Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Name a Good Non-Gigabyte Motherboard for My First Computer Build?

I need a motherboard that can support SATA, 2GB DDR2 667 DIMM RAM, an XFX GeForce 9600 GT video card, and Windows Vista Home Premium. The computer I’m building must be able to run Portal and Spore smoothly, have at least 2 PCI-Express slots (and a couple PCI slots), support an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 processor, and be as CHEAP and STABLE as possible.

This is my first build, I’m doing it to save money (I am recycling some of the newer parts from my current computer), and I need it to work the first time so my dad won’t mock me mercilessly for wasting time and money.
We had a Gigabyte motherboard once, and it gave us a lot of problems and failed after a few months. Someone else here on Answers has said that he has had bad luck with them too. I was told that it’s just a cheap Chinese brand, and I want to make sure I get something that won’t die on me.

The Expert answers:

Why non-Gigabyte? They are all I use…Gigabyte or Shuttle Barebones on all my machines.

Can’t help you, because Gigabyte makes the best boards for beginners and advanced builders.

I don’t work for Gigabyte either.

Donald asks…

Useless triviavey: Take my survey, please?

1. What was your high school’s mascot?
2. What’s the view from the nearest window?
3. Do you recycle?
4. What color was your first car?
5. Do you sleep well at night?
6. What are your pet(s)’ names?
7. What song was playing when you got out of your vehicle?
8. What do you put on your French toast?
9. Lobster and wine or beer and ribs?
10. What other ways do you waste time?

1. Jets/
2. My truck.
3. Yes.
4. White
5. Most of the time.
6. Sadie, Dumplin’, and stupid cat (at least, that’s what I call it).
7. AC/DC’s Hell’s Bells.
8. Blueberries and whipped cream.
9. Ribs
10. Law & Order reruns.

The Expert answers:

1.The Plungers
2. The read light district
3. I do it naturally.
4. Plaid
5. I make a few mistakes, otherwise…
6. Kailib, Slayer of the Damned, and Rick
7. Chicken Dance Song
8. Feathers
9. Hahaha! Trick question
10. Organized Yatzee Night for my robot army

Robert asks…

styraphome and plastics?

I live in the country and burn styraphome and plastics.
I burn it because I don’t want to take up room in the landfills and polute the ground water. I don’t like to recycle because it is a waste of time and effort. It’s easier just to burn styraphome and plastics just to get rid of it, then and there. Why have it sit in the landfills for 2000 yrs? I have been telling others to do the same as me due to the landfill situations. We are running out of room for building houses! I also created a mini-bookets to encourge people to “Burn, not Build up trash” My question is this. When I see the black smoke go in the air, where does it go? I don’t see it land back on the ground.

The Expert answers:

The ozone has been getting better… You can sleep easy.

Steven asks…

Which of the following is not an advantage associated with recycling?

A) extension of available mineral resources
B) reduces energy consumption
C) saves unspoiled land from mining impact
D) the concentration of the most mineral resources
E) reduces the amount of solid waste requiring disposal,

A manufacturing system based on minimizing waste by industry is called?

A. recycling B. reuse C. dematerialization

D. mineral substitution E. sustainable manufacturing.

Thanks for the help I have asked a lot today here but just with the questions I really didn’t understand thanks again to those who actually have helped me and have taken their time thank you so much.

The Expert answers:

If you are really savy you can argue that B is not an advantage. It would shock people to find out how much energy it takes to recycle (transportation and melting down and chemicals used to get rid of contaminants) About the only item that is recycled on a wide scale bases that is efficient to recycle is aluminum. But the greenies don’t want to hear about it.

My guess is D the answer the teacher wants. D doesn’t make sense.
I know what sustainable facilities are – buildings that are built to utilize ‘green’ energy and enviro friendly construction materials. I would assume the same applies to manufacturing. I would say E is the right answer.

Daniel asks…

Are mailing labels (from charities) recyclable?

Anyone who gives to a couple of charities knows what I’m talkin about. I get mailing labels from tons of organizations and would like to dump them in my paper recycling, but I don’t know if they’re recyclable. So I waste my time opening the envelope and throwing the labels away while putting the rest in the paper recycling bag.

The Expert answers:


Jenny asks…

Do you waste water, gas, and electricity?

I am very wasteful. I leave all of my lights, tvs, radios, and computers on 24 hours a day. I leave the water running while shaving, brushing my teeth, and washing dishes. I stay in the shower until all of the hot water is cold. I litter all of the time. I never recycle anything. What do you think of me?

The Expert answers:

I Think Your The Same As Me x)

Joseph asks…

what do you do with household waste?

A lot of people throw away food every minute and waste it, and half that that food is perfect. The biggest concern is plastic bags because they take along time to break down. The landfill sites are getting bigger and bigger over the last years and are polluting the environments. People are given red boxes for plastic, green boxes for cans, brown bins for cardboard, recycling for paper and green bins for waste. A lot of these recycled products would be useful for making every day products like news papers and books.

The Expert answers:

All our waste is recycled…………………..

Lizzie asks…

Is there any way to recycle pens?

The plastic in the pen is what I’m thinking of. I’m an artist and use a lot of pens. Many pens don’t say what kind of plastic they are, or if they’re toxic because of the ink. Am I wasting my time?

The Expert answers:

As far as I know you can’t recycle pens. You can reduce waste by purchasing refillable pens instead. You can also look for brands that are made with recycled content.

Charles asks…

Global Warming?

Global warming is said to be a huge problem in the world today, If you look around there is proof. The polar ice caps melting, and huge wholes in the ozone layer. Why is it people are saying it isn’t real? Is it because some people want to be lazy and not recycle? Or ride there bikes to the store instead of the luxury of riding in a car burning up gasoline? Do they not want to wake up and realize how much of an issue this is? Anyway and if noone does anything to stop it….what will happen 20 years from now?

What are your thoughts on global warming?

Explain why do you think it’s fake and isn’t real?
Explain why do you think it is real?

** I know I am going to get scolded big time by alot of people on here…so if you are just going to send hate answers or hate mail, I will not answer you are wasting time**
Oh and also…if these vehicle companys are trying to be green and make environment safe vehicles like hybrids….Why are they over pricing them? A hybrid 2007 Ford F-l50 and A 2007 Silverado is almost $5,000-$10,000 more than a regular non-fuel efficient one. Why is that? wouldn’t you think they would make them cheaper to help with the enironment if they were truly worried.
crknapp79… Um, I don’t recall stating anything about land being swallowed by water…so don’t say “what grad are you in?” because you just made yourself look really dumb considering i said nothing on that subject.

The Expert answers:

Only about 20% of Americans think global warming isn’t happening. Those are the Americans most out of touch with reality.

There’s another relatively small percentage of people who think that humans aren’t causing global warming. Most of them are uninformed or misinformed on the issue, and only believe this is the case because they want it to be true, so they accept the misinformation without question.

My thought is that the current global warming is primarily caused by humans, as illustrated in this climate model plot:

The evidence that humans are the primary cause is overwhelming, and most climate science experts agree on this.

If we take no action, in 20 years we’ll be starting to see some of the worst effects take hold. Droughts, heat waves, water shortages, coral reefs dying, etc. Etc.

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