Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

How would the enforcement of recycling positively affect the economy?

It goes along the lines of getting the most out of our scarce resources, but I was looking for something a little more in depth.
One of the most important things in economics is getting the most out of your scarce resources. I’d think recycling would be part of that. Not sure how recycling would close down plants and factories. You’d think it would open more places of employment if everyone began to recycle.
One of the most important things in economics is getting the most out of your scarce resources. I’d think recycling would be part of that. Not sure how recycling would close down plants and factories. You’d think it would open more places of employment if everyone began to recycle. Please be more specific.

The Expert answers:

It wouldn’t. People in manufacturing would lose jobs and recycling costs more then garbaging stuff.

So, now you have a bunch of empty factories and jobless people and you have to have them pay more in taxes to recycle.

Economically, recycling is terrible.

Sharon asks…

Non-recycling Damages to air…What are these damages?

What are the damages of non-recycling to our air…

The Expert answers:

When you do not recycle then all those things get put into landfills. There are several reasons why this can damage the air.
For one thing if you recycle a plastic bottle then that means less plastic has to me created from scratch. Which means less harmful gasses and other by products of the production process get released. Plastic is made from oil we are already hearing about the shortages of oil left on our planet.

When items go to landfills they also overtime will release harmful gasses into the air, soil, and possible ground water.

I have been to landfills only twice in my lifetime and I hope I never have to go back. I am not talking about the nice little trash collection sites – I am talking about the large landfills full of all sorts of items that could have been recycled which would have saved that land for other uses.
Recycling also provides jobs.

James asks…

What’s the best Job and worst job you’ve had?

what was it????

my worst job was sorting recycling. wtf the stuff people put in their recycle bins is hillarious. putrid filth. /me shudders

The Expert answers:

My best job ever, being a paramedic, we get to save lives and make people feel better. My worst job…being a paramedic, we have to try to save people who are going to die no matter what, or we find them already dead, and have to tell the family that they are dead and we can not bring them back.

Nancy asks…

How do I recycle my Chinese cell phone for cash?

I really want to recycle my chinese cell phone!!! I already bought a new tmobile sidekick 2008 and so i don’t need this one anymore. The thing is, I bought this phone off of ebay for about $150. I already went to most of the “recycle your old cell phones for cash” websites, and obviously they mostly just have the most popular brands. When I’m trying to select my manufacturer, there’s no “other” also!!! When there is the “other” option, my phone ends up to be of $0 value.
How do I recycle it? It’s a Cect k630i (not sony ericsson)
(it’s a good phone: mp3 player, bluetooth, 2.0 mp camera, touch screen…..)
any help would be great!

The Expert answers:

I think u can ask ur friends if they want to buy but if it didnt work u can keep it and use it when something happend to ur new cell
good luck in ur recycling job i hope it do the magic

David asks…

should recycling be mandatory?

i need arguments for my persuasive essay. and also opinions with details. thanks!

The Expert answers:

I believe it should be mandatory. People can learn to recycle effectively. The natural resources we have are declining.
Recycling will give more folks jobs in the long run, think about it.

Recycling gives us less trash filling up landfills, another declining precious commodity–land.

Yes. In answer to your question–yes, it should be mandatory.

Charles asks…

How does moving to a low carbon economy create jobs?

The Expert answers:

It starts with money.

You can give incentives to those that are low carbon (lower tax rates, tax breaks, cash incentives) and/or penalize those that are high carbon (fines, higher tax penalties).

Then, there is an incentive for people/companies to put in the effort to become low carbon. Even if it is just to save money. This money is used to pay for the labor required to make those changes.

Imagine if we just threw our garbage on the streets and we were talking about getting out of this mess. There are jobs created to clean the existing mess, jobs created at treatment/landfill/recycling centers, engineering jobs created to come up with new innovations and lower cost solutions, as well as jobs created within each company to handle their own garbage.

This situation is one we are facing today. A lot of work will be required to make changes in every industry to become lower carbon and to manage and regulate carbon emissions. It is just a matter of funding those jobs.

Lizzie asks…

Recycle Bin problem.?

In my recycle bin i have a file folder called AIM. I can delete everything in my recycle bin accept this file folder. When i click empty recycle bin nothing will delete. i have to separately delete them but still cannot delete aim file folder. If i click delete it wont, empty recycle bin wont work, restore wont work. Why can’t i delete this file. I really want it delete

The Expert answers:

Install a free cleaner called Glary Utilities ( ) to remove junk files and/or remnants of installs (there is always some) and use it in “safe mode” (for a better cleanup job).



Joseph asks…

Recycling wood and making a present?

My family has a picnic table that is starting to rot in a few places. Its been in our family for 50 years, and it was hand made by my grandfather. He’s turning 80 soon, and we wanted to make him something from the table. (The pieces that aren’t rotting) But we don’t know what to make for him. We were thinking maybe a picture frame, but we’re not very good with wood work. Please help, it would be really nice to do something like this for his 80th birthday!

The Expert answers:

At a craft fair, I saw a vendor used recycled barn wood to woodburn a portrait on. He did custom jobs by taking a photo and transferring it to the wood. If there are artists in your area, one of them may be able to use the woodburning technique or paint/etch his portrait (or him and your grandmother) onto a piece of the wood.
That would be a very personal gift!

If he likes fishing or something, you could mount a favorite item (fishing lure, old reel, etc.) on a piece. Paint the edges black or gray because where you cut it the wood will be very light colored. My grandfather loved poems. It would have been good to decoupage his favorite poem to the wood. Or a family heirloom doily.

Laura asks…

Recycling business?

What are the demographic considerations related to Recycling business?

For example, a more educated workforce.

Can please give me more examples? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

I think that’s a job that most homeless people do.

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