Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Why is it good for the environment to recycle old electronics?

Why is it good for the environment to recycle old electronics?


Technology is generally developed to meet your needs and to make you better at completing tasks. Discuss how technology affects your ecological footprint positively and negatively.

The Expert answers:

Discarded computers, servers and other electronic hardware make up one of the fastest-growing waste streams. Electronic waste or “e-waste” contains toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium. In addition, these devices often hold confidential or personal information saved on internal storage media. While a handful of retailers, resellers, and distributors handle e-waste responsibly, many dispose of electronics in a manner that threatens human health, the environment, and data security. As a result, companies that do not handle take-back electronics and e-waste responsibly face increasing public relations risk and potentially significant legal liabilities.

Mark asks…

Where can I recycle old electronics, and have it all be recycle?

Many companies that recycle old electronics are not truthful. They export it to China, and other foreign countries. There, it is not recycled, and mostly burned. Where can I recycle old electronics, and know that 100% of it is being recycled.

The Expert answers:

There are many things you can do with your old electronics. If you have a computer, donate it to a school, library or boys and girls club. They are always looking for computers and who knows, you may get tax cut for your generosity. If you are looking to toss it, call the city’s waste department and usually they will provide a site where you can properly dispose of them. Also, you can check out this site for other options on recycling your computers,
Here is an article from Natural Home magazine on keeping electronics out of landfills.

George asks…

why do places charge to recycle electronics?

I am a person that is concerned about environment (“tree hugger.”) so that is reason for me to recycle plus, It’s just smart (Not only for environmental reasons.) Therefore I try to recycle whatever possible. I want to recycle my old and broken electronic devices too, but I don’t understand why places charge to do so. Don’t they make money already?

The Expert answers:

For one thing it usually costs more to recycle certain products than to just make them from scratch. Electronics require manual labour to take apart all the small components and they also often contain hazardous material and need to be handled carefully. This could be a valid reason why it costs money to recycle them, and why more and more regions are pushing for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) so the companies distributing these products take responsibility to pay for this end cost of their products.

Another thing is the costs of running the recycling facility… I worked at a Community Recycling Centre that collected electronics and other types of waste. Residents dropping off recyclables were charged around 8 cents for every kilogram of waste, a small fee to simply to fund the facility itself.

Chris asks…

Uk websites that recycle old electronics?

I have a broken Ipod and broken camera that are just sitting in a draw collecting dust, I’ve read that you should throw electronics in the bin because of the metal parts so is there anywhere online I can recycle them for some extra cash?

The Expert answers:

Here are some websites in the UK:

Steven asks…

Where can I donate and recycle electronics?

I’d prefer to do both in the same location with no fees.
I’ve got a computer some household appliances and old cables and wires and cell phones

The Expert answers:

Many towns that run recycling programs will periodically have a couple of days in which you can drop off those kinds of items to be sent to recycling companies.

If they are in working condition you might want to try Look online for the branch in your area. You post an ad saying what is offered for free and people who can use them respond with emails to arrange a time to pick them up. That is all free.

Maria asks…

Does anyone know of a place to recycle electronics in Spring, TX?

I’ve found several in Houston, but they’re all at least 25 miles away and it’s a little far for the amount of stuff I have to recycle.

The Expert answers:

Almost every single county has a place to recycle electronics.

Look under “E-Waste” in your local directory

Laura asks…

Where can you recycle electronics and used batteries in Missouri? (Prefer a list of all locations)?

I have an old computer. I also have some dead batteries, I wonder if they can be recycled.

But I do know there are electronic waste centers, I just gotta know where they are.

The Expert answers:


Sandra asks…

Is there a good place to recycle old electronics?

I have an old digital camera. I don’t want to throw it away. Is there anywhere I can send it where they’ll recycle or use it?

The Expert answers:

Check your area for an electronics recycling center. There’s one in a neighboring city where I live, and I usually drop take mine there. You can even get a tax deduction–they give you the forms when you drop off your stuff.

Daniel asks…

is there anywhere that will buy and or recycle electronics?

I have electronic boards from fitness equipment like treadmills and steppers etc. as well as old satelite receivers that I would like to get rid of but do not want to throw away. Someone that pays for this would be great.

The Expert answers:

Things being the way that they are I doubt that you could find any takers for such stuff. Is it new or recycled equipment?

I have a treadmill with problems and a new board migh t be the answer, but i would only consider a new one. Do you have parts for Nordic Trak? I’ll provide a model number if you do. Email me.

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