telling him why I think Canadians should recycle. So far, I have the introductary paragraph, and a paragraph about landfills. What are some other topics I could use ? I did a rough draft, and it sounded a lot like an opinion letter type of thing, and I don’t want that, so help? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Toronto is recycling their trash into Michigan, 400 trucks a day, thanks, you can have this Governor back also.

Paul asks…

When will WA get a 10c recycling deposit system like SA?

The Expert answers:

South Africa??? Michigan is the only state I know of with a 10c deposit on cans. ME has a 15c deposit on beverage containers with a higher percentage of alcohol than beer. I counted over 200 aluminum cans in a one mile stretch of road in WA once. When aluminum was up to 65c/lb. Many places were cleaned up, but now with it back to 20c/lb. They are piling up again.

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